Monday, December 28, 2015

Care Package

Close to Easter 2015 I received a care package from a very good blog friend, Jolene of Jo's Jumbled Jardinière.  It was my first package ever from Singapore.  She's a very sweet girl--a good wife, sister and friend (some of her current friendships started in...well, I'll just say they started when she started school :).  

Jo included a selection of items for my taste buds and my mind.  The package had:

--Yan Yan (tasty cookie sticks with a pool of chocolate for dipping):
--Pepero (chocolate covered pretzel sticks):
--Inspirational magnets:
--Captain America (Diamond blocks):
--a book on the Evolution of Language: and
--a jar of candy--including eyeglass candy packaged in the shape of a lucky 8!  The jar included samples of Haw Flakes, White Rabbit taffy, lemon candy (Smarties style), grape Magic Pop (pop rocks).  

You're probably thinking (and I wouldn't blame you) that I ate it all too quickly to take any pictures.  But I did take pictures.  I lost them when my IPod crashed right after that.  I still had the jar of candy, so I took more pictures of that and the non-consumables with my replacement IPod.  Since I am somewhat cursed when it comes to pictures*, my IPod and computer won't speak to one another.  So no pictures!  I've tried many times.

But pictures or no pictures, I remember and appreciate your kind gesture, Jo!  Thank you!!!

PS - Thanks to Jo, I know that, after a brief fling with Malaysia, Singapore became truly independent in 1965.  50 years ago!

* I lost almost all of my childhood and early adult photos when someone stole the leather bag my wife had put them in.  She had taken them to her office to scan them--so we would always have copies.  Cursed! 


  1. Yay for international candy and snacks - what a nice care package

  2. You never fail to make me laugh Ric. The whole production about the photos is so funny! Happy New Year!

  3. You never fail to make me laugh Ric. The whole production about the photos is so funny! Happy New Year!

  4. So sweet of you to commemorate your so-called last post with the care package from me. I'm really touched and I'm really happy that you appreciate it. It's nice to read your description of the items. Some of the snacks --which are so "Singapore" and indicative of my childhood growing up in Singapore in the 80s and 90s-- look really cute coming from a non-Singaporean. Sorry I took so long to get here. And I'm so glad I did. =)

    1. I'm glad too! I really appreciated you thinking of me and going to all that trouble. I'm sorry it took me so long to do the post. I shouldn't have kept trying to get the pictures uploaded!
