Friday, July 13, 2012

Annoying Drivers

There are so many categories, but today I'm thinking about the slow-pokes.  Why are they even out if they don't need to be somewhere???  ;P

Especially those that drive in the left lane.  Slower traffic is supposed to keep to the right.  I don't know about other countries, but driving handbooks in the US state it clearly (about staying to the right).  That's why you so often hear people complaining about slow drivers being in the left lanes.

But you know what?  The driving handbook also says you are not supposed to drive faster than the posted speed limit.  So when the handbook says slower traffic should keep right, it's referring to cars going slower than the speed limit (at least in my area).  The slow-pokes going the speed limit in the left lane are among the few drivers on DC's roads who are NOT breaking the law. Technically, we're in the wrong.

But it's still annoying, isn't it? 

The next time you're stuck behind a driver who is obeying all of the driving laws, tell yourself that he or she is probably saving you from getting a ticket--or having concrete from a bridge collapse on top of you.  That happened to me once.  During a morning commute I got stuck behind a little old man who was driving just under the speed limit.  I was so annoyed.  But then big chunks of concrete fell off a bridge and landed in our lane.  We just barely had time to stop before hitting it (and if we'd been going faster it may have hit us).  The side of the bridge had been hit several times by trucks that were too tall to go under...that had weakened the concrete.

I've had this post in mind for a long time.  But after hearing today that someone (no names)  was annoyed at a slow, left-lane driver, I decided it was time to write it.  Let's all take a breath, be patient, and perhaps try to leave a little earlier for our appointments--and get there safely.

PS - For the record, I usually drive 5-10 mph over the speed limit--that doesn't set off any of the many, many new speed cameras that are popping up around DC.  =)


  1. hhahahha... its really good if you can blog, you can pour out whatever even if you are annoyed on something. Well, I can't drive, I can't relate..hahhah!

    Note; am not updating so much on my blogspot Rick so no new post there. If you want to visit, please visit in this blog of mine instead ..
    Thanks:) see yah!

  2. Hi!!!! How are ya?! Just wanted to drop a line and say hi! I've been lurking but it's mostly been on my phone and writing comments on there through blogger is extremely obnoxious. Anyway, I think my biggest pet peeve with driving are drivers who don't use their blinkers!!! It drives me bananas!

    1. Yes, the no blinker crowd seems to think they're the only drivers on the road. I had to use my iPod for a few days to read blogs--it was no fun!

  3. I definitely drive too fast and aggressively... but I think those are Houston drivers in general. I don't know why we're in such a hurry. Maybe because the car gets too fraking hot?

    1. Haha, heat can certainly affect my attitude. I might have a different reputation if lived in an area that's always hot. =)

  4. My dad is a slooooooooow driver! You'll hate to be behnd him on the road!

    1. Only on days I'm letting a bad mood cloud my thinking. =)

  5. If you don't like slow drivers here is a tip. If you ever come to British Columbia try to not get behind any vehicles with a Saskatchewan license plate. Saskatchewan is flat. Very, very flat. When they wander over to our province they are petrified of two things - hills and corners. And we only have hills and corners. :-)

    1. I was actually defending slow drivers. I;ve heard that people in Buffalo don't like Canadian visitors because they "drive slow" (obey the law).

    2. I am surprised to hear this. Trust me, drivers from BC and Alberta do not drive slow!

  6. Slow traffic goes on the left here, so perhaps those drivers had just migrated to the US and haven't adjusted :P

    1. LOL, I'll have to remember that when I visit. =)

  7. I'm generally a slow driver because 1) I hardly ever drive and 2) I'm terrified of getting a scratch on my husband's car (spatial relation is not my strong suit). I know I have to practice more so that I don't piss off people like you (haha), but the drivers in this country are CRAZY. Plus, more and more reckless/idiotic people are getting on motorbikes.

    1. I drive older cars so I don't have a big concern about scratches--but I prefer to avoid them. I'm a relatively slow driver--going 5-10 mph over the speed limit has me annoying lots of people behind me. =)

  8. Sadly in the City there are nothing but crazy drivers. Slow drivers simply don't exist when you live downtown!

    1. DC is pretty much the same. There are a few retiree cab drivers who drive incredibly slow, but everyone else is off to the races--DC makes a fortune from its speed cameras.

  9. LOL I totally agree with your idea about slow drivers...luckily one of them saved your life! 8)

    <33 Rena

    1. I wish I could have thanked that guy. It was a terrible morning commute.

  10. In the U.K, the left lane is for normal/slow driving. :D This post reminds me of Ross from Friends.

    I've seen determined people who want to get to their destination quickly swerve from left to right just to get past
    slow cars. :p

    The slow driver is one lucky man! Must be pretty dangerous driving around that area.

    1. Ross? Oh no!

      There's no excuse for people driving recklessly--they don't have a right to put other people in danger.

  11. Thank God I can't drive!! When I see how crazy some people drive here, I'm realy afraid to cross the street. But so many car accidents could be avoided if the drivers drove more careful.

    1. Absolutely! When someone is driving 20 mph over the speed limit or trying to text while driving, the accident they cause is no "accident"!!!

  12. oh god drivers. the reason I don't ride a motorcycle yet...

    1. I've only driven a motorcycle off-road and on dirt roads--no crowds there. =)

  13. then don't come to markham, ontario (where i live) because you'll probably get arrested for road rage leading to assault. that's the brink on which i live every time i have to go somewhere!!! it drives me nuts LOL

    1. I'm more calm now than I was in my youth--it's been a few years since I got angry enough to string together curse words in new and interesting ways while driving. But you're right, I better avoid Markham to keep it that way. lol

  14. haha I hate people who drive under the speed limit in the fast lane, if you want to go the speed limit that is fine... STAY IN THE RIGHT LANE

    1. Sometimes I wonder if drivers have gotten together and decided to form a rolling roadblock. =)

  15. hahhaa! this reminds me of my uncle! we were following him and everyone around us kept passing us while he was going at the speed limit. gosh... talk about straight edge.

    1. I don't like following people--they either drive too fast or too slow!!!

  16. You bring up an interesting topic! How did that expectation that the speed limit is actually more of a minimum speed begin? I find it extremely frustrating when people drive too slow and don't move over, particularly if there's another driver who is correctly in the right lane, driving the same speed - then there's no way aroudn them!

  17. Over here in Singapore, we are right-hand-drive which means all our traffic lanes are opposite from the States. And I absolutely cannot bear with slow pokes who drive on the right lane.

    You know, you can be the most patient person ever but driving really brings out the worst from these patient people. I'm generally patient but I'm a bitch when I drive. I would complain about slow pokes and hoggers and everything I could complain about vehicles that get in my way especially when I'm in a hurry. However, when I'm on the passenger seat and whoever driving does the same, I would tell him/her "These people are put on the road to test your patience." and you know what? Some of them really subscribe to this saying and cool down. I have to start subscribing to my own preach too.

    1. I'm much calmer now. Years ago I sometimes (not often) made up new combinations of curse words while driving. But that had to stop when there were kids in the car. =)
