Saturday, June 4, 2011

Prom Season?

Is it coming up? Did I miss it? I haven't seen any young couples in formal wear crowding local restaurants or cruising through town in rented limos. When I see them each year, I find myself remembering my own prom--and how much it cost.

I didn't rent a limo, instead I borrowed my SIL's sports car. My brother agreed because he owed me money (a good topic for a future post). The extra expense involved my date's dress. She couldn't afford one. But I knew she really wanted to go, so I offered to buy her a dress. We went shopping and she found a pretty yellow one. Two days later she told me she went shopping with her mom and found the PERFECT dress. It was peach. She planned to return the yellow one, but needed cash right away to buy the new one. I gave her money for the 2nd dress to make the logistics a little easier--she returned the first dress the next weekend.

She looked great in her new dress and we had a wonderful time at the prom.

Five years later I saw a group of kids coming out of a restaurant and piling into a shared limo. As usual that prompted fond memories of my prom and put a smile on my face. Then I remembered a minor detail about my event. I never got back the money for the dress my date returned!!!

Oh well, there was no point in trying to collect at that point--since we had just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary.

I hope late spring is being kind to all of you and giving you reasons to smile too.

PS - My next post is going to be about the very exciting Friday night I just had. I can't decide whether to share it with my brother or not. He'd be so jealous. The night I had was something he's wanted for so long, but can't quite manage. I don't want him to think I'm lording it over him. =)


  1. Yeah, Im the first to comment!! XDD

    Awwww, your post was my highlight of the day Rick! So the girl you went to the Prom Night with was your future wife as well <3 I mean who can say that from oneself, right? It's so amzing!

    Btw, I featured you and your blog on my newest post, have a look! :)

  2. Well, generosity is a good deed and I would suggest that you share it with your brother despite his character. You are certainly the one with the bigger heart Rick!

  3. That is a really sweet story! And I would say you got an excellent return on your initial investment. :-)

  4. i've never been to prom >_< always see them in movies though, seems so fun. it's not in the culture here i guess, the majority of schools are single sex ones

  5. I think this is such a sweet post because your prom date is your wife!!! <3

    I went to prom twice and I won something from being there I think haha! But that was ages ago. Oh yeah, I didn't have a prom date but most of my friends and even my best friend is a guy so I had many body guards LOL! :)

  6. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! You married your prom date? Wait, you've only been married for two years? Dang... I thought it was longer than that, but then again, you don't really talk about your marriage, but this is such a sweet story! I love it!

    I never went to my prom :[ This guy asked me to go and offered to pay for my ticket and dress, but I decided I wouldn't go >.< I heard that I didn't really miss out on anything though. Because our class tried so hard to earn the money to have our prom at the Queen Mary, we didn't have pretty decorations. Also, some kids were smoking pot in the corner... And kids bumping and grinding each other O_o It just wasn't my crowd. The sucky part was that they didn't even have a view of the ocean!



  7. Awwww, that is too cute.

    You have such a big heart Ric! No wonder why your prom date married you, :) hahah

  8. Awwwwwww that is soooo sweet! I literally felt goosebumps when I got to the end of the story! I love a lot of the stories you have shared to us, Rick, but this one is my favorite thus far! ♥♥♥

  9. I went to prom a couple of times, but times I went dateless.. or should I say with a couple of friends? LOL

    Awww how sweet, so.. you guys have been married for 7 years?

  10. WHY were/are you such a nice guy, Rick!?!? Hahaha! I wasn't prepared for such a sweet story this rainy Sunday. :D

    I skipped my junior college prom coz I hated everyone... I only attended my high school prom. Went with friends but I had a date by the end of the night, lol.

  11. oh my God, this is so sweet, your date at prom is your wife!! Happy anniversary for you guys, may you both happy always!

    I had no prom in my school, so it's always fun to watch that kind of thing from movies :)

  12. Aw, so it was your wife. =D Yeah, I'm sure she's made up for it manyfold! Looking forward to that next post. ;)

  13. awwwww! For a second (just a second) I was a tiny bit confused, but then I got it! ;)
    That was a very cute story <3

    hahah, can't wait to hear about your Friday night!

  14. Thank you for your recent comment on my post. It really made me smile.

    I never understood the whole drama of prom night. In England we dont have that however they have started to bring it over in the past two to three years. Im a little glad there was never a prom when I was graduating because I was a little prude as a sixteen year old when it came to the opposite sex.

  15. aww you married your highschool sweetheart? that's cute. and lol if it was my bf with his tux I'd still try to collect the money ;)

  16. Prom isn't such a big deal up in Canada, but it's still fun to have that one night to dress up with all your friends! Awwww I think that is just adorable that your prom date is your wifey!!

  17. *cue the AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWS* :D late spring is being kind and unkind to me - unkind because i still have so much to do before the wedding and kind because of the same reason - the wedding!!!!

  18. OMG that is the sweetest story! I was just about to get angry for you about not getting your $ back until I saw that the same girl is your wife =D. You were such a gentleman to began with!

  19. OH BTW, that was boneless fried chicken on top of the are seriously missing out Rick, go try it!

  20. Aw. You're a fine catch, your wife did well. :)

  21. I keep trying to think of something else to comment aside from awww like everyone else did, but I'm afraid awww and cute are the words that best describe it.

  22. awww...that was a great story...^_^
    I remember my prom..and my 6ft partner
    we were partnered forcefully in our prom
    he's very stiff...and nervous all the time

  23. You know, when I was writing that entry about d-bags who don't respect women, I thought about all men! O_O So, I was kinda surprised about your comment because you're so right... Most men respect us women but there are just some that are just so darn low.

