Monday, February 28, 2011

To Birthmonth or Not To Birthmonth???

I don't like to "borrow" post ideas from other bloggers, but there have been a few times when I had an idea already and a post by another blogger simply "inspired" me to follow through on my idea. However, this is NOT one of those times. I had never even heard of a "birthmonth" month long birthday celebration until I met Mayra. She introduced me to the term last year. My wife is a big fan of b-day week celebrations (for her's). But a whole month?

I have to decide today if I'm going to have a birthmonth celebration this year. My birthday is on 3/11. The entire month of March is 3/11 this year, so there will never be a better time--according to the Mayans, I probably won't make it to 2111.

Should I do it??? If I did, I'd have an answer to Kym's question regarding where I see myself in 5 years. I would see myself going broke in 5 years celebrating a "2/16" birthmonth for someone else. ;P I better skip my birthmonth celebration.

On another topic, a little while back QVC hostess MeiBelle of Beauty Is Not Caused tagged me with a Versatile Blogger Award. I usually shy away from celebs, but I'm glad we've gotten to be friends--she is really nice. The award rules say to share 7 things about yourself, so here are 7 factoids that hopefully I have not shared before--and that are not answers to my banking security questions. I'll make it all stuff from the 6th grade!

1. My teacher allowed me to skip French class to work on building the school's nature the woods...alone. He also let me mow his lawn once. Haha!
2. Started playing chess.
3. Was a Corporal in the school's safety patrol.
4. Exchanged letters with a girl whose family moved out of state--"letters" as in two. I thought about responding to her second letter, but in the end it seemed like too much work. There were trees to climb, forts to build, etc. When her family moved back a few years later, she acted like she didn't know me. LOL!
5. Put my time sitting in trees to good use, learned how to immitate the call of a Mourning Dove by clasping my hands together and blowing in at the thumbs. Honest!
6. A fellow student attacked me at my patrol post with the pointy end of a bottle opener. Why yes, I DID go to public school. There was NO danger. He just lunged and missed. I never found out what he had against me--if anything. The world is full of weirdos. Perhaps it was an initiation of some sort.
7. Attended a summer school math class just for fun. The class consisted of about eight 12 year-old boys. On a completely unrelated note, the teacher was very pretty--at least to 12 year-old boys. =)


  1. LOL just imagine revealing the answer to your banking security question here =D

    Great to see you posting even when you said work has been busy lately. I love the last factoid you shared haha! =D

  2. Oh, and I say YES to birthmonth celebrations! You know I am such a sucker for birthdays, mine is next month and I still don't have any idea how to celebrate it... except for the fact I want a new gadget AND that I will watch a foreign band's concert here! =)

  3. i think i would be broke too if i celebrated my birthday for a whole month! LOL but seriously, it would be nice to celebrate being alive by appreciating the priceless gems in your life, like wifey and the kids and those memorable moments you make everyday. knowing you, there must be a LOT. hahaha

    cheers to celebrating the birth month of the great Ric! hehe i hope i didnt sound so jurassic there. :P

  4. hhahahha..hmm, birthmonth celebration huh, that keeps me think about it but nääää. birthday is enough every year specially here in sweden, they usually celebrate birthdays every 10years... like when the age ends with 0. hahhayyzz!

    good day rick!

  5. ehh birthmonth is too much for me, I barely celebrate my birthday! haha. I dunno, personally I think it all goes downhill after you become legal. anyways I skipped french too because they thought I needed ESL classes, and I faked needing those classes so I can skip french, but now I wish I didn't!

    btw I shipped all 4 packages last thursday! I havent heard back from the 5th one yet but I have it on hold! :)

  6. I can't do birthmonths yet coz it's always during my busy school season! Boo that!

    You do know our birthdays are very, very close, right? ;)

  7. I think I might have been guilty of celebrating a birth month too. I’ve got different groups of close friends so I meet up with all of them throughout 2-3 weeks of May. It didn’t feel like it was for a long period but when I start to open my May folders, I would realise that almost every subfolder would be that of my birthday celebration with various of my favourite people.
    I wonder how did your school’s nature trail turn out? Was it just a path through the forest? LoLz and the incident of the boy who attacked you sounds DANGEROUS.

  8. I say celebrate away, and damn the monetary torpedos. Your children don't need any post-secondary education. No, no they don't. :)

  9. 03/ better time than this year Rick! one of my friends thought about doing this for her husband... she would buy him 30 small gifts and give him one each day. Maybe you should throw a little *hint hint* in K's direction. Hehe! :P

  10. Heck yeah I would say do a birth month! And yes your post made me smile!! But by no means at am a celeb! /blush. I'm very glad that we've become blogger friends. I don't know what a QVC hostess means though ><

  11. my bioyfriends birthday is 10 days after yours! boy a whole month would be.... so much work! Lol
    i wouldn't mind celebrating my own birthday for a month. or two :P

    thanks so much for your inspiring comments! Appreciate it so much :)

  12. what a funny and whimsical tag! hah!! do the birth-month thang!! it's always fun to do something new!

  13. here i'll let you in on a little secret...when done appropriately, birthmonth costs next to nothing. that's because everyone else pays for you! yea!!!

    so YES to birthmonth! especially since it's not the same as mine ;)


  14. You have share the same birthday as one of my bestie! Never thought of celebrating birthday for a whole month, that's too much for me! LOL

  15. just do it..the birthmonths.. think about how many presents you'll get every month.. that's exciting!! :D

    ps. number 5 is really funny, i wonder how happy your childhood life

  16. How about celebrating on your b-day and then celebrating your unbirthday everyday? Oh wait. That's kinda the same. XP I'd love to learn how to play chess. Will have to bug the hubs to teach me one day.

    P.S Been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I actually found a similar heart pendant in my jewelry box! I'm going to forfeit my prize so that someone else who may not already have one can. My good deed of the day =)

    P.P.S I hear the govt shutdown just got averted?

  17. You lost me at 3/11. haha. this month is your birthmonth!!!??? If yes, happy birthmonth Ric!!!! :)

  18. you have the same birthday with my sister....♥ ^_^

  19. Birthmonth celebration?! That's too extravagant!! Plus it'll make me feel old(er) hahaha. And happy early birthday!!

    PS: I've already e-mailed Julie. Thank you!!!

  20. Hmm I think the whole trend of having extravagant, overblown birthdays is really dumb, unless it's like a part of your culture to have a coming of age thing. A birthmonth just for turning a random year older seems ridiculous to me - why would that be worth celebrating and imposing that upon your friends & family? Why not do something that would contribute more to the world like volunteering on your birthday or donating to charity if you want to make a lasting impression.

  21. yah thats a strange comment..hahahha!

  22. long time no talk!
    can you try commenting now?
