Tuesday, November 17, 2015


The version given to us by the "greatest generation" granted childhood wishes ("you can even eat the dishes"). 

The version created by the baby boomers will kill you just for saying his name. 

This could mean nothing...maybe it's not a trend...but I'm suddenly worried about what the millennials are going to do!!!  (As soon as they get out of their parent's basements.)

PS - You guessed it, I had nothing to post.  So I gave you a sample of one of the silly, random thoughts that cross my mind during my daily commute to work.  :D


  1. Look at you, posting with frequency! Is this a new fall / winter time trend we have to look forward to?

    1. It feels like the brief burst of light before the bulb burns out. But I felt the same in mid-2012, so I'm not sure what's going to happen.

  2. I haven't been here in a while since I'm trying to just get back into blogging. I miss your blogs and your whit! I don't normally have thoughts like this, but would be nice if once in a while I did have some silly thoughts that came across my mind. It's better than being stressed out 24/7 :) Hope you're having a great day!

    1. Abby!!! I've missed you too--thank goodness for IG! It is helpful to me that my brain comes up with silly things all on its own when I'm not thinking about anything. It's usually stuff that is only amusing to me, but it's good to find things to be amused about. :)

  3. Replies
    1. My random musings? They'd likely reveal how boring I am. I mean, my wife isn't bored with me after all these years, but she's weird! :)

  4. I always believed the commute was one of the best places to think. Good to be back to reading your blog, Rick!

    1. This is amazing! It's really nice to see (read) you commenting. I've been thinking about closing down the blog. But that thought has come and gone before. :)

  5. Interesting how that word changed meaning in a generation. I'm sure we have words like that today but I can't think of any!

    1. "Discriminating", "gay" and "hot" took on different meanings way back, but I can't think of any recent ones either.

  6. Your post was very nicely written. I’ll be back in the future for sure!
    Cigarette Machinery
