Thursday, February 4, 2010

First Kiss #3 - No Thanks

First Kiss #3 came from a pretty, freckled-faced girl I had pretended not to notice in church for years. See looked so sweet in church, I imagined she was nice. It took three dates for me to figure out I was mistaken. Let’s say her name was Millie.

I had a general rule about not kissing a girl until the third date. First dates were for getting to know the girl and helping her get to know me. Second dates were more of the same, but with a goodnight kiss on the cheek at her front door if I was interested in seeing her again. Third dates were played by ear, see what happens.

On our first date it rained buckets and she threw up twice—we had ice cream before going to a movie. Millie was reserved that night. She didn’t do anything to change what I thought of her. On the second date it rained buckets and she talked a little more, but not enough to make a decision. On the third date it rained buckets and she talked more than she had before. She was really kind of a *itch. But we were on the third date and you’re supposed to see what happens. So after the movie we went to a place where teenagers sometimes parked. As I parked the car, she started to slide over towards me. I kept thinking about the things she had said and her nasty attitude. She was CUTE as a button, but she wasn't a person I wanted to date.

When she kissed me it completely grossed me out--it was the "first kiss" that ever made me think "no thanks!" I pulled back and said I really should get her home, the movie ended late, I’ve got an early morning, her parents were probably looking for her, I've got a headache, blah, blah, blah--I really don't remember what I said. We didn’t go out again after that. I found out later she had a boyfriend who was away at college--she was cheating on him with me.

Anyway, this is not a very interesting story, but it does disprove the myth that guys will kiss any girl!!! LOL!

Oh, I need your opinions on something. My wife brings up Millie’s name on a regular basis. She makes remarks like, “Oh yeah, that’s when you were dating Millie.” I don’t think Millie and I were ever “dating”. I don’t believe 3 dates spread out over 3 months equals dating. Am I wrong????

PS - I think all that rain was a sign. =)


  1. I was about to comment on the rains... yes, the rain was a sign. And yes, you were dating! Hahaha! You are a Catholic and three dates even if spread over a year is considered dating.

  2. Why do you have so many first kisses? LOL.
    I'd like to tweak what you said. Guys would kiss any girl if they're intoxicated. In your case, you were sober right? I pity the boyfriend of that girl at that time.

  3. You are dating...hahha just those dates turned you off!weee! poor millie:) hehe

    have a nice day dear friend!

  4. Lollll isnt there supposed to be only 1 first kiss??? :P

  5. well..looks can be deceiving.
    it just took her the third date before she reveal who is deep inside.
    i just cant believed that guys can turn a girl down, especially with kisses.
    that would be so embarrassing:)

    and i think 3 date can be call dating..haha

    p.s. i always hate rain-i think its a bad luck/sign..haha

  6. I agree with Russ, why do you get to have so many first kisses?? Hahaha!

    But seriously, I love your stories, keep them coming! :)

  7. For me personally, even one date is already dating, if I continue to see this person, even if it is unregularly.

    And yes, I do believe in signs! Remember when I told you about the cockroaches in Japan? A few hours before "meeting" them, it was raining A LOT. In the whole 6 weeks I spent there it has been raining only twice :-)

    Dou you maybe have another story about your 4th first kiss??? XDDDDD

  8. Ugh..that's so terrible about that first kiss. I'd definitely be turned off. Its strange how once you get to know someone's true colors when they are so different that you thought. That's where all those conversations are so helpful.

  9. @Leah: Hmmmm, I didn't know that. I wonder if my wife was right about something else--she claims the girl and her friends were giving her dirty looks at our reunion. LOL!

    @r u s s: Completely sober. =) I have one more 1st!!! Yes, I felt bad for him too, but he escaped. She was unattached at our reunion.

    @Laikka: Poor Millie!!! haha. Thank you, you too!

    @teJan: Thanks, hope you have a nice one. =)

    @Manju: Everyone kisses differently, so to me there are multiple firsts--some more memorable than others, but only one that was meaningful! =)

    @ambiguous_angel: No, not you too! Dating!!! Argh, I guess I have to accept I was kidding myself. I didn't want to think I was "dating" her. LOL

    @krissy: Haha, thank you Krissy! I have only one more first kiss story.

    @Thanh Thao: First Kiss #4 and Marriage #2 will be the same story. Haha! Oh yes, I remember the cockroaches--such nasty creatures! That's interesting that is was raining.

    @Holly: You're right, it's good to take time to really try to get to know people. Her first few nasty remarks I excused as misunderstandings or maybe she was nervous. But soon there were no more excuses to be made. Thanks for visiting! =)

  10. dating but not in a relationship. well, everyone has their own definition of dating.

    i thought all boys love kissing. wow - i'm gonna say this over and over, you're definitely something :D

  11. aww, a little jealousy going on. lol. It's okay! If a woman isn't like that to at least one of your ex, then she just doesn't care about you. lol. And whoaaa, that girl cheated on her bf!? What's the point then.... tsk tsk tsk on her part but I'm proud of you for not being like most guys who would just go right at it.

    You're lucky you can just speak up! Sometimes, I even have problems speaking up in class... depending on the professor but I do well on one-on-one contact with clients/patients.... it's just that I can't speak in front of a class =T

  12. Hahaha "we went to a place where teenagers sometimes parked" .. is that code for something? like..make-out valley or...yeah that's all i got, I don't know what people call them..steamy hilltop..? haha fail. school everytime a boy asked a girl out, that meant they were boyfriend/girlfriend, even if they'd never been on a date long as someone asked, they were a couple! that's how it going by that logic, you two were totally dating !!

  13. @stiletto girl: I've given up on the definition of dating--I lost, I admit it. Haha! And yes, all boys do love kissing. =)

    @xoladiihoneyxo: She must care about me a LOT! Haha! Hey, some professors make it hard to speak up. And 99.9% of our lives is one-on-one contact, not groups, so it's not a big deal. But keep working on it, maybe pretend you're doing a blogcast and the other people aren't even there!

    @applePIE: Oh, how did you catch that??? I was hoping no one would ask! I was trying to avoid calling it lover's lane. It was a local road that had been closed for redevelopment, but then it stood empty for years. If your car was narrow enough you could drive between the posts blocking the road--and kids did. That was honestly the ONLY time I went there. I swear!!! LOL

  14. sunshine,
    you had been awarded.
    check it out.

  15. she wasn't just "any girl", she was "cute as a button", you said. haha. that gives her points.

  16. @Sonia: Haha, that did give her points, but I still didn't want to date her.

    I can't leave comments on your posts! The comment link doesn't work. :(

  17. really? why would guys kiss any kinds of girls he date? even though she's ugly? anyway, this is also break the myth that first kiss not always beautiful. because sometime it is planned than goes out naturally. lol
