Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Stranger in a strange land

What is this place?  What is a b-l-o-g???

No, I haven't lost my memory (although I wouldn't mind forgetting some of my stinky-er posts).  It's just that it's  been so long since I posted, I feel out of place--and I don't have anything interesting to share.  So instead I thought I'd give you (even) more insight into what my poor wife has to put up with.  Among other things, she has to put up with me saying crazy things at times, just to break up the day and hopefully give someone a smile.  Here's a recent example.

My wife tells stories about my life to her co-workers on a regular basis.  Later she'll share their reactions.  Often, just out of the blue several weeks later, one of her co-workers will ask a question or make a comment related to one of the stories.  Then we'll have a brief conversation like this one.

Wife:  Joe asked how many times you've had a gun pointed at you.
Me:  *after thinking for a moment*  Including family???

She usually laughs, shakes her head and then I give her a real answer.

This may be the first of a "Life with Ricademus" series.  I just need to remember to write things down after I say them.  Then, when I'm having trouble coming up with a real post, I can embarrass myself by oversharing more comments like the one above. 

Bad idea???


  1. haha cute story! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only who has been slacking lately on the blogging. Sometimes it's hard to think of something original to say that you haven't hashed out millions of times before.

    1. I think the slacking has been an epidemic, at least in my blogging circle. Perhaps people trying to enjoy the last few weeks of "not winter".

  2. Aww, that is a sweet idea, I'd def love to read that! :) I know what you are talking about, I've also not blogged for weeks now due to a heavy work schedule, I couldn't do anything except for work so I don't have any nice fotos or stories to tell XD Hopefully I can put up a post today with fotos I'm gonna dig up from the depths of my computer :)

    1. Thank you, I hope these little blurbs don't ruin my reputation! I don't know how you manage to include such a range of pictures. If I had to include one, I'd never get around to posting.

  3. LOL cute story. post about that, please!!

    1. I'll be sharing some odd things--at least my wife tells me they're odd and that I'm odd...but she seems to enjoy that. :)

      My favorite gun story has become a Halloween tradition, so I'll be sharing it soon.

  4. I am a big fan of jotting down ideas, whether its for the blog or some other kind of writing. I am glad to see you back at posting. I was worried something was wrong. And just how many times have you had a gun pointed at you??

    1. Counting family, five. :P

      I'm not sure, but I think my vacation from posting and your trip to Korea line up pretty well.

  5. It's not a bad idea at all. It's good. Love reading all your life stories. You seem to have the most exciting life (childhood mostly?) ever.

    1. Are you saying that once I got married, the excitement was over??? ;)

    2. Definitely not! Still exciting and it's a whole new kind of excitement with your wife and kids and dog. Still very much like how we ordinary folks could identify with. On the other hand, your childhood stories are out of the world. I have not known anybody else with so many family stories to be put into a collection of short stories.

    3. I was just teasing, yes, it's a new type of excitement. But I still manage to stumble into the old type once in a while.

      PS - I'm mister ordinary! :)

  6. You should most definitely share your stories - they always make me laugh

    1. I htink you and I have had a few exchanges that would make for funny posts--if only I'd remembered to keep track!

  7. I was wondering what happened to you! This would be a great series, Life with Ricademus? Genius!

    1. The potential for making myself look bad is enormous--so, yeah, I have to do it. LOL!

  8. I like this shift towards Life with Ricademus angle - I think it's been working well :)
