Monday, June 27, 2011

Remote Logic

I still can’t remember the subject of that funny post I had planned before I got side-tracked on the topic of spammers. But I overheard a conversation over the weekend that I’d like to share. It’s about dealing with the remote controls that operate our favorite gizmos.

From my wife's half of the conversation, I learned that my sister-in-law is setting up a special area for her husband to watch TV/DVDs. It’s small, which is good because he can’t figure out how to use remote controls—she’s getting him a TV and DVR with easily workable manual controls. According to her, every time he touches a remote he breaks it and messes up the TV/DVR. As a result, they spend a lot of time (and money) with the Geek Squad. Then the conversation became almost unbelievable.

“You paid the geeky boys $120 for fix your remote?” “What was wrong with it?” “What do you mean you don’t know?” “What did they do to fix it?” “Were the batteries dead?” “You don’t know if your remote takes batteries?” “Next time your remote acts up, try changing the batteries yourself.” “Turn it over.” “If you replace them one at a time you won’t lose the settings.” “You CAN do it!” “Yes you can!!!” ***sigh***

Apparently no one in their house is good with remotes. I would help them, but they live 2.5 hours away. They’re on their own!

Okay, the reason for this post is to share that tidbit about changing the batteries in your remotes. Many remotes lose their settings if you take out both batteries at the same time. But if you replace one first and then the other, it saves the settings—and a lot of aggravation. Who can remember all the special codes needed to work their Gramophone, Victrola, and television set??? ;P

PS – I apologize if this bit of advice is insulting. But everyone has different skill sets and after hearing that conversation I thought it couldn’t hurt to share.


  1. Hey I didn't know that about the batteries! Thanks for sharing! Haha. Although I'm not bad in making them things work. I go by the book. I read the manuals and stuff haha. :P


  2. i didn't know that! thanks for sharing mr. handyman!

    ps. i think your SIL paid those geeky boys an insane amount for fixing the remote!

  3. o_O thank god that i'm considered to be in the geek squad (like that makes me any cooler) LOL... but i would NEVER pay $120 bucks just to fix something with my remote unless i really really don't know what's going on.

    oh and if i don't know what to do, i USUALLY youtube my away from trouble. hehehe...

    -robots in trouble

  4. i think your sister in law should have just gotten a new remote. O.o

    - this post just added to my knowledge on televisions, mwuahahahaha! thank you rick! :)
    i never watch tv though. :p i could go on about a year without the need of feeling to watch one hehe! But my sisters love to watch tv so I guess I'll tell them about this post.

  5. Didn't know about the battery tip. It would be handy...if I had a TV. We're not TV-watching people, whatever we watch, we just view it on our desktop or laptop.

  6. Woah I'm one of those that can not find this insulting cuz I had not a clue about the battery-changing! haha I'll definitely remember it.. so not worth paying the geeky boys to fix a remote :D

  7. i love remote controls....
    i cant live without

  8. lol i haven't been needing to replace the batteries in my remote for 1.5 years now, I really don't watch my tv.. but when I do I will remember your timbit about battery swaping!

  9. lol. hahahahaa. My mom and I don't use the remote control. The tv is always on the same channel we love to watch anyway and the volume is just perfect and... we are on the computer more than we watch tv.

  10. I dont believe Ive ever changed the batteries in my remote in my entire life before

  11. gets me more curious what that post all about..:)

    hhahah..we always uses remotes without paying geeks..haha, but I learned something on the right way of changing thanks ..

  12. jeez.

    some people.

    not to offence anyone, but even my great gram knows how to operate remote control. or mobile phone!

  13. thank you so much for liking my page! it's people like you that keeps my shop going ^_^

    -robots in trouble

  14. Really? I never knew that!!! I'll have to remember this bit of advice o.O

  15. ahaha, omg, that'd be my Grandma!
    She can't figure out how to use the remotes for her TVs. So pretty much she only watches television when someone goes over to her house. lol. She's given up attempting to use the DVD player or VHS (yeah seems a little out dated, but my baby cousin Mari is obsessed with the VHS Disney movies, LOL)


  16. awww :) Rick you're ALWAYS making me smile or giggle (usually both!!) hahaha

    & Ditto - right back at ya!
    I love all of your comments sooooo much!! ^__^

    What did you get yourself (or should I say your wife? hehe) for Father's Day??


  17. aww...that advice sounds right :) so i guess it applies to mobile phones then...that's why if I remove the bat..I have to reset the dates and clock again :)
