Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Context (and "So long, farewell...")

In early November I received a promotional e-mail from "Brad's Deals" touting shopping bargains for the day.  The first item listed on the Subject line was "personalized stockings".

That confused me.  Why would a woman need her stockings to be personalized?  Is it like moms putting their kids' names in their underwear before they go to summer camp???  I deleted the e-mail without opening it.

In mid-December I saw a Christmas stocking in a commercial.  Christmas stockings!!!  Of course, THAT is what "Brad" was promoting in early November.  This reinforces my belief that Christmas is promoted too early--before I'm ready to think about it.  Let me get to Thanksgiving, then start bombarding me with Christmas.

That said, merry Christmas to all (who celebrate it) and to all...farewell. 

I'm closing down Waiting for Wisdom. Saturday Night Live stole one of my stories, so I'm out.  It has nothing to do with the fact that I haven't had a good idea for a post in many months.  :D 

Thank you for humoring me over the years and being part of my extended family.  I over-shared like crazy here and you were always understanding, supportive and a wonderful source of treasured observations, humor and advice.

PS - But you're not free of me yet!  I'll still be visiting your blogs and commenting, hopefully on a regular basis.


  1. I'm typing this comment with a tear or two in my eyes (I'm not making that up!). Your blog was one of the first I started reading when I ventured into the blogging world, and I've enjoyed your posts so much over the years, Rick. You've become more than a fellow blogger. You've become a friend. Merry Christmas to you, and all the best in your post-blogging life.

    1. Thank you, Kristie. That means a lot to me. And I feel the same way, you're a friend. I will still be around. Although following blogs, commenting, but not blogging myself will probably make me feel like a stalker. :)

      I'm wishing a very merry Christmas for you and your family--and keeping my fingers crossed that the appliances all behave.

  2. Aww that sucks that you're stopping your blog, but I can understand your reasons why. You've always been such a great supporter of others and a unique voice. Here's hoping that maybe you find your way back some day!

    1. Thanks MissJ!!! I might. Maybe after "Wisdom" has been parked next to "High Maintenance" for a while I'll get inspired to start a new blog. I should be around, here and there, in the meantime. Happy 2016!

  3. Does that mean we'll have to continue waiting for wisdom? I'd hate to see you gone from the blogosphere but know you'll keep in touch

    1. lol, yes, as always, we all have to wait for more wisdom. But some don't have to wait quite as long. :D
      About me keeping in touch, some may not notice I'm gone.

  4. Sincerely??? You're closing the blog? No way! But you posted the care package post. I'm confused now.

    1. I didn't want to leave without thanking Jo for her kindness earlier this year. I might do one more "thank you" post.
