Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cartoon Moments

Cartoon moments (like Wile E. Coyote's traps for the RoadRunner backfiring; Eek the Cat getting hurt even though "it never hurts to help"; or The Tick getting punched by Santa Clones) are always funny. It's animated slapstick, it looks painful, but no one really gets hurt.

I've had many cartoon moments. I've never been what I would consider seriously injured, never had a broken bone, never been hospitalized (knock on wood), but I've had cartoon moments. One in particular is on my mind today. When I was growing up it was not unusual for the mothers in my neighborhood to help each other when they heard one of their peers yelling for their kids to come home--they would join in and start yelling too. I like to think of it as a real-life version of the signal fires that went out from Gondor to Rohan in LOTR or the barking of messages by dogs in one Disney cartoon or another.

One summer evening as I walked in the woods near my parent's house, I could hear Mrs. B calling me. That meant my mom had been calling for a while, so I ran towards home. As I emerged from the woods I could see Mrs. B on her carport and she could see me. Just then, a 2-foot long board became attached to my foot--it looked like I was wearing a size 37 clown shoe. As I took another another few steps (I guess inertia carried me forward), I heard Mrs. B laughing at the ridiculous sight.

But then I hit the dirt. It's not easy to run with one clown shoe on. It's also not easy to run with a nail sticking through your foot--that's what attached the board to my foot. OMGosh that hurt. Someone had left a board with a huge nail sticking out of it laying in the weeds. It wasn't me. I listened when my dad warned us not to leave nails sticking out of boards--or at least face the nails downwards until you had time to remove them. But some kid in the neighborhood didn't get that message and I got stuck.

After I fell, Mrs. B came to check on me, then scooped me up and carried me home. That was embarassing, especially since the board was still attached. LOL! But I was fine. It was just one of those cartoon moments that looked funny at first, hurt like the dickens, and caused no real damage.

I don't know why, but I found myself thinking about Mrs. B and her hubby today. They were good neighbors and nice people. He's the one who called me Ricademus. I think he thought I was too serious, so he teased me once in a while. They moved in when I was 4. According to legend, when my family went over to introduce ourselves I tugged on Mr. B's pant leg and asked if I looked like him. When he asked why, I told him I was looking for my father. Boy was my mom embarrassed!!! =)

If I decide to turn this into a series and share other cartoon moments, some of the titles could include: "Where's My Eye"; "Was That My Finger"; and "Electricity: Friend or Foe". LOL!


  1. HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA, you were looking for your father?! LOL, that HAS to be the funniest thing I'll read this week!

  2. oh gosh that must have been painful!! I love how you said that Mrs. B 'scooped' you up, hehe. That was really kind of her :)

  3. oj, what happen to the colors, i can't read so much, is it just on my computer or what..hmm!
    been here anyway rick.


  4. @RML: My siblings had me convinced I was adopted--some of them believed it too! =)

  5. OMG! One time I went to my uncle and sat on his lap for the longest time, not realizing that it wasn't my father until it was too late! TOTAL EMBARASSMENT!

    <33 Rena

  6. Now its better to red was just because of our lamp here, the black can hardly be seen on the purple blue background color..but now its ok..heheh! thanks for dropping by!

  7. It's great how you always put a positive spin to everything, Rick! That happened to me once when I was 13, I stepped on a belt buckle and the metal pointy thing entered my foot! Blood was everywhere and my Mom and I really freaked out. Looking back, I still cannot see the 'cartoon moment' in that haha! :D

  8. Haha! OMGosh! thats a nice substitute for OMG.

    im interested about the "wheres my eye" story!

  9. You are such a good storyteller, Rick. You never fail to entertain me. And that sure sounds painful! Ouch!

  10. Rick, I sometimes think I have cartoon moments as well!! Well.. maybe my imagination is a bit exaggerated, but your story makes me both smile and wince and at the same time! I'm glad you didn't get too injured from the nail.. for some reason I somehow knew it was a nail when I got to the part that you were walking with a plank of wood stuck to your foot =X

    I want to catch the puppy bowl next year!! Um *shakes my head at the girl-beater-quarterback*

  11. I have lots of cartoon moments in my life but I can't think of my NO1 cartoonest moment ever. Top of my girlfriends and I being bullies when we were still kids...rollerblading and closing down a street to both vehicles and our boy frenemies...those who trespass gets hit by bullet like seeds from an unknown tree.

    All of us bullies ended up at home...all red from allergies caused by seeds we have yet to identify up to now.

  12. Cringe! That must have been very painful. I wonder two things. Did you have to go get a tetanus shot? And did Mrs. B feel bad for having laughed once she realized you had a nail through your foot?

  13. do you by any chance look somewhat like Mr B? bahahahahahahha. hilarious!!!

  14. Oh boy, this has us wondering how you managed to get to adulthood in one piece!

    (Sorry to disappoint but I am no Trekkee. Far from it actually. I just like one-liners. And puns. I do like your idea of buying both shoes though. :P)

  15. ohh cartoon moments, like how you can keep running on a cliff and as long as you don't look down you won't fall! haha

  16. Hi Rick, I have to admit I'm a little relieved that you decided to only share the rabbit stories with your family instead of actual rabbits. I read the story about you putting your cat to sleep, and I can only imagine how painful the experience was for you.. I guess there weren't many options and the cat would have little chance of survival being in that injured state :( It's okay that you don't get too attached to animals anymore, but I'm so glad that the experience hasn't desensitized you to their suffering or made you love them any less.

    I hope you're having a good week, stay warm!

  17. LOL! You're looking for your father?? hahaha, that's really hilarious, I could only imagine how embarrassed your mom was :D

  18. Omg when I read that the nail was in your foot, I felt a little faint imagining that!! I cannot believe you are able to make light of the situation b/c I would seriously be traumatized haha
