Sunday, April 4, 2010

A piece of me...April 2010

This is a monthly game started by Toothfairy (hopefully she will be back soon). The game is to share info about yourself on the 1st Sunday of every month. This month....

I like: that as friendships develop/evolve, blogging gets to be even more fun. Also, March (my least favorite month) is over and we're having great weather right now.

I don't like: Tourists!!! Well, I love tourists. It's great to see people coming to DC and the Smithsonian. But when there are so many that foot traffic comes to a standstill and subway platforms become dangerous places, well, let's just say I wish I could spread them out a little bit.

I want you to know: I have super powers! Most are not very helpful. For example, if there is a wet spot on the floor anywhere in my house, I will find it by stepping on it! But there is one that could be helpful, if people would listen. But they won't! I'm going to blog about it soon. =)

I've planned: To give old friends (ex-friends) another chance. Three people who lost my trust and friendship are trying to roll back the clock. They're not making amends, but they are reaching out. I should give them a chance, right?

I want to say to someone special: Quirky? Me? That's a first and I like the sound of it.


  1. you believe that everyone really deserves a second chance? Some people do really horrible things and should totally be ignored for the rest of their lives (i think) haha but I'm just a bitter person. It's nice they're trying to reach out though!

    Very nice superpower! It's even better when you have socks on hey? Haha.

  2. March has to be your fave month, it is your birthday month.

    You are a superhero Rick, though your powers has to be honed still. Hahaha!

    Have a great week ahead! xoxo

  3. what happened to shirley? shes not updating her blog anymore =(

    some people find it hard to give people a second chance. the scar is still there, a reminder of the painful past. some people have the skills to forget, move on, and enjoy life. you have a choice...

  4. my least favorite months = january, february and march! longest nights of the year... coupled with people running out of their holiday cheerfulness = blahhh!
    im def glad we're done with the yucky months!

    my take on exes? no second chances. relationships are pretty much an "all or nothing" situation for me... i don't even bother with being friends etc cuz i find it a huge waste of time. i do sometimes get curious about their present lives though... buuut as far as befriending them and giving them another chance, no thanks :P


  5. Wow! You've got super power ... SUPER FRIEND!

    They said, "Forgive & Forget" but it's really something that takes time to completely practise. Nonetheless, to give second chances is to forgive while keeping their company will certainly bring the healing process to speed.

    You know them well, so keep your guard if you think you should. In time, if you do find that they are genuinely remorseful, it'll be time to let go of the past completely.

    Btw, do check out my blog later tonight. I've got something for you by then, my Friend.

  6. I'm curious about the helpful super power of yours Rick..Blog about it asap..

    Btw, I believe people deserve a second chance. I do forgive and forget. And I did have "second" round relationship with some friends. but there are some people that I prefer to keep a distance with although I have forgiven them..

  7. i believe in second chances. i forgive but i dont forget. so i keep my distance.

    it depends i guess, on how they betrayed the friendship. cuz i also believe that some relationships are not meant to be fixed.

    quirky!! ahahhahaha. you better like it because i love the word & the people who are quirky :D

  8. For me it is difficult to give others a second chance, but it depends on what they have done. If they are honestly sorry and regret their doings I'd eventually give them the chance.

    Wow, super powers? What could they be like?
    I am so curious, please let us know very soon!

    You reminded me that I have to do the Game, too! Almost forgot about it :-)

  9. hahhahahha...thanks for sharing! I'm glad you find blogging interesting:)

    Hows your holy week?

  10. Your I LIKE part is very sweet :)
    That's one big reason to love and to stop blogging. ♣ You are funny, as always! That super powers part really cracked me up!

  11. lol nice superpower : ) yea, give em a chance!

  12. Why don't u like March?! Isn't it ur "birthmonth"? Do u dislike getting old?!? Awwww, u'r just like ur wife then!
    Hehe, I'm always amused by tourists around here...
    I'm a 2nd chances giver myself, so good for u u'll be trying that! But never, NEVER make the mistake of giving 3rd chances...

  13. 1. adorable is a least as far as i know.
    2. don't be so quick to hate tourists. i might be one someday. just sayin ;)
    3. accepting the reach out (not reach around, there's a difference) from ex-friends is okay. just be cautious.


  14. i have a hard time trusting someone again once they have wronged me. I just keep them at arms length.

  15. Haha... I totally step in the wet spots too!

    And I have no idea what to do to satisfy my hunger for shopping. Maybe win the lottery and buy everything I see. Yes, that would be smashing. ;)

  16. Hey Rick. That is totally sweet and thoughtful of you to give old friends a chance. What a sweetheart. You have a heart of gold Rick!

  17. is it weird that we have the same superpowers? hahaha usually i step on a puddle of pet pee (how yucky right?) hahaha

    thats very mature of you to let them try to be your friends again, i also have some issues with some (ex?)friends of mine but unlike you, i'm not yet ready to face them because i'm still hurt by what they did. :( its so hard to have these kinds of issues don't you think? its stressful!

    im so glad to have blogger friends like you on blogger too! it makes the bloggerworld more fun everyday :D

  18. Your special power is funny, but I'm sure there are other "superheroes" with the same touch. Haha.

    Looking forward to hera more about your other powers.
