Monday, September 20, 2010

Bad Dad???

When my daughter was first learning to sit up, she heard machine gun fire on TV and started giggling and flapping her arms up and down excitedly-she liked the sound. Several years later, she liked the explosions in Bond movies—edited for the Family Channel!!! When she and I were in the car together, I would pretend we were driving a “Bond” car—and the cigarette lighter was the missile launcher. She wasn’t in the front seat often, but when she was I would let her start the launch sequence by pushing in the lighter. When it popped out, the missiles launched (and dad provided sound effects)—always in the name of saving the world.

One September Sunday we were driving to our annual family reunion. We had to take so much junk, my daughter was in the front seat with me and my wife was following us in her car. I usually stay within 5 to 10 miles of the speed limit and my wife…well she drives faster. Anyway, my daughter and I were playing our game and she pushed the button. A few seconds later my wife pulled alongside, waved, and passed us. Then she got back in the right lane—right in front of us!!! My daughter and I looked at each other, I said “abort, abort”, but it was too late. The button popped out and the missiles launched. And then we both laughed hysterically. I’m not sure why, maybe it was just that our game had taken such a shockingly unexpected turn.

The first thing my little angel did when we got out of the car at the picnic was to shout, “Mommy, we blew up your car!!!” I had a LOT of explaining to do. LOL!

The positive side of this was that it gave me a great opportunity to talk with my daughter about being careful when we set things in motion. Whether you’re throwing something, saying something, or firing imaginary missiles, you can’t control what happens next—you can accidently hurt someone.

But I do worry that I shouldn’t have played that imaginary game with her. We weren’t blowing up people for driving like idiots (although, now that I think about it, I may try pushing in my lighter the next time it happens) and we were clearly just exercising our imaginations. Was it a bad thing to do??? She is a sweet, mild-mannered girl.

Next "Bad Dad" topic: How I got my son to start voluntarily making his bed.


  1. OMG! Rick, you are such a cool dad. I can't believe you were still able to squeeze in a little lesson while pretending to "blow" things up. Hehehehe. What a creative dad you are. Your daughter is super lucky to have such a loving, caring, fun dad.

  2. I have good news and bad news. First the good news. The game you played with your daughter was great, and I am sure it will be a fond memory for her when she grows up. No harm done! :-)

    Now for the bad news. There is no hope of getting your son to make his bed. None whatsoever. I am the mother of three twenty something guys, and all I can say is I tried. It was an epic fail. I am still trying to convince my two daughters-in-law that I really did make an effort to train their husbands! I would strongly suggest spending your time on more worthy endeavors- ones you have at least a remote chance of succeeding at.

  3. Yes, you are right-- MAC + Disney combined is a dream come true! Regarding my animal posts, I'm grateful you're giving them a chance even if your father has different views on things. I would love to learn about animals through a farmer's perspective as well, so don't hold back! The story about your mom running from a cow is funny, but it's too bad she's afraid of them now..

    I think having playtime with your daughter is really awesome, I'm sure she will come to appreciate the effort and time you put in to bond with her :) She has such a fun imagination and I don't think she'll become violent or anything as long as she knows its just pretend!

  4. now i wonder... where the hell in this world can i ever find a guy as cool as you to become my husband....

    and now i also wonder where exactly things go wrong with me... and well, the boys.


    btw, the game that you played with your daughter is not bad :) as long as you take the time to explain to her the good and bad thing about life ahahha.

    i dont know what i'm talking about, i need to sleep.

  5. Awwww, you two are soooo cute!
    I don't think it was a bad idea - in fact, I think it was a great one! We should always stimulate kids (specially our own) to exercise their imagination as much as possible.
    Besides, you took the opportunity to teach her that it's not ok to hurt someone - in any kind of way, and that we should always be careful.
    And may I say, I think that sounds like an excellent dad! =)

  6. how cute! im sure it will be one of your daughter's favorite childhood memories :) cool daddy rick!

    hahaha no offense, i LOVE ketchup, but i wont dare add it to my foie gras burger! :P

  7. haha cute story! I can just imagine your wife's confusion!

  8. hahaha sounds like fun!

    Mr tells me stories about how his mom got him to do things when he was younger. it's so hard for me to imagine him being conned like that but it's soo funny too!!

  9. hahah thanks for the lovely comment,

    i think monkeys are just a handful of funness . So grammatically wrong but you get my point lol.

  10. Whenever I read your posts which are not related with your children I always think you are "one of us younger bloggers who don't know what to do eith their time" lol.

    Reading the post today made me realize again that you are already married and that you're even a dad! =) And honestly, you are a very cool dad! I never played such games, it would have been fun, though! The most important thing is that your daughter learned not to blow up any people, hahaha.

    PS: My brother never made his bed (he's 10 years older than me) I'm wondering how you got your son to make his bed!

  11. You have really great relationships with your daughter! ;D

  12. I love your daughter! She is not an ordinary kid. She enjoys things not a lot kids her age would enjoy. Enjoy this as much as you can, she will grow up soon to become a lovely young lady! Hehehe

  13. Hey! You're one cool daddy! My dad never played with me like you do with your son and daughter.

    You're actually developing your child's brain by like 75% by playing imagination games. And by getting all those good laughs, you're getting more benefits than you think! =]

  14. That's the way to teach! hahhahaa... Kudos to you for exercising her right brain functions!!

  15. haha that was a good father-daughter bonding
    that's really sweet :)

  16. Hi Rick, I'm doing great..Busy moving out last weekend, but love my new place :)

    Btw, your daughter is so cute, and that sure is an unforgetable memory..oh, and I can't wait to know HOW IN THE WORLD you make your son make his own bed..

  17. that is awesome! you realize this will be one of her favorite father daughter memories. and when she gets married, you can mention it in your speech ;)

  18. Oh Rick, it's official, you are the coolest dad (apart from my dad, that is ;D) I picture you and I imagine Ted of How I Met Your Mother, seriously :)

  19. that is a funny story. and nice father-daughter bonding I think!

  20. Kids say the darndest things. :)

    I'm happy you and your wife like my sister's perfume. It has such a clean smell, there really isn't anything to not like about it.

    Which post are you talking about that you mentioned "pregnant"? I couldn't find it.

  21. Never mind... I found it. Aww... thanks for the link and thanks for the compliment!!

  22. haha this is one cute story! and i think theres nothing wrong with imaginary missiles, i think its fun to enjoy kids when they're STILL kids with great imagination..we all know that doesn't last too long in today's society..sometimes i still "make fun" of my grandmother with my dad HAHA good times

  23. (You got two punches. Consider yourself lucky? Just kidding ;)

    Aw, to be a kid again and spending time with Dad. You sound like you were a fun parent!

  24. Wow! You're one super-COOL DAD! I'm sure she'll grow out of this game but YOU, I'm not so sure ... hahaha!!!

  25. I had a great relationship with my dad, except for the part where he kept telling me--as a joke, I think--that I was ugly. That really stuck with me.

    It is much difficult to reach out to your kids in their teens so starting a relationship with open communication early on makes a huge difference in their lives.

  26. Hey COOL dad, your daughter will cherish the moments forever! =) Trust me when I say I know, I'm a daddy's girl, and him raising me with his legs as if I'm superwoman, is an unforgettable feeling. Your baby feels the same. =)
