Monday, June 13, 2011

Given the slip

Somehow, some way, my wife (K) ended up in possession of a slip that had belonged to my mom. It seemed weird to me. But then, my dad went through a phase in which he kept sending me old (used) socks he no longer wanted. Maybe the gift of something old is supposed to make it new again. If so, it didn't work with the slip (or the socks).

When my great-uncle passed away, K wore the slip under her dress when we went to the funeral home to pay our respects. He'd led a long, healthy life and passed quietly in his sleep. It was not the most somber gathering, but appropriately reserved and low-key.

During a group visit to the ladies room, K mentioned to 2 of my aunts that she was wearing my mom's hand-me-down slip (the 3 of them get along very well). Anyway, K finished first and said she was heading towards the kneeler next to the casket to say a prayer and then we'd probably leave. The aunts asked her to wait so they could go up together. K agreed to wait for them at the entrance to the parlor (if that's what it's called).

The aunts walked up just in time to see the slip fall down around my wife's ankles. One of them quickly picked it up (and hid it in her purse) while the other one whispered, "If you hadn't waited for us, that would have happened right next to the casket." While K turned a deep red, my aunts started howling with laughter in a way rarely heard inside a funeral home. Later they joked that my mom's spirit had pulled it down as a way of saying hello (but the elastic was shot). As far as I know, the aunts never admitted to anyone else what they were laughing about that evening.

PS: Do they even still make slips? My wife has dragged me through the ladies section in Macy's many times...and I can tell you they have 1,292 tiles in the ceiling over that section, but I have no idea what they actually sell.


  1. yes! slips are amazing, and i can see why it might be weird coz it's your mom's not hers. but I love wearing my grandma's clothing. clothing back then is just so much better constructed, none of the horrible dye jobs and quick cheap tailoring that's everyweere these days!

  2. haha yes they still sell slips.

    when i first saw your title, i thought it was like someone got fired, you know the whole pink slip thing and I was like "Oh no!" but i'm that it was a funny story.

    I still get funny stares from my fellow Asian counterparts, I think I will always get stares for the rest of my life. I'm trying to deal with it though haha. Thanks for asking =)

  3. Great story, and yes they still make slips. Is the cat story next?

  4. yup slips are available at lingerie stores still and popular bridal shower gifts : )

  5. this true Rick..hhehe? nice story to put a smile on my face as I start my day:)

    yap I think slips still in and already many styles:)

  6. Omg, I would have died if that happened to me, haha. I'm getting embarressed so soon. Good that the story is only between your wife, your aunts and you (and now wth us readers as well ;)

  7. haha! yes, you can still find slips in the women section, but most skirts usually have their own extra silk cloth attached under for those who never wear slip.

  8. LOL!! Omg that was funny!

    I would've died from embarrassment, but hopefully your wife will be able to laugh about the whole situation in the near future! hahaha

  9. do they make those still? i remember my mom wore those back in the day when she was a working 'girl'. now that she's much much older, not im the one who does the laundry so i should know, right? anyway, this story made my day. next time i'll make sure i don't get hand me down underthings. XP

  10. Good question. I have no idea but I would assume so? Haha...I was worried there for a sec when I read that title!

  11. slips? oh yes, they still sell 'em...

    the real question is do women still wear them? i know i don't but i probably will when i get older.

  12. YEah I don't think a lot of women still wear slips nowadays. That's a funny story! :)


  13. Oh forgive me but I think if my Papa gave me his old socks I would have to throw it back in his face, literally hehe. But thats me and Im a girl, I think I could except my Mama's old socks hehe.

    P.S. Thank you for all your supporting comments. They have made me think and helped me along in my journey in which we call life.

  14. haha I hope your wife doesn't mind you posting about this! Yes, they do still make slips. I would try Sears if Macy's doesn't have any.

  15. can you believe it that i had to google what "slips" is..... >.<"

  16. Oh yes they do... But I don't own one! In high school, we were required to wear one underneath our skirts but instead of skirt slip I opted for the "shorts" version.

  17. Haha. I love your P.S. comment.
