Public Displays of Affection: In general, I'm a fan. It's sweet to see a couple holding hands and acting silly as they, let's say for example, tour a botanical garden. Or maybe they have their arms around each other as they walk, perhaps a very occasional peck. Cute! But I don't want to see people doing more than that in public and I don't want to hear sounds. One morning this week a couple with a baby sat in front of me on the subway--it was rush hour. After a stop or two of listening to them talk baby talk to their little one (9 months old maybe), the guy gave the girl a peck. Sweet. He backed off, then swooped in again and they started really kissing--there were sounds and open mouths, it was the real deal. Normally when I notice something like that, I'd say something along the lines of, "Hey, could I get a shot at him next???" But the baby being there kind of threw me off and I said nothing. Next time!!!
Being MIA: I haven't been on-line much lately. Thanks to a possible shutdown of the US government next week, we've been working like mad planning for it. Our buildings and collections have to be guarded even if we're shutdown and somene has to monitor building systems in the museums--improper temperatures or humidity is terrible for collections. So it has been a hectic time with long days. Maybe that's why the couple above annoyed me a little instead of amusing me. I'm tired! =)
Have a great weekend folks!
it must be a lot of excitement at work! But regardless that couple would have annoyed me too. I don't mind mild forms of PDA, making out hardcore is too much for me.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the love!!! ^^ I always appreciate it. I hope you have a great weekend!!
in my country, the major kind of pda i usually see are hugging and just a peck on the lips. and nope, havent seen any tongue action in person. that would be awkward.
ReplyDeletehope youre doing fine :)
Oh sounds like alot of work is lying in front of you! Don't overwork and get yourself a lot of rest as well :-)) I'va also been more absent from the Net lately, so don't worry about not being online :-))
ReplyDeleteHave a nice weekend too my friend XDD I have to work at the weekends ;___;
Overenthusiastic PDA is never sexy! ahaha.
ReplyDeleteTake care, you. Don't shutdown on yourself :)
I really hate people doing PDA in front of me who's in LDR and not seeing her BF so often. Even the mild one, I'm so jealous.
ReplyDeleteoh my Gosh..coming from a conservative country
ReplyDeleteI'll tell them to get a room....hahahaha
LOL. That's disturbing! On a subway as well, where everybody can stare at them. I bet the baby didn't want to see that. Some babies can remember stuff from a long time ago. :P
ReplyDeleteBeing MIA is okay, but make sure you don't leave blogging!
My hubby is what we locals here call "a dead wood" ... how I wish he's at least a little lovey-dovey like the couple but of course, not more than the peck on the cheek and a hug.
ReplyDeleteTake care of yourself Rick ... work is work but it all comes to nothing if you should fall ill. Take care, take care my Friend!
I'm with you on the PDAs. Something I think is very sweet though is when I see an elderly couple walking along holding hands. It never fails to put a smile on my face.
ReplyDeleteI am clearly out of touch with US news. I had no idea there was going to be a government shutdown. I think I have been so busy keeping up on world events, which seem to be unfolding at a rapid pace, that I have neglected other news. Time to go read and catch up! Sorry it has meant extra work for you.
Government shutdown?? What's going on?
ReplyDeleteI totally agree, holding hands and a peck are all I can take. I don't really need to see people playing tonsil hockey in front of my face.
I'd go for moderate PDA's that make you go "Awwy, they're so sweet!"...the one you saw on the subway...I believe there are appropriate places for that. :)
ReplyDeleteSo, you work for the US government? I never saw that one coming? Hmm..I should have missed an entry about your occupation. haha :) here's to more FYIs in the future :) Good luck on your hell workweek!
Sweet pecks, holding hands and hugs are lovely. Anything more, please do it in privacy. I won’t be able to stand that couple even on my good days so i think it’s really normal for you to feel annoyed. Hope everything gets less busy for you soon!
ReplyDeletePDA much? Decent PDA is sweet. It's nice to walk around holding hands... Here in the Philippines we call it HHWW (holding hands while walking). The kissing PDA is not usual here in the Philippines because were still kinda conservative. A few years back (well, 15years actually) I stood behind a couple in a Disney ride in Disneyland LA, and they were eating each other --- it was gross!
ReplyDeletePDA, its fun to do it infront of my friends coz they feel so awkward HAHA i'm horrible but ya i would feel the same . it'd prob feel sad and be like where's my bf : (!
ReplyDeletegl with the busyness!
I don't actually like it when parents talk the baby-talk with their babies. Babies are growing everyday. They don't need to be talked down upon like they are some sort of stupid miniture being. Sorry, I think I'm all exhausted from studies and work, hehe looks like we both need a 'chill pill' or perhaps a holiday in sunny Spain!'s like we're on the same situation...sign off, shutdown problems :D oh wait a minute what's with my smiley more time --> :( (that's more appropriate, i think, hahaha) Good luck ric! :)
ReplyDeletek that is gross....and in front of the baby? do that ish at home folks!
ReplyDeletei'm with you, holding hands, hugs and little pecks here and there are fine but a full on make out session is so teeny bopper. grown adults should know better.
OMG i sound so old.
PDAs are sweet, but please I don't want to see fierce tongue action! XD
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a good week Rick :)
hehhe..I agree with you...with that PDA thinge..more than holding hands and hugging already an ewww for me!! lol!
ReplyDeleteThat's definitely too much and esp the baby was there, I'd be just speechless...