Saturday, September 18, 2010

Guest Post @ BaaB

My friend Dawna at Beauty and a Budget asked me to write a guest post on what makes someone beautiful. I started to just write "I do" because if I think someone is beautiful, what difference does it make if anyone agrees with me??? Although, I'm almost positive I think you are beautiful (unless you're a male follower--see the post!) and it would be really nice if you agreed with me on that.

Just don't ask me to explain what makes someone hot...or lovely--my rarest compliment!

Have a great weekend--after you go there and comment!!! ;P

PS - Of course, I do know guys who are beautiful people!!!


  1. Well, RicAdeMus, I'm a guy but I enjoyed reading your post there! Sure, most of the things you said were cliches but the thing is how you wrote them, right? And all of them are true, anyway, so people (at least I didn't) aren't gonna mind if they're cliches or not. I have to agree with you about what makes a person unattractive is much much easier to determine. People are like that, anyway. It's easier for us to notice imperfections.

    When I was in high school, we also actually made a list of the most beautiful girls in school. The guys all agreed on it, somehow, though. Guys in my school had a how-attractive-is-that-girl scale, using comparisons as a guide so it kinda helped on making a list everyone would agree on.

  2. I lvoed the post! Really cool! And I was really surprised at your remark about Orlando Bloom, LOL!
    And YES, there ARE beautiful girls in South America! =P

  3. hahaha! i never thought being clumsy was beautiful! i'll take that one for sure! i just fell off the stairs last weekend, it was a funny and painful thing to experience. ok im out of topic, going back... i agree with everything you've said, being beautiful is not just looking pretty and attractive, it has to be complemented with kindness and good attitude! some manners would be nice too! ;)

  4. I read it! Nice post, Ric. It just might have made my day :)))

  5. Read it and I must say ... beautifully written!

  6. Love this post!! And you definitely belong to those beautiful guys, as well! :-)

  7. nicely written. :) perhaps i should ask you to write on my blog one day, considering how LAZY i get these days.

    argh. life!

  8. aww haha i really like that post ^_^ very true. =)

  9. Read your guest post and it's pretty refreshing to see a guy's take on beauty. Yep, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and to me personality shines through as beauty too.

  10. I love the post....!
    being unique is beautiful.
    it makes you stand out from others

  11. What a LOVELY HOT post!!! ;D It made me smile and think that I can probably go out tomorrow with makeup but I don't wanna scare everyone who knows/doesn't know me hahaha

  12. LOL I like what you wrote in her blog, very politically correct! :D

  13. Thank you Rick, for saying I am beautiful ;D

  14. awwww thanks! I do agree that it's important to think yourself is beautiful!

  15. Just read it. Beauty definitely takes different forms. =)
