Saturday, November 10, 2012

You scratch my back...

A good back scratch can be one of life's simple pleasures. But one that misses "the spot" (that itches) can be surprisingly aggravating.  It's as if the fact that relief is so close intensifies the itch.  Maddening! 

For me, the spot is usually near the bottom of my left shoulder blade.  Now I have a plastic monkey's paw to bring relief when the need arises.  But way back in my teen years I sometimes ended up imitating a bear--scratching my back on the corner of a door frame.  Embarrassing, but it brought relief and occasionally offers of help.  Two of my co-workers at Hardee's could go right to the spot, as if they could read my mind.  It was very nice.  Very nice.  It helped that they were good workers--so I didn't have to feel guilty about scheduling them to work with me.  :)

Unfortunately my wife almost always missed the spot.  I often had to ask her to stop and a time or two I asked if she was doing it (missing) on purpose.  I remembered this because the other night she gave me a quick back scratch and found the spot.  I offered positive reinforcement, but it led to a Life with  Ricademus moment.

Me:  Thank you, you're the best.
Wife:  That's not what you used to say.
Me:  I don't know those people anymore.  :P

I messed up, but it worked out well.  She got to laugh, I got to laugh, and she got to smack my arm.  Of course it goes without saying that I'll be making do with the monkey's paw for the next few weeks.

Do you enjoy having your back scratched???  If you don't have a monkey's paw, a ruler (though not as stylish) works just as well.


  1. My dad likes it but lately no one has the time nor energy to do that for him, LOL.
    I rarely need someone else to help me scratch, so I can't say if I enjoy it! I would never say no to a good back rub, though :D

    1. That sounds like a fair exchange--a scratch for a rub! And of course friends don't keep count, so it wouldn't be one-for-one, just helping each other.

  2. Lol..the wife always misses the mark when it comes to back itch yet hits the mark on every injury

    1. You're right!!! I didn't realize that. I hope it's not a sign of subconscious anger.

  3. Hah - my parents have a bamboo back scratcher but I find I can typically contort my arm into the right position :)

    1. That's limber! After a shower I often take the edge of the towel and give my back a vigorous once over--that's how most guys dry off anyway, a good scrubbing.

      Bamboo back scratcher...wish I'd thought to make one when my dad had that in his yard. ;)

  4. Luckily my arms are very stretchable so I can reach all parts to scratch, lol So instead of scratching I'd love to have a back massage <3

    1. I guess one of the drawbacks of having a stocky build is not being flexible enough to reach those places. Thank goodness for friends! :)

  5. This post made me LOL, mostly because back scratching has been a hot topic in my marriage. Hubby is particular when I can't find that itchy spot, so when I do, it's a big deal too.

    1. Haha! I know it's psychological, but the itching does, honest-to-goodness, get worse when the spot gets missed. We've tried different approaches, like her scratching while I move into alignment. It almost never works.

      I'm so glad we're not the only couple with that particular quirk. :)

  6. hahaha omg Mr. Artist is ALWAYS begging me to scratch his back. I think it's one of his favourite things in the world after napping. What is it with you men and your itchy backs?

    1. You must be good at it! It's nice when someone is able to just magically find that special spot. I'm only exaggerating a tiny bit when I say it's heavenly. It's also a great time for you to ask him to do something you know he doesn't want to--it's hard to say no at a moment like that. :)
