Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Memories (very long)

It's snowing here again and snow always prompts a mix of memories--good and bad...and strange. I'd like to share one of the the strange ones.

I was a 17 yr-old high school senior and running errands on a Saturday morning with my GF (now my wife). A snowstorm had rolled in and the world looked beautiful. After our errands we stopped by my parent's house for an early lunch. We ate with my mom. My dad was no where to be seen, but we soon heard him. He was trying to ignore the pain of a kidney stone. I asked him if he wanted to go to the hospital, but he said no. He'd had a similar pain a few weeks earlier that went away by itself as he sat in an emergency room, so this time he was staying home.

Since I wasn't needed, I drove my GF home. It took longer than usual because of the snow, but we enjoyed the views . On my way home after dropping her off, I saw something odd. I thought I was imagining things. But as I got closer I could see I was right--there was a woman in a French Maid outfit (w/a little jean jacket) walking through the snow in heels with a little boy next to her. I started to drive past them because I knew my GF would not want me giving her a ride. But there was about 12 inches of snow on the ground and more was falling. I stopped.

I backed up a little and got out to offer them a ride. I tried to show the woman my driver's license (so she'd know who I was), but she couldn't have cared less. She was freezing in those clothes and jumped in the car before I could suggest she get in the backseat. The boy squeezed in next to her and the three of us were packed in pretty tight in the front seat (it was a bench seat). The way she was dressed made me a little uncomfortable (I was 17). She told me she was a college senior and worked at a local restaurant. She had picked up her little brother from a friend's house on her way home from work and then drove her car into a ditch.

She gave me directions to their parent's house. It was about 10 miles--she never would have made it in those heels. As I drove into their driveway I tried to figure out what the right thing would be to do next. If she'd been wearing pants I think I would have carried her to the porch. But under the circumstances I decided that would be taking chivalry too far. I stayed behind the wheel and let her walk--it was a short walk. LOL!

I forgot to tell my GF/wife this story for about 10 years. But that's because something serious happened next. When I got home my dad was still in pain and I asked again if he wanted to go to the hospital. He said no, he would be fine. Close to 9:00 that night (when there was nearly 20 inches of snow) my dad asked me if I was more comfortable in my car or his. I asked, "more comfortable for what?" He wanted me to drive him to the hospital. So I shoveled a path to my car, cleared it off, helped both of my parents into the car, and off we went.

I attempted the direct route, but there was one steep hill I could not get past. My car had rear-wheel drive and kept sliding before I cold get to the top. There were deep ditches on both sides of the road so I couldn't afford to take chances. We took the long way instead. When we got to a straight stretch of road I sped up a little. My mom was in the backseat and scared. She softly suggested that I slow down a little. Before I could answer, my dad said, "Leave the boy alone!" I had to choke back the laughter. If you knew my dad, the drill sergeant, you would know why that was funny. For him to be the one defending instead of criticizing--Hysterical!!! But also an indication of how much pain he was in.

Soon he and I had a big disagreement. A road he wanted to take was closed. He had an idea for another route, but I knew a shortcut. I had been bused to a middle school in that area and the after-school activity bus took a lot of different routes to get us home. The drill sergeant made it clear he did NOT want to take my shortcut. I disobeyed him. The entire drive was tense because of the snow and his pain. But those next few minutes were beyond tense, with him yelling and me starting to doubt my memory.

Soon we discovered I was right, thank God! The shortcut took us directly to the hospital. It was at the top of a hill, but my car took us straight up without a single slip or spin. The relief was tremendous. I had debated with my dad before (and secretly done things my way instead of his), but that was the first time I openly disobeyed him. He needed to be in charge and he didn't want to admit anyone knew something he didn't. But that night he ended up appreciating it. He thanked me for driving him and said he was glad I took the shortcut. I can't properly explain how huge that was.

So you can understand how the story of driving my dad to the hospital made me forget to tell my GF about the French Maid when we talked the next day. And for the next 10 years!!! Right? LOL!!!

Edit: This was really two stories, completely unrelated, that happened on the same day. Maybe I should have titled this post "A Surreal Day".


  1. Okay, you are saved for now but when wife reads this post, you will definitely hear from her. Hahaha! Good luck Rick.

    I can imagine the drill sergeant saying, "leave the boy alone". But he still tried to have his way. Good thing you didn't forget that shortcut or else, you are doomed.

    Happy Valentine's my dear friend! xoxo

  2. Good thing you have a good sense of direction ! I am absolutely horrible at it and get turned around when I exit the washrooms in malls, haha.
    Did your dad know it was a kidney stone and still wanted to ignore it? Because I've heard kidney stones hurt a LOT !
    Haha how did your wife react when you told her the WHOLE story?

  3. hahahahahaha. it took my dad years to actually let me drive with him sitting next to me in the car (as a matter of fact, i still don't know why he wanted me to drive him to work that day & had the guts to wake me up from my sleep early in the morning!) and to make it worst, i was grumpy because i was interrupted from deep sleep (you dont want to know how grumpy i get when i'm grumpy) so i drove really hardcore. and my dad had to raise up his hand to others as a gesture to say "sorry, my daughter is a horrible driver" hahaha

    since then onwards he drives no matter what. ahahah.

  4. lol does your wifey read your blog?
    at least something good came out of you disobeying. when i do that, i always get in trouble, no fair D:

  5. Hahahaha a maid outfit?? Really??? That is strange.. But that was a good thing that you did! And it's also great that you drove your dad to the hospital too! You were just chauffeuring everyone around that day!

  6. Such a fine young man. How your Dad not appreciate you? Despite the pressures of the moment, you took charge and did it your way. I guess instances like this are the opportunities for each and everyone of us to prove to our elders that we have grown up and they can trust us to do the right thing.

    Well, looks like you'll have an earful now from Wifey unless you've already told her about this 'shouldn't have been forgotten' incident. Kakaka!!!

  7. @Leah: Haha, I never would have heard the end of that if I had been wrong. Happy Valentine's Leah!

    @applePIE: He thought the stone would shift and the pain would stop. It really did hurt! I thought I'd told my wife about the girl and I mentioned it when she brought up the story about my dad. She said, "What? You never told me that!" I was sure I had and she forgot. She said she wouldn't have forgotten. She also asked, "Why do you wait years to tell me these things?" But I'm not sure that's true. LOL!!

    @stiletto girl: Hahaha, I would ride with you. I know you check your mirrors before changing lanes!!! LOL I wake up grumpy if I'm startled awake (whether fully asleep or just half-asleep).

    @Manju: Yes, she reads this. About the disobeying, there is a time and place for everything!

    @Elaine: That girl was completely unprepared to be out in the snow. I never visited the place she worked, but I'd heard about it. Some of my classmates tried to sneak in, but they were underage. I do what I can to be helpful, but especially during bad weather. It's a terrible feeling to need help and not get it.

    @Wenny Yap: Haha, I did tell her before posting this--and I really thought I had mentioned it before. I think my dad did appreciate me, but not when he was in the moment and it wasn't his way to admit it. I'll have to share some stories about him.

  8. Hmm...your dad could've taken something for it, (demerol or hyoscine), and waited for the snow to "subside" a little. But it's a good thing you guys made it to the hospital in one piece. cute story about the french maid. lol.

  9. These are one of the rare chances where disobedience pays off! :D

    And I must say it was very chivalrous of you to save the poor lady and her little brother. Walking in the snow in heels? God knows what could have happened to them!

  10. didn't you have another story with a chick in a french maid's outfit or am i just making that up? you know what i find really cute? the fact that your high school girlfriend is your wife now.

  11. Wow, what a day, huh?

    I do hope your wife don't have access to your blog, Ric. If she finds out about the French maid...
    or she knew already? hope you're okay, hehehe..

    btw, luckily you didn't forget the way Ric..

  12. Ric, you are really a knight! Offering to help a helpless woman in the snowstorm! I think no one would have done that here :-)
    Does your wife know what you are writing about in your blog, by the way? You had better tell her! ^^

    Sometimes it is really woth it to get one's own mind through and disobey! Great that you have such a good sense of diretion, I would been lost.

    I hope you and your family are okay? I have heard in the news that the east coast of the US is full of snow... and Washington DC is pure white??

  13. This is some story! I really enjoyed it. That's really nice of you to offer a ride to that woman and the little boy. They would have frozen there if not for you! ♥

  14. you are crazy and so is your life. love it!! lol that is pretty monumental about openly disobeying your dad in that situation. but completely forget to mention the sexy french maid?? -__- i'm not buyin it! LOL

  15. I know right? The cost for my prescription is insane. I think I might go for the Lasik one day think it would actually be a good investment and money saver in the long run.

  16. hello:D advance happy valentines day to you and to your loved ones!!!!

    check out my new post:

    Be happy:D
