Saturday, July 7, 2012


I couldn't find my box of emergency supplies during the blackout, because so much junk has piled up in the middle of our storage room.  (None of the junk is mine--what little I have in there is on a shelf, which is now inaccessible.)  I mentioned that to my wife and she asked what was in the box.  I told her I had 2 lanterns, a battery-free flashlight/radio, candles, batteries, and things to start fires.  She and the kids thought the last item was strange--I heard multiple exclamations of "What!!!" from around the room.  But what's weird about having a torch jet cigar lighter and a magnesium fire starter set aside for emergencies???  Okay, the magnesium may be a little extreme.  But if we have a blackout during a blizzard, my emergency wood supply (the dining room set) would be useless if I can't start a fire.  :) 
I aim to be prepared, hopefully without being crazy about it. 

In my recent blackout related posts, I forgot to mention my new crush. She has an unusual name and she's just the coolest! She's awesome and amazing. I love going for long rides in the car with her--all seems right with the world. Her name is Max AC!!! Just thinking about her makes me smile. When the electricity was out, running errands with Max was just the best. I expect us to remain close until September....then I'll probably forget about her until May. ;P

Wow, I have nothing good to share today.  My life was really boring during the blackout!


  1. dang. i should compile things in case of emergencies. just in case things like that happen to me too O_O cept i don't think there will ever be a blizzard in vegas.

    lucky you! our ac here isn't working hard enough!

    1. Oh no, Vegas needs max a/c everyday. I hope it starts running properly.

  2. You are good! I don't have an emergency type of kit so after reading about your black-out recently I realize that I should probably put something together similarly. Max"ine" AC sounds like a real catch!

    1. I didn't get to be a boy scout, but I do try to think ahead and be prepared. LOL, I hope it's a Maxine. =)

  3. I don't know if it is a geographical divide or just my lack of knowledge, but what does a Max AC do?

    1. Hi Jo, One of the air conditioning settings in my car is labeled "Max AC"...the strongest cooling setting.

    2. Ah! Maximum air con? I feel so silly now. haha

  4. When I was living in Japan we were often told to have an emergency kit ready in case an earthquake happens, I always wanted to make one but in the end I didn't. XD

    Oh, my best friend in Japan during summer was also a cool guy called air-con XD I owe him my life. Here in Germany I don't need him, though, it is normally not humid here, hehe. :P

    1. I'm glad to hear my ancestor's homeland isn't humid. It makes me even more eager to visit. =)

  5. I agree. She is the "coolest". Hahaha! You don't want to know about our emergency bag. Let's just say it's quite I've even got one in my car. (Hubby's idea)

    1. I do want to know!!! It might give me good ideas. =)

  6. Max and I are going to be good friends until November at the earliest!

    1. Wow, Max really gets around--thank goodness! I may need Max until November too, depending on the weather. At times it seems automobile windows are designed to generate maximum heat from minimum sun.

  7. WOW I am impressed at your preparedness. Your family is lucky to have you! I mean, magnesium?? Oh gosh! :D

  8. you comment made me LOL! i'm SURE you prefer tshirts over tanks!

    1. They're much better at protecting us from the sun. =)

  9. LOve This Dear! i enjoyed seeing it, Thanks For Posting ! ♥


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