Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Compliment or Insult???

It's such an ancient pitch.
But one that I wouldn't switch,
Cause there's no nicer witch than you!

Frank Sinatra has been coming up a lot lately when I put my iPod on shuffle.


  1. Hmm, I would take it as a compliment. I don't know what that says about me though...

    1. Maybe that you see the value in being the nicest witchy. =)

  2. i realy like frank sinatra... ohhh and nat king cole! pwahaha... there's something about them that makes a room feel smooth and soothing. oh and to answer you question... i would say... compliment. lol

  3. Hehe, an insult compliment! ahhehe. can't relate though:)

    Asking some comments luv here Rick;



  4. "Nicer witch"? Hmmm...I'm not familiar with his songs but that sounds like an insult! :P

    1. I'm sure the hubby thinks it's about you (and a compliment). =)

  5. Hmmm now sure! I do love me some good frank sinatra though! Not sure if you got me tweet but yes, I do love the tv show I dream of jeannie. My brother and I used to watch it as kids on Nick at Nite! I've always wanted to be Jeannie (or her sister who had the dark hair who called everyone dah-ling) who was in love in Major Nelson, but would settle for Major Healy! But thus far, no Major Nelson in my life so this halloween costume won't be fun on its own!

    1. Frank is timeless.
      It took Major Nelson time to accept how special Jeannie was, but it worked out. Some men are just slow.

  6. I'd take it as a compilment cause I'd love to be a witch! But only a witch who can do magic and stuff, hahaha!!

  7. Yep, earphones. I've been known to doze off when his songs come on. "Luck Be A Lady" is probably the only song that doesn't cause this. ;)

  8. I love witches! Those hot ones like in Charmed and all other beautiful witches show (yes I'm shallow and bimbotic). I don't like those in Roald Dahl's The Witches. I'll think it's a cheeky compliment.

    1. Haha,Samantha was the best witch. =) I liked the movie with Bette Midler as a witch...can't remember the name though.

    2. Ah, who could forget Samantha. I watched that when I was very young and could not really understand but I love how she had magical powers.

      I had to google "Bette Midler". It is Hocus Pocus. I didn't catch that show. I always learn new things from you (with the help of Google).
