Tuesday, December 15, 2015


in myself.  I started to name this post "Today's yesterday", but that might have given the impression I think this post is deep.  It's not.

During quiet moments it's not unusual for some of my own recent events to come back to me. Conversations, encounters, decisions...anything, it doesn't have to be a big thing.  It's not intentional.  It's just where my mind goes at times.  We all do it to some extent.

As I was commuting home yesterday I remembered seeing a story on the news last week about a murder near a gas station in a neighboring county.  As my wife walked through the room that evening I said, "Hey look, gas is $1.97 there."

Gas!  A man had been killed and I was noticing the price of gas.  At the time I didn't think anything of it.  But it was bad.  I didn't realize I'd gotten desensitized to the news.  I shared this story with a friend at work and he laughed--but out of surprise rather than thinking it's funny.

Any suggestions on how to re-sensitize? 

1 comment:

  1. I don't quite know what to tell you about that. The news has been quite terrible this year :/
