Friday, September 28, 2012

Life with Ricademus

My wife didn't like turning 30 or being 30.  It was a long year.  But towards the end, she seemed to lighten up about it.  One day, she approached me with a big smile on her face and referenced an old joke.

Wife:  So, when I'm 40, are you going to trade me in for two 20s?
Me:  How can you ask me that?  You know my second wife hasn't been born yet!

I got hit.

She was joking (I thought), I was joking, and I get in trouble.  It's not fair I tell ya!  :)

Enjoy the weekend folks, see you in October--one of the year's best months!


  1. Replies
    1. She told my brother the story while he was eating...he choked. :)

  2. Replies
    1. I wanted the first one to be something you hadn't heard already.

  3. lol, I get it. I would have thrown something at you too!

    1. Well. I was supportive the first 5,000 times she worried about her was time for silliness. :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, I hope you and the mister have a great weekend too!

  5. I was terrified of turning 30 and for pretty much the first 1/2 of the year leading up to it I was just not excited about it. But honestly it's not too bad! And to answer your question, those white jeans were new so I had not worn them before. Very observant.

    1. Haha, better for some than others. It's just a number, what really matters is the person. Without mentioning names, someone could be a poster child for how great 30 is and someone else could make 30 look like a train wreck. :)

  6. Hahahaha, that was funny!! :) I'm also kinda afraid of turning 30, lol. I know I won't change that much to how I am now, but still, that number is so weid to me now XD Seems it is still so far away, but we all know time flies!!!

    Have a great weekend!!

  7. turning 30 is pretty damn scary, I'm almost there.. and it freaks me out... its a woman thing :P

    1. I can only say this to a few people, but awesome pre-30 = awesome post-30!

  8. hahahaha. your wifey is adorable! I think we are like wine, we just get better with age. =)

    1. Absolutely! Although some get more bitter. :)

  9. hahah this story is hilarious, but if Mr. Artist said that to me, I'd smack him too!

    1. The true meaning of the 2nd wife not being born yet was that she never will be born, for there could be no other.

      (Translation: I ain't doing this again! hahaha)

  10. You and your wife have a cute banter! LOL Does turning 40 mean she can trade YOU in for 2 20s? j/k

    1. She's decided to keep me until we've ben married 75 years (at age 96), then we'll go our separate ways. My guess is when that when we reach 96 we'll probably stay together for the kids' sake. LOL
