Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Two Little Pigs at the Gym (I can be a jerk too)

I bet everyone who has joined a gym (and actually gone) has stories about their experiences there.  My friend Kristie shared an interesting gym story earlier this week—about Curly, Moe and LarryOr was it Manny, Mo and Jack?  Either way, it was a good story and reminded me of an experience I had with two little pigs.  Two guys who were at the gym only to ogle girls.  There's nothing wrong with noticing someone is attractive, but these fellows weren't doing that.  They were being pigs. 

Like Kristie, my wife and I joined the local Y.  It occupied a former elementary school and the gym was set up in the old Multipurpose Room.  During our workouts, we occasionally saw two men hanging out together at the water fountain.  They may have worked out before we arrived, but I never saw them work out.  All I ever saw them do was chat at the water fountain and take turns pretending to get a drink when a woman was on a certain piece of equipment.  Bending over and turning their heads to get a drink gave them a better angle to ogle.  My wife and I rolled our eyes at them and went about our workouts. 

One day I wasn’t motivated to workout.  We were using treadmills, side-by-side, up on the stage portion of the Multipurpose Room, looking out towards the water fountain.  I spotted the two little pigs in action.  I decided to try a little experiment--in search of motivation.  As I trudged along, I started thinking about what jerks those two were.  The ladies just wanted to get a little exercise, not be gawked at by a couple of jerks.  That could be my sister (no it couldn’t) or wife or niece or friend.  Who do those jerks think they are???  Jerks!!! 

I worked up a pretty bad attitude—and my legs were really moving.  I was getting a great workout.  But the anger must have started showing.

Wife:  What are you doing?
Me:  Nothing.
Wife:  Do you know those guys?
Me:  Nope.
Wife:  Stop it.
Me:  I'm not doing anything.
Wife:  Do you know that girl.
Me:  She’s a 22nd cousin.  (supposedly we're all at least that close.)

My wife wasn’t the only one who noticed.  One of the guys made eye contact and then looked away quickly.  He tried acting nonchalant, but kept sneaking peeks at me.  I could feel my eyebrows furrowing down into my eye sockets and it was hard not to laugh, but I kept up the attitude.  Eventually that fellow told his friend.  Then they both tried (and failed) to act casual.  Within minutes they walked out, without making eye contact again. 

I don’t know what they were thinking.  Like my wife, did they think I knew the girl they were targeting?  Or did they just see a crazy person glaring at them as if they’d shot his dog?  I’ll never know.  But I do know I got a GREAT cardio workout that day.  And I know guys like that DO make me mad, I just let it show that day.  (And I know I was being a jerk too!)

*sigh*  I miss the excitement of the gym.  lol


  1. Great story Rick! Now if you can come up with a way to stop the grunting and self-admiration as well as the ogling, could you please pass it along? I could use the help! :-)

    1. Perhaps sound-proof, fully mirrored rooms??? :)

  2. Ahh... those sort of gym-goers. Thankfully the gyms I go to don't pose much of a problem in that regard, although there was a gym whose TRAINERS were always trying to talk to me. I mean No, dude, I DON'T need help stretching. You weren't a jerk since you saved that girl from them!

    1. Oh no, the old "need help stretching" routine is low! Yuck!

  3. Ewww these two guys are gross....they can up girls at a bar not at a gym!! I can tell they knew you were annoyed with either behavior!!!

    1. That was the last time I saw them...I hoped they stopped behaving that way. Guys like that give the rest of us a bad name.

  4. oh, i call those people "gym douches". this label also extends to those who hog the weights, talk on cell phones at the gym and hog the weights, never puts anything back, never wipes down the equipment. it also extends to women who get all dolled up and then judge those who are dressed in, oh i don't know, in GYM GEAR and who just go to workout.

    there was this one girl who i swear was dressed like she was going clubbing and sat on bike barely doing anything and on her phone. i waited around and was getting angry so i went up to her and said: "listen, you're not even working out. how about you go over there by the bench and text and let other people who actually WANT to work out get on this bike. and by "other people", i mean me". i wanted to end my statement with "now move it" but i thought i was being rude enough.

    1. Haha, not rude at all! I'm glad you did that--she had it coming. I wonder if people like that believe they're fooling others into thinking they're working out?

  5. Hah, guys like that at the gym are super creepsters. I used to go to a gym kind of like that but would go late enough in the evening that all those types of people had left. Still... good for you for giving them the evil eye!

    1. I guess the guys at the comic store are different--they're just surprised into silent stares. :)

  6. hahhahha... oh thats indeed an experience . really pigs hahha! yeah Jerks wwww:) hehhe,
    I never experienced yet going to the gym but so soon, hehhe. But hey, so its true that there are goers whose purpose is just ..hmm :)

  7. the script reminds me..

    i have this certain reading skills of how my boyfriend acts just by the way he looks anywhere else..its like i know what he's thinking..

    creepy guys can be anywhere..ugh! i hate them too

  8. This is the reason why I don't go to the gym (besides the hfty membership that is).

    I hope you and the guys return to the gym again so that you would have more updates to share about them!

    1. I'm sorry, no more encounters with them. They must have gone to a different gym when that one closed.
