Sunday, September 9, 2012

Aww, Shucks!

I had corn on the cob over the weekend.  It's one of my favorite things about summer and it reminded me of summers past.  I've mentioned my dad grew up on a small farm.  While I was growing up, he and his siblings leased the fields out to a local farmer.  As rent, the farmer paid the property taxes and planted a section of  "sweet corn" for us (as opposed to the "field corn" he grew to sell).

Every August we made a special trip (or three) to the farm to pick corn.  Usually it was a Saturday evening, after a day full of chores.  By the time I was 11, I knew to take a long-sleeve shirt along to wear in the field.  It was too hot for long sleeves, but the stems sticking out from the stalk were very itchy on my skin--and occasionally the edges of them caused what felt like paper cuts.  We'd work until dark, sometimes a little beyond that.

On the way home we'd stop at the homes of various friends and give them each a paper bag full of fresh-picked corn.  After church on Sunday morning we (but honestly, mostly me) would sit in the shade, shucking corn for HOURS.  My mom and sisters stayed busy in the kitchen, blanching the shucked ears of corn and bagging them to be frozen.  

It's a nice memory, but my favorite part is that each year I exasperated my dad.  He preferred younger, more tender ears of corn.  Each year he'd show me one and each year get annoyed when I'd go on to pick an assortment of younger and more developed ears.  He'd remind me he didn't like the older ears and say I would have to eat them.  And I'd smile.

He thought I was simply picking every ear in sight.  I wasn't.  He never figured out that I preferred the more mature, more developed ears of corn.  So I picked some of what he and the rest of the family liked and some of what I liked.

I've never been one to go with the crowd on anything--which I think now exasperates my boss a little.  Some things never change.   :)


  1. Sounds like me at the supermarket with my parents! They always realize too late that I picked out groceries my siblings don't care for!

    1. It's nice to look out for everyone--including ourselves. :)

  2. Haha great story! I'm nice when it comes to this sort of thing. When in a resto, I'd be fine ordering whatever my boyfriend or my siblings like. :P

    1. My too, in that situation. But in the dozens and dozens of ears of corn we picked, there was room for some that I liked.

  3. Smart of you... like I always say, you were one precocious little kid

    1. Mt dad should have known what was going on--he knew I was good at following directions. And good at editing them when I needed to. :)

  4. What a nice memory from your childhood! When I was growing up, walking in the ripe wheat fields at harvest time required wearing long pants no matter how hot it was for the same reason you needed to wear a long-sleeved shirt in the corn fields. Our legs would be a mass of scratches if we wore shorts.

    1. I wouldn't have guessed that from watching people walk through wheat fields in commercials. They make it look soft.

  5. That is certainly true that some things never do change. It definitely sounds like a great memory of your childhood, thank you for sharing Ric!

    1. Hopefully it's just the good things that don't change. :)

  6. You sly little kid! Well, I sometimes do that too and act all innocent. lol... I feel like eating steamed corns now.

    I hope you don't exasperate your boss too much. Offer him a young ear of corn.

    1. Most of the time my boss is happy that I speak my mind. But sometimes...

      When people ask my opinion, I share what I think.

  7. haha cute story. Shucking corns is annoying, I get fed up with the preparation process that I just buy bags of corn now hahah so lazy...

    1. It is a pain. We had a brush we referred to as the "corn brush". Microwaving in the husk seems to make it easier to get the silk out.

  8. hmm... I was reminded my younger years time too.. yeah corns, farms and loving it.. miss more our province/village..hayyz;)

  9. lol, great story. funny how parents often underestimate their kids :)

    1. Like kids are not real people. Classic mistake!

  10. Did you explain to him then that you preferred the mature ones? Knowing you, maybe you really didn't tell him because you love seeing your father exasperated! Haha. Naughty boy!

    1. Honestly, I didn't bother telling him because he wouldn't have cared what I wanted--because I was "wrong" to want it. Father knows best, right? Haha!
