Friday, November 20, 2015

Sleep Cycles

My belief that some of us are simply born to be night owls keeps growing stronger.  That was given a big boost this week when a friend posted that her baby preferred to sleep all day and stay up all night.  She's doing everything possible (short of drugs) to flip that around, but it's hard to fight mother nature. 

I know, because I am one of those night owls. 

As a small child I tossed and turned almost every night when trying to get to sleep.  Eventually I'd give up. 
  • Then my feet would go up on the wall. 
  • Then I'd sit up, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. 
  • Look out the window. 
  • Sit in the rocking chair in the living room. 
  • Then sit on the end of my parent's bed, in case one of them was awake.
If one of them was awake, they were too smart to admit it.  Eventually I'd go back to bed.  Morning would come too soon.  Morning still comes too soon. 

My daughter takes after me with regard to sleep.  So it was no surprise to me when our then-4 year-old daughter told us she'd seen a cartoon that was only on at 2am.  She saw a commercial for the show and said, "I watched that last night."  My wife said that was impossible, but our girl described it too well to be mistaken.

I suspect there might actually be more of "us" than there are of the early-to-bed crowd, but they run the world.  They get up early and make all the rules while the rest of us are still sleeping!  :D 


  1. I used to be a total night owl before I started getting into work at the crack of dawn. Now I can hardly stay up past 10 pm - sigh

  2. I think I might know who that friend with the Baby Night Owl. :-) If so, I would like to point out that the baby's mother is a night owl too. :-)

  3. I'm a total night owl too. have tried numerous times to change that. too no avail. we may not rule the world but we are the better people ;)

  4. I think I have the best of both worlds. I'm a night owl by heart but ask me to be up early and I can do it. I used to hate it when I couldn't sleep at night but since we had the internet and smart phones, I found so many things that I could do to help me fall asleep.

  5. Your post was very nicely written. I’ll be back in the future for sure!
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