Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ready, Aim...

Don't worry, this isn't another post about poorly aimed slingshots, or guns falling apart, or words taking on a life of their own once you speak them.  This post is about getting 8 year-olds to do my bidding.  =)

In my youth I took one season of tennis lessons and played on several teams.  I wasn't great, but with the right motivation (girls watching) I held my own on the court.  I also played other sports--at school, through the local boy's/girl's club, and pick-up games at the local park.  When I turned 15, the boy's club instituted a new requirement--parents volunteer to help OR pay a sizeable fee for their children to participate.  My clever (and thrifty) dad found a way around that.  He registered me to teach 8 year-olds how to play tennis.  I thought it was going to be awful.  I was wrong.

The kids turned out to be fun and we had fun together.  However, they didn't warm up to my co-coach (Chuck).  He was a fellow I'd known since elementary school.  We were friendly, but not really friends.  He was very stiff, didn't have much of a sense of humor, and thought he was the best tennis player in the world (he was a very poor sport when my partner and I beat him in a mixed doubles tournament).  Unfortunately, that inspired the kids and me (in a bad way).  During the 2nd lesson, we split the kids into two groups, with my group working on how to serve the ball.  They picked it up surprisingly well.  So well that I decided to give them a know, just to help them work on their control.  I had the boys line up and all attempt their serves at the same time.  If they hit the target, they won. 

The target was Chuck. 

While the kids couldn't hit the ball hard enough to hurt anyone, it was annoying for Chuck to have 10 tennis balls come flying at him unexpectedly all at once (as the kids laughed hysterically).  That short season seemed a little longer to him, since that happened a time or two (or 6) before our work was done.  Adult Rick feels bad about setting that in motion.  I meant it in a teasing way, not a mean way, but Chuck probably couldn't tell the difference.

Soooo, if you have kids and sign them up for organized sports, pay attention to the coach.  He/she could be a good or bad influence in ways big and small. 

PS - I just learned from Kathy (Vodka and Soda) that girls gang up on each other in different ways.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Insult or Compliment II???

"I'd rather have bad times with you, than good times with someone else"

According to my wife, the proper response to that line is, "No thanks!"  She hears it as, "Sure, you're a *itch and we're only going to have bad times together, but I might as well stay."  LOL! 

She KNOWS the lyric is saying that even bad times with that person are better than good times with someone else, but she still doesn't like it.

How do you feel about that line, insult or compliment???

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Luck Holds...

Yesterday I used my wife’s van to commute because she said it had been “shaking”.  I suspected the front end was out of alignment and wanted to test drive it.  I didn’t feel anything during the morning commute—which is normal, I am really not a morning person.  Who knows, maybe it was shaking. ;P

At the end of the day I decided to leave work on time for a change.  I knew that meant the subway would be more crowded, but that’s still better than working late.  Right?  Of course the subway was awful.  The trains were running late and the platform was packed.  I had to wait for the 3rd train, which was still crowded—no personal space.  Finally I got to my destination and thought the worst was behind me.  I was wrong.

Traffic was almost as bad as the subway had been.  I was happy to get into the 3rd lane on the highway to go around the worst of the congestion.  Then the van started to shimmy, hard.  I eased back over into the middle lane.  Then the van really started shaking, like it was going to fall apart.  I merged over to the first lane, into a smaller space than I normally would.  Within seconds I heard a mini-explosion and black smoke was pouring out from behind the van.  And at 65 mph, the van couldn’t decide which direction it wanted to go.  The next few seconds were an interesting blur that ended with me coasting to a stop on the side of the road, in the shade of a bridge. 

I inspected the damage after the smoke cleared—the nasty smell lingered.  Both rear wheels were tilted in at the top, as if a giant had pushed down too hard on the car.  I back-off a little and could see the rear axle had snapped in half, almost right in the middle.

It turns out there had been a recall for that vehicle’s rear axle—and its front axle.  I didn’t know about either one.  After a mini-detour, the vehicle is now at a dealership being repaired (for free).

What lessons did I learn from this?

1:  Periodically Google factory recalls for your vehicle—you might find a life-saving surprise.
2:  Never leave work on time.  It’s just asking for trouble—leave early instead. =)
3:  Let my wife test drive her own vehicle from now on!!!

LOL, jk, I’m glad it happened to me instead of her.   Aside from the obvious reason, I always seem to have good luck in situations like that (emergencies, stalkings, etc.).  KNOCK ON WOOD! 

What was your worst or most exciting automobile-related incident??? 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Compliment or Insult???

It's such an ancient pitch.
But one that I wouldn't switch,
Cause there's no nicer witch than you!

Frank Sinatra has been coming up a lot lately when I put my iPod on shuffle.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Annoying Drivers

There are so many categories, but today I'm thinking about the slow-pokes.  Why are they even out if they don't need to be somewhere???  ;P

Especially those that drive in the left lane.  Slower traffic is supposed to keep to the right.  I don't know about other countries, but driving handbooks in the US state it clearly (about staying to the right).  That's why you so often hear people complaining about slow drivers being in the left lanes.

But you know what?  The driving handbook also says you are not supposed to drive faster than the posted speed limit.  So when the handbook says slower traffic should keep right, it's referring to cars going slower than the speed limit (at least in my area).  The slow-pokes going the speed limit in the left lane are among the few drivers on DC's roads who are NOT breaking the law. Technically, we're in the wrong.

But it's still annoying, isn't it? 

The next time you're stuck behind a driver who is obeying all of the driving laws, tell yourself that he or she is probably saving you from getting a ticket--or having concrete from a bridge collapse on top of you.  That happened to me once.  During a morning commute I got stuck behind a little old man who was driving just under the speed limit.  I was so annoyed.  But then big chunks of concrete fell off a bridge and landed in our lane.  We just barely had time to stop before hitting it (and if we'd been going faster it may have hit us).  The side of the bridge had been hit several times by trucks that were too tall to go under...that had weakened the concrete.

I've had this post in mind for a long time.  But after hearing today that someone (no names)  was annoyed at a slow, left-lane driver, I decided it was time to write it.  Let's all take a breath, be patient, and perhaps try to leave a little earlier for our appointments--and get there safely.

PS - For the record, I usually drive 5-10 mph over the speed limit--that doesn't set off any of the many, many new speed cameras that are popping up around DC.  =)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Get to know me: 25 random questions

I was recently tagged by MizzJ to answer "25 random questions." I'm pleased because she and I have been blog friends for a while. I assume this tag means she's not tired of my over-sharing. :) Check out MizzJ's blog here.

1. Where were you 3 hours ago? - At work.

2. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? - Let's see...nope! I think my current pillow case has pink on it, but I'm not sure

3. What are you wearing right now? - Plaid pajama shorts and a Snoopy t-shirt.

4. What are the colors of your bedroom walls? - I think they're blue.

5. Who is the last person you sent a message or comment /BBM? - Rooth

6. What does your last text message say? - A secret code from my bank.

7. Can you Taste The Difference Between Pepsi And Coke? - Yes, but not diet Pepsi and diet Coke.

8. Is your hair curly or straight? - Straight. But if I wait too long for a haircut, it starts to curl near my ears. I don't like that.

9. Which is the hardest thing you ever had to do? - At first I was going to say public speaking. Almost no one takes to that right off the bat. But then I started thinking about real-life challenges that involved more than the potential to embarrass myself. If you're hoping for a funny answer, please skip ahead to 10.

I'd say it's a toss up between an "Old Yeller" incident (@ 12) and deciding whether to turn off life-support for my mom (@ 25). The two are not equal, but because of the difference in my age and experience I decided not to choose. There were other situations that came close. But most of those involved reacting to an emergency. Having to act without a lot of time to think is easier. Sorry for going serious. I usually aim to keep things light, but everyone encounters situations like those above at some point. It's part of life.

10. Favorite 2 color combination? - White and blue (for the shirt and pants I wore to work today)

11. What is your favorite accessory? - I think my watch is the only accessory I have. :)

12. Which current celebrity's style do you admire most? - William H. Macy (I made that up because I assume his style is boring, but I have no idea

13. What is your favorite fashion store/shop? - I like Eddie Bauer's winter maybe Eddie Bauer.

14. When was the last time you drove out of town? - A short trip to Baltimore in April.

15. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? - The Snickers commercial with Joe Pesci.

16. What was the last thing you bought? - A mocha frappe--a very unusual purchase for me. It was hot outside!

17. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? - Do I have an early morning meeting??? Followed by, "Is it Saturday?"

18. Favorite Food? - This is constantly changing, so I guess I don't have a favorite.

19. Biggest turn off? - People who are arrogant, obnoxious, insulting, oblivious.

20. What do you always have on you/wear? - A small, yellow gold cross.

21. What does your screen name mean/how did you come up with it? - It's a rip-off of Nicodemus. I was sort of a serious child (a little adult), so a neighbor called me Ricademus to get me to smile. It was the same neighbor I asked "do I look like you" when we met. I was 4 and thought I was adopted. :)

22. Favorite style of top/blouse? - Dress shirts with button-down collars, Henley shirts, t-shirts.

23. Favorite tv show? - Psych? STNG? I really like the current version of Sherlock Holmes (with Mr. Cumberbatch) on the BBC, but each season is only 3 episodes. That's too few to make the list.

24. What is a favorite TV show from your childhood? - NOT Mr. Rogers--never liked that guy.

25. What does your dream bedroom look like? - Since I'm not even sure about the color of my bedroom walls, I'm going to steal part of MizzJ's answer--comfortable and girly (because my girl should be comfortable there and I don't really care what it looks like).

Saturday, July 7, 2012


I couldn't find my box of emergency supplies during the blackout, because so much junk has piled up in the middle of our storage room.  (None of the junk is mine--what little I have in there is on a shelf, which is now inaccessible.)  I mentioned that to my wife and she asked what was in the box.  I told her I had 2 lanterns, a battery-free flashlight/radio, candles, batteries, and things to start fires.  She and the kids thought the last item was strange--I heard multiple exclamations of "What!!!" from around the room.  But what's weird about having a torch jet cigar lighter and a magnesium fire starter set aside for emergencies???  Okay, the magnesium may be a little extreme.  But if we have a blackout during a blizzard, my emergency wood supply (the dining room set) would be useless if I can't start a fire.  :) 
I aim to be prepared, hopefully without being crazy about it. 

In my recent blackout related posts, I forgot to mention my new crush. She has an unusual name and she's just the coolest! She's awesome and amazing. I love going for long rides in the car with her--all seems right with the world. Her name is Max AC!!! Just thinking about her makes me smile. When the electricity was out, running errands with Max was just the best. I expect us to remain close until September....then I'll probably forget about her until May. ;P

Wow, I have nothing good to share today.  My life was really boring during the blackout!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I have the power!!!

Well, maybe not "the" power, but I have power.  My apologies to He-Man.  But if it got this hot and humid on Eternia, he would understand. 

I like summer time, but not the heat.  I like trips to amusement parks, cutting open a cold watermelon, baseball, festivals, families from all over the world visiting my museums (yes, the Smthsonian is mine), funnel cake, fresh corn-on-the-cobb, cookouts...Haha, can you tell I'm hungry at the moment???

Anyway, the power is back on and we're enjoying it.  Other than a trip to the grocery store (see above), we stayed in.  Thanks to the "Fireworks for Shut-ins" broadcast, we were able to see the National fireworks on the Mall.  Good food, air conditioning, and no mosquitoes.  It was a pretty good day.  Not our traditional celebration, but not bad.

During the blackout I saw examples of profiteering, but saw people helping each other too.  I want to thank my nonprofiteering friend rooth for helping remind me to focus on the positive.

Speaking the the positive, now I need to catch up on my blog reading. =)