Monday, March 18, 2013

Originality (Recycled)

I thought I came up with an original idea.  But once again someone beat me to it.

As my daughter and I watched some of the recent World Baseball Classic games, I noticed a new trend in beards.  Gentlemen (well, baseball players) were sporting what appeared to be Amish beards.  Being 99% sure they were not Amish, I dubbed them Neo-Amish.

I invented Neo-Amish!!!  Except I didn't.  Hipsters beat me to it--it's already a thing on the inter-web.  Darn hipsters!  But that's okay.  I'm not sure I'd want credit for coining the term anyway.

The more significant thing is the trending of beard styles.  As with any "fashion", they probably come and go in cycles.  Last year the caveman look was in (in baseball).  This year it's the Neo-Amish.

What will be next?  As Brain used to ask Pinky, "Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"  Yes, mutton-chops!!!

Wouldn't you love to date (or be married to) a guy with mutton-chop sideburns???  Perhaps I can make my wife super proud by being the first one to bring them back.  LOL!

Good idea???  :)

PS - This isn't much of a post.  I offer it only as an example of the weird things that cross my mind when I let it wander.


  1. Mutton-chop sideburns? Oh hell no! But if you do decide to bring them back, we demand pics! ;P


    The beard is so out. I mean, just look at Ben Affleck

    1. Haha, I have a feeling you're in the majority! I avoid cameras like Bigfoot, but if I go mutton-chop I'll make an exception. :)

  2. As the bible says, there is nothing new under the sun.
    You can only reinterpret what already exists.
    I don't like facial hair at all.

    1. So no mutton-chops for A, we need to keep our wives happy! My wife likes mine (beard, not mutton-chops). I grew it because I really don't like shaving--and perhaps partially because I had a baby face. No way of knowing what's under there now (unless I shave...but I try to avoid starting things I don't want to continue doing).

  3. When my dad tried to grow a beard a few years back, my mom threw a fit and said that she wouldn't be living with a "gangster" in the house. I'm not sure how she connected gangsters to beards but there you go!

  4. I'm not really a fan of facial hair in general. But I do feel like I'm always coming up with ideas way before they become popular. My husband and I totally think we invented the "fist pump firecracker" move. We've been doing it for YEARS. Then we saw a Mcdonalds commercial where they were doing it. We were convinced we were being followed and people were stealing our ideas. Clearly, we are both really lame. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Lame? Sounds like you two are way ahead of the curve for cool. Who better to follow for ideas??? :) I thought I invented the concept of a "paleolithic diet", but then found out it was a thing before I was born. I'm not sure if it really was an original thought for me or if I read about it in a Weekly Reader in elementary school and then "forgot" I read it.

      My wife likes beards, but she'd also like me to wear thermal t-shirts and flannel (no suits)--something I haven't done since I was a teenager.

  5. Beards!!! My dad had a beard while I was growing up, then one day he shaved it and I was like, "Who is this guy??" I was a kid and was totally spooked about a strange man in the house. Well he goes beardless most of the time now so it's all good. :P

  6. I learn lots about facial hair from this post. I googled "amish beard" and "mutton chops facial hair". The latter led me to a google image pic of a drawing of the various facial hair.
