Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I've mentioned to a few blog friends that I'm the black sheep in my family--and the youngest.  All things considered, I'm actually a little proud of that (the former, not the latter).  If you knew my siblings, you'd understand.

But one of them may be coming around.  Yesterday I received a birthday card from one sibling (out of 5).  That's an improvement over the past few years.

Question:  Is there a black sheep in your family?  And is that designation a positive or a negative???

PS - I smile to myself when I read articles about the "perfect guy".  I've never had any illusions about being perfect, but those write-ups really drive home that point.  Every list of "perfect guy" attributes (that I've seen) includes "has a great relationship with his family".  When I show that to my wife, she laughs and says the author never met my family.  lol! 


  1. How was the birthday ice cream cake? Did you get the flat screen tv???

    1. I was the only one who had ice cream cake. Maybe I should keep it that way--it was great! :)

      No TV yet...that will take a while, I rarely impulse buy. So there will be research. Haha, I'll probably research it until I make myself sick of the subject and then I'll just buy the first one I see. :)

  2. Happy belated b-day! :)

    Hmm...can't say I know who the black sheep in our family is. Guess that makes us pretty boring. :P


    The hubs has one pad in his car. He says he doesn't mind b/c it deters car theft...lol.

    1. Thank you, ma'am! I can't relate to not having a black sheep (good or bad), but I think it's a good thing.

      That man is a genius! :)

  3. Happy birthday, did I miss it???

    No black sheep in our family because we have a small one, only 4. Had to stick together!

    1. Thanks Lisa! I wouldn't exactly say you missed it (it was yesterday), because I enjoy other people's b-days more than my own.

      Sticking together is the way to go!

  4. You? The blacksheep? Now, I find that pretty hard to believe. Maybe everyone else was the blacksheep and you were the only good one. hehehehe. I think every family has a blacksheep or two or might have been a blacksheep at one point in their life. I went through a rebellious phase when I was little, I think I might have been the blacksheep at that time too. =)Belated happy birthday to you my sweet friend!

    1. I'll have to write a post explaining why I'm the black sheep--I don't think I'm the bad one, just different.

  5. Happy birthday Rick! And to answer your question, yes, on one of my siblings is a black sheep. I think of him as "he who shall not be named."

    1. Thanks Kristie! Haha, I do remember that fellow--don't know his name, but I remember. We have one of those too, he and I are polar opposites.

  6. oooh Happy Birthday! I'm sort of the black sheep but I'm okay with it. and lol you don't like green peppers?!

    1. Thank you! You're probably the good kind of black sheep, like me. :)

      I really don't like the taste of raw green peppers--and I taste them a long time after the meal is over. Cooked is better for me (but still not as good as other peppers). :)

  7. Wait, did I miss your birthday!? Happy birthday! Um, there was no black sheep in my family because I am an only child. Or I guess you could say I am the one and only black sheep. But with all the cousins included, I am for sure NOT the black sheep. We all know who it is, but alas... he's a doctor now, so I guess he's the only laughing. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Thank you, Yi-chia! Only child, wow, you're living my dream. Haha! I kid...having siblings was good for me. It prepared me for dealing with difficult people out in the world. :)

  8. You would be one nice black sheep then. Black wool on the outside but peachy on the inside. I read stories of your "wonderful" family and I think you are anything but the black sheep.

    There is no such thing as the "perfect" guy or the "perfect" relationship or the "perfect" marriage or the "perfect" family. I don't like people who set ideals like that as it makes them hold expectations of others. Your wife sure is funny!

    Happy belated birthday, Rick!!! I hope you spend cherished times with your family. When was it? You didn't write a post on it?

    1. You're so right my friend! "Perfect" sets people up for disappointment with reality. Although, reality is better with some rather than others. :)

      I probably should do a post to explain the way in which I'm the black sheep. (Thank you, that means a lot!)

      My b-day was last Monday....we had a nice weekend leading up to it. I enjoy others' b-days more than my own, so no posts.

  9. My mother considers my youngest brother the black sheep coz he didn't make grades as the rest of us. Lame, I know. Personally though I think I'm the black sheep coz I hardly talk at home unless I really have something to say, and everyone else might not even know that I'm at home! -.-

    1. I've pictured you as the black sheep...maybe I just wanted good company. :)
