Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Holiday Strategery (Family)

You probably shouldn't read this post if you've just eaten.  Or if you're about to eat.  Maybe you just shouldn't read it at all. 

I'm in a little hot water at home because of something I included in grace before dinner last Thursday.  Everyone else passed on the chance to say grace, so they have to live with the consequences of letting me step up to the plate (a baseball-related pun).  My wife's sisters usually join us for Thanksgiving, but have missed the past two years.  My side of the family used to gather for Christmas, but haven't for several years.  So at the end of grace I simply mentioned reconnecting with family on future holidays. 

For good reasons, my kids were...not quite appalled...what's a good word for not thrilled?  Anyway, I think you get the picture.  Without going into too many details, it's hard to imagine someone choosing to hang out with either side of our family.  But they're family.  And I have strategies for dealing with both sides.  Since I've shared plenty about my family over the years, I'm going to explain why my kids aren't eager to have my wife's sisters join us for a meal.  It's not so much their personalities as it is their gross habits (although personalities play a part too, lol).  Let me introduce you (w/a few details).

The Re-arranger:  She's the eldest sister, has a good heart, but gets carried away at times (pushy).  You have to be forceful to keep her from going on a steam-roll.  She's ruined more than one of my wife's birthdays (that's MY job).  She enjoys decorating.  And she enjoys rearranging chips.  If there's a bowl or plate of chips or crackers, you can bet she's touched them all in search of the next one she's going to eat.  It's funny to watch her.  The worst part is she'll pick her teeth, then start touching chips in the bowl again.  Double gross.  To avoid that, I have a special, individual serving dish just for her. (She's easily the nicest of the 3--you can communicate with her.)

The Pack Leader:  The youngest of the four.  She has eight dogs and they do as they please.  She never washes her hands.  Ever (and she thinks Canada is a state).  One Thanksgiving she brought a dog with her.  The little guy had surgery on his leg and couldn't be left alone (with the wild dogs).  He had a potty accident on the floor, which she cleaned up with a single-ply paper towel.  Then she immediately grabbed a pan of baked dinner rolls and started placing them (by hand) into a basket.  I quickly snatched 4 before she got her hands on them.  I was honest when she asked why I did it--and she was offended.  I've kept that from happening again by striking up conversations with her just as food is about to be served (and by being in a position to hand her a plate, not vice versa).

The Brain Tickler:  A middle child.  She has no interest in cooking (or cleaning--anything, ever), so I don't have to keep her out of the kitchen at parties.  I've never seen her touching food she wasn't going to eat.  But there's the brain tickling (and the complete inability to listen to what others say and, seemingly, what she says herself).  No, I don't mean brain teasers.  It's that, well, she has long, thin fingers and, apparently, her nose itches a lot...way up in there.  It's an appalling and fascinating sight.  You can't help but wonder how she's NOT touching her brain.  This one is easy to avoid--just look away every time her hand moves towards her face.  (But you still know she's doing it. **shudder**)

As the saying goes, we choose our friends, not our family.  But my kids are wondering if we have to eat with family just because they are family.  (Yes)  :P

PS - This reads like a mean post, but I'm the only one who thinks we should get together with them.  I need to work on making that happen.


  1. Yikes! I understand how this can be a touchy (pun not intended) for you, for them, and for your kids. I wouldn't know how to deal with this personally so I guess it's a good thing for me. Good luck, Rick! :)

    1. Thanks Krissy! Maybe I'll offer to buy the group dinner out next time. :)

  2. Kudos to you for being honest when the "pack leader" was offended. Do people actually have that little sense of hygiene? Thankfully my family doesn't have such problems but if I'm honest, I still insist that we see each other way too often!

    1. Haha, what's too often??? That's got to be better than drifting apart.

  3. Oh. My. That is so gross I don't know what to say other than to offer my sincere apologies for getting stuck with such unhygienic family members. Please tell me none of them work in the restaurant industry.

    1. No, no restaurant employees in the bunch. They don't cook at home either. One year my wife asked her younger sister to bring mashed potatoes to a family gathering. It completely overwhelmed the poor girl.

  4. omg i would not eat. has anyone even said anything? my SIL who is a huge germaphone would vomit right at the table if she saw anything like that hahah

  5. LOL - oh family! I think I was gagging and laughing at the same time while reading this post. You know what, all three of them are still alive so I guess maybe we're the ones that are freaking out over nothing? Still gross though :)

    1. But they've had their whole lives to slowly build up immunity. I wouldn't stand a chance against their yuckiness. Haha!

  6. Haha, oh family. I'm glad that you are encouraging the need to get together, even if they are a bit.. icky. But they are still family. And it's better to be grossed out a few times a year, than live with regrets!

    Maybe you can eliminate the self-serving process when you eat with them. You (or your wife), as the host, can serve them. Or have everything on one plate ready (like in restaurants) and just give it to them. That way, they are not touching anything else.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. That's a good idea, serve them and keep them away from all food prep. We can have them wash dishes instead. :)

  7. Oh the dynamics of family.... Good thing I had dinner before I read this post.

  8. Oh gawd, those are horrible. I "like" how they become progressively worse lol How did they turn out like that, yet your wife is normal?

    1. Well...no comment! **looks away, starts to whistle, then runs** :D

  9. How is your wife so pleasant when all her sisters have got some sort of hygiene issue? Ok wait, no!!! Don't spoil your wife's image here on your blog if you have anything negative to share. Haha...

    I'm just teasing.

    I know of pet owners not washing hands after touching their pets and handling food. I think that's pretty common. But cleaning the poo and grabbing food thereafter? That's sure not a very pleasant thing to do.

    1. My wife started cooking dinner for her family on workdays when she was 15. Maybe that helped her learn to be more hygenic. Thank goodness they don't cook (still, even now), so I don't have to worry about how to avoid eating their food. There are a few people in my office whose cooking I won't eat--I know they don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. Yuck!
