I didn’t plan to write about the time I was robbed at gunpoint, it’s not that interesting. But I mentioned in my last post that it was NOT my scariest moment and that got me thinking about it. The one aspect of it I find interesting is what I had to do the next morning.
Once upon a time I worked for a fast food chain. I asked for a nickel raise and instead they made me an assistant manager (with a 10 cent raise—LOL). Later I was asked to work night shifts for a few weeks at a different location. Two of the assistants there quit. It was a bad neighborhood, but I accepted. Their one remaining assistant was going to work with me the first two nights to help me get to know their crew and any minor differences in procedures.
The first night went well. After we closed, the other assistant and I headed to the bank across the street to make the nightly deposit. As we crossed the street, motion to the right caught my attention. I saw two guys walking from behind the restaurant. In the dark I thought they were the guys who worked the grill that night and I kept walking towards the bank. The other assistant stopped. Five seconds later he went flying past me and down onto the sidewalk—he had been punched. I turned to see two men wearing ski-masks, one holding a sawed-off shotgun and the other holding a handgun. They didn’t hit me or even come close. They just told me to get down on the sidewalk next to the other guy.
Once I was down, one of the men came over to take the deposit from my hand. When he grabbed it he also got my company-issued tie. I started to ask him to leave it (a very cool black number with little orange H’s all over it), but I decided he wanted it more than I did. LOL! The other robber started giving us instructions. The dude went on and on and on. I felt like we were getting to be old friends, so I turned my head to look back at him. That wasn’t smart. As I turned my head, I very quickly had the shotgun barrel pressed against my left cheek and the side of my nose. When the crook asked what I was looking at, of course I said “nothing” and turned back around. Finally they ran off.
Anyway, we were stuck talking to the police until 3:00 in the morning. I didn’t feel any fear during the entire incident. But it did catch up to me later. When I was driving home I looked at my speedometer and saw that I was driving 80 mph in a 40 mph zone--and I felt shaky. I don’t know exactly what I was feeling (fear, anger, anxiety, frustration, helplessness???), but it was affecting my driving.
I went to bed around 4:00am, but had to get back up at 6:30am. I had to get up early because it was the first day of school--my senior year of high school. I was 17. It was a pretty memorable (and unpleasant) way to spend the last night of my last summer vacation as a high school kid!
PS – The other assistant called in sick the next night. I was on my own. I ended up making a game out of the night deposit. I had the cashiers stand in the lobby, looking out the windows in each direction and I had the grill workers take out the trash and scout behind the restaurant as I dashed across the street to the bank. We were all laughing. That turned out to be my last night there. My car died and it was too far to walk (it was a 30 minute drive) so I went back to working at my restaurant. There was more to this part, but it is too b-o-r-i-n-g!!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Scariest moment ever
What was my scariest moment ever? It didn’t happen during my dad’s SWAT maneuvers. It wasn’t the time the weird man harassed me as I walked home from the bus stop. It wasn’t the time I got robbed at gun point or either of the times I was surrounded in school by guys wanting to fight. It wasn’t the time I actually did get beat up or any of my ghostly encounters. My scariest moment ever occurred in bed in the middle of the night.
I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to look over at my wife as she slept. So I turned over, pushed up on one elbow and looked over to see a strange woman laying in bed next to me!!! I had never seen her before. My heart nearly exploded out of my chest and my mind started racing. Who is she? How did I get here? Was I drugged? What’s the last thing I remember? I’m a dead man! Wait a minute, this is MY bedroom? How did she get HERE? Where is my wife? I’m a dead man! Is this some weird test my crazy wife is putting me through (the girl was very pretty)? Is this what Hell is like? HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!!
As I slowly calmed down I looked over again for the 10th time (or maybe the 100th) and realized that it WAS my wife in bed next to me. It had all been a trick of the dim lighting, shadows, and my foggy, half-asleep brain. What a relief!!! I had been so scared during that one minute or so it probably took a year off my life. It left me completely drained and I had no trouble getting back to sleep after my heart rate slowed down (usually I toss and turn a lot before getting back to sleep).
When this happened a second time a year later, I thought, “Wow, not this again” and tried to roll over and go back to sleep. But then my mind asked, “What if it’s real this time?” and I panicked all over again. LOL
If I didn’t know it already (but I’m pretty sure I did), I learned from this that I never, ever, ever, never want to find myself in that situation for real.
Edit: Plz let me know if anything like this has ever happened to you.
I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to look over at my wife as she slept. So I turned over, pushed up on one elbow and looked over to see a strange woman laying in bed next to me!!! I had never seen her before. My heart nearly exploded out of my chest and my mind started racing. Who is she? How did I get here? Was I drugged? What’s the last thing I remember? I’m a dead man! Wait a minute, this is MY bedroom? How did she get HERE? Where is my wife? I’m a dead man! Is this some weird test my crazy wife is putting me through (the girl was very pretty)? Is this what Hell is like? HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!!
As I slowly calmed down I looked over again for the 10th time (or maybe the 100th) and realized that it WAS my wife in bed next to me. It had all been a trick of the dim lighting, shadows, and my foggy, half-asleep brain. What a relief!!! I had been so scared during that one minute or so it probably took a year off my life. It left me completely drained and I had no trouble getting back to sleep after my heart rate slowed down (usually I toss and turn a lot before getting back to sleep).
When this happened a second time a year later, I thought, “Wow, not this again” and tried to roll over and go back to sleep. But then my mind asked, “What if it’s real this time?” and I panicked all over again. LOL
If I didn’t know it already (but I’m pretty sure I did), I learned from this that I never, ever, ever, never want to find myself in that situation for real.
Edit: Plz let me know if anything like this has ever happened to you.
Friday, February 12, 2010
First Kiss #4/Marriage Story #2
My final “First Kiss” was that first kiss as husband and wife, so this is also Marriage Story #2. We planned our wedding on short notice because my fiancée’s mom had been given just 6 months to live following brain surgery. We both wanted her mom at our wedding, so we got married at 21--earlier than we had planned.
We married on a beautiful Saturday in May. We had picked up the cake and decorated the reception hall the night before and everything was in place. All we had to do was show up at the church. But it turned out her father had not tried on his rented tux until the day of the wedding. The pants were 10 sizes too big. Clown pants! He managed to borrow a pair of suspenders from a neighbor—problem solved. Then the florist delivered the flowers to the wrong address. Her sister took care of that for us. No big deal. Next she was swarmed by bugs as she posed for pictures in her family’s yard. Her sisters and friends had to pluck the bugs off her gown. All of this, combined with her mom’s health, made her very emotional. And late.
I was waiting at the church with the priest who had called her a heathen. He wanted to start the ceremony immediately. I told him to go ahead and the bride could just catch up. Finally they arrived.
As my bride and her father walked up the aisle together, they were both shaking and crying their eyes out. It was either touching or horrible, depending on your perspective. I wondered if she had changed her mind! I was nervous too until I heard a single sob choked back behind me. It was my mom. I don’t know why, but it was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud when I heard that. That calmed me down and during the exchange of vows I really belted mine out so everyone could hear what was going on—my wife was still shaking and could barely speak.
At end of the ceremony we had to kneel in front of the priest. As we got up, her heel got caught in the train of her dress and she started to topple forward. But the priest and I caught her before she fell. I think that flustered the priest. When he pronounced us man and wife he did NOT say you may now kiss the bride. Instead, HE kissed her on the cheek and told us to “go, go”.
So is she married to me or to the priest??? LOL! We did sneak in a quick kiss when we got the end of the aisle.
PS – My mother-in-law is gone now, but she lived for years. Hmmmm???
We married on a beautiful Saturday in May. We had picked up the cake and decorated the reception hall the night before and everything was in place. All we had to do was show up at the church. But it turned out her father had not tried on his rented tux until the day of the wedding. The pants were 10 sizes too big. Clown pants! He managed to borrow a pair of suspenders from a neighbor—problem solved. Then the florist delivered the flowers to the wrong address. Her sister took care of that for us. No big deal. Next she was swarmed by bugs as she posed for pictures in her family’s yard. Her sisters and friends had to pluck the bugs off her gown. All of this, combined with her mom’s health, made her very emotional. And late.
I was waiting at the church with the priest who had called her a heathen. He wanted to start the ceremony immediately. I told him to go ahead and the bride could just catch up. Finally they arrived.
As my bride and her father walked up the aisle together, they were both shaking and crying their eyes out. It was either touching or horrible, depending on your perspective. I wondered if she had changed her mind! I was nervous too until I heard a single sob choked back behind me. It was my mom. I don’t know why, but it was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud when I heard that. That calmed me down and during the exchange of vows I really belted mine out so everyone could hear what was going on—my wife was still shaking and could barely speak.
At end of the ceremony we had to kneel in front of the priest. As we got up, her heel got caught in the train of her dress and she started to topple forward. But the priest and I caught her before she fell. I think that flustered the priest. When he pronounced us man and wife he did NOT say you may now kiss the bride. Instead, HE kissed her on the cheek and told us to “go, go”.
So is she married to me or to the priest??? LOL! We did sneak in a quick kiss when we got the end of the aisle.
PS – My mother-in-law is gone now, but she lived for years. Hmmmm???
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Snow Memories (very long)
It's snowing here again and snow always prompts a mix of memories--good and bad...and strange. I'd like to share one of the the strange ones.
I was a 17 yr-old high school senior and running errands on a Saturday morning with my GF (now my wife). A snowstorm had rolled in and the world looked beautiful. After our errands we stopped by my parent's house for an early lunch. We ate with my mom. My dad was no where to be seen, but we soon heard him. He was trying to ignore the pain of a kidney stone. I asked him if he wanted to go to the hospital, but he said no. He'd had a similar pain a few weeks earlier that went away by itself as he sat in an emergency room, so this time he was staying home.
Since I wasn't needed, I drove my GF home. It took longer than usual because of the snow, but we enjoyed the views . On my way home after dropping her off, I saw something odd. I thought I was imagining things. But as I got closer I could see I was right--there was a woman in a French Maid outfit (w/a little jean jacket) walking through the snow in heels with a little boy next to her. I started to drive past them because I knew my GF would not want me giving her a ride. But there was about 12 inches of snow on the ground and more was falling. I stopped.
I backed up a little and got out to offer them a ride. I tried to show the woman my driver's license (so she'd know who I was), but she couldn't have cared less. She was freezing in those clothes and jumped in the car before I could suggest she get in the backseat. The boy squeezed in next to her and the three of us were packed in pretty tight in the front seat (it was a bench seat). The way she was dressed made me a little uncomfortable (I was 17). She told me she was a college senior and worked at a local restaurant. She had picked up her little brother from a friend's house on her way home from work and then drove her car into a ditch.
She gave me directions to their parent's house. It was about 10 miles--she never would have made it in those heels. As I drove into their driveway I tried to figure out what the right thing would be to do next. If she'd been wearing pants I think I would have carried her to the porch. But under the circumstances I decided that would be taking chivalry too far. I stayed behind the wheel and let her walk--it was a short walk. LOL!
I forgot to tell my GF/wife this story for about 10 years. But that's because something serious happened next. When I got home my dad was still in pain and I asked again if he wanted to go to the hospital. He said no, he would be fine. Close to 9:00 that night (when there was nearly 20 inches of snow) my dad asked me if I was more comfortable in my car or his. I asked, "more comfortable for what?" He wanted me to drive him to the hospital. So I shoveled a path to my car, cleared it off, helped both of my parents into the car, and off we went.
I attempted the direct route, but there was one steep hill I could not get past. My car had rear-wheel drive and kept sliding before I cold get to the top. There were deep ditches on both sides of the road so I couldn't afford to take chances. We took the long way instead. When we got to a straight stretch of road I sped up a little. My mom was in the backseat and scared. She softly suggested that I slow down a little. Before I could answer, my dad said, "Leave the boy alone!" I had to choke back the laughter. If you knew my dad, the drill sergeant, you would know why that was funny. For him to be the one defending instead of criticizing--Hysterical!!! But also an indication of how much pain he was in.
Soon he and I had a big disagreement. A road he wanted to take was closed. He had an idea for another route, but I knew a shortcut. I had been bused to a middle school in that area and the after-school activity bus took a lot of different routes to get us home. The drill sergeant made it clear he did NOT want to take my shortcut. I disobeyed him. The entire drive was tense because of the snow and his pain. But those next few minutes were beyond tense, with him yelling and me starting to doubt my memory.
Soon we discovered I was right, thank God! The shortcut took us directly to the hospital. It was at the top of a hill, but my car took us straight up without a single slip or spin. The relief was tremendous. I had debated with my dad before (and secretly done things my way instead of his), but that was the first time I openly disobeyed him. He needed to be in charge and he didn't want to admit anyone knew something he didn't. But that night he ended up appreciating it. He thanked me for driving him and said he was glad I took the shortcut. I can't properly explain how huge that was.
So you can understand how the story of driving my dad to the hospital made me forget to tell my GF about the French Maid when we talked the next day. And for the next 10 years!!! Right? LOL!!!
Edit: This was really two stories, completely unrelated, that happened on the same day. Maybe I should have titled this post "A Surreal Day".
I was a 17 yr-old high school senior and running errands on a Saturday morning with my GF (now my wife). A snowstorm had rolled in and the world looked beautiful. After our errands we stopped by my parent's house for an early lunch. We ate with my mom. My dad was no where to be seen, but we soon heard him. He was trying to ignore the pain of a kidney stone. I asked him if he wanted to go to the hospital, but he said no. He'd had a similar pain a few weeks earlier that went away by itself as he sat in an emergency room, so this time he was staying home.
Since I wasn't needed, I drove my GF home. It took longer than usual because of the snow, but we enjoyed the views . On my way home after dropping her off, I saw something odd. I thought I was imagining things. But as I got closer I could see I was right--there was a woman in a French Maid outfit (w/a little jean jacket) walking through the snow in heels with a little boy next to her. I started to drive past them because I knew my GF would not want me giving her a ride. But there was about 12 inches of snow on the ground and more was falling. I stopped.
I backed up a little and got out to offer them a ride. I tried to show the woman my driver's license (so she'd know who I was), but she couldn't have cared less. She was freezing in those clothes and jumped in the car before I could suggest she get in the backseat. The boy squeezed in next to her and the three of us were packed in pretty tight in the front seat (it was a bench seat). The way she was dressed made me a little uncomfortable (I was 17). She told me she was a college senior and worked at a local restaurant. She had picked up her little brother from a friend's house on her way home from work and then drove her car into a ditch.
She gave me directions to their parent's house. It was about 10 miles--she never would have made it in those heels. As I drove into their driveway I tried to figure out what the right thing would be to do next. If she'd been wearing pants I think I would have carried her to the porch. But under the circumstances I decided that would be taking chivalry too far. I stayed behind the wheel and let her walk--it was a short walk. LOL!
I forgot to tell my GF/wife this story for about 10 years. But that's because something serious happened next. When I got home my dad was still in pain and I asked again if he wanted to go to the hospital. He said no, he would be fine. Close to 9:00 that night (when there was nearly 20 inches of snow) my dad asked me if I was more comfortable in my car or his. I asked, "more comfortable for what?" He wanted me to drive him to the hospital. So I shoveled a path to my car, cleared it off, helped both of my parents into the car, and off we went.
I attempted the direct route, but there was one steep hill I could not get past. My car had rear-wheel drive and kept sliding before I cold get to the top. There were deep ditches on both sides of the road so I couldn't afford to take chances. We took the long way instead. When we got to a straight stretch of road I sped up a little. My mom was in the backseat and scared. She softly suggested that I slow down a little. Before I could answer, my dad said, "Leave the boy alone!" I had to choke back the laughter. If you knew my dad, the drill sergeant, you would know why that was funny. For him to be the one defending instead of criticizing--Hysterical!!! But also an indication of how much pain he was in.
Soon he and I had a big disagreement. A road he wanted to take was closed. He had an idea for another route, but I knew a shortcut. I had been bused to a middle school in that area and the after-school activity bus took a lot of different routes to get us home. The drill sergeant made it clear he did NOT want to take my shortcut. I disobeyed him. The entire drive was tense because of the snow and his pain. But those next few minutes were beyond tense, with him yelling and me starting to doubt my memory.
Soon we discovered I was right, thank God! The shortcut took us directly to the hospital. It was at the top of a hill, but my car took us straight up without a single slip or spin. The relief was tremendous. I had debated with my dad before (and secretly done things my way instead of his), but that was the first time I openly disobeyed him. He needed to be in charge and he didn't want to admit anyone knew something he didn't. But that night he ended up appreciating it. He thanked me for driving him and said he was glad I took the shortcut. I can't properly explain how huge that was.
So you can understand how the story of driving my dad to the hospital made me forget to tell my GF about the French Maid when we talked the next day. And for the next 10 years!!! Right? LOL!!!
Edit: This was really two stories, completely unrelated, that happened on the same day. Maybe I should have titled this post "A Surreal Day".
Sunday, February 7, 2010
A piece of me...February 2010
This is a monthly game started by Notes from the Toothfairy. The game is to share info about yourself on the 1st Sunday of every month. This month....
I like: that everything outside is so pretty thanks to a huge snowstorm and that this game brought Toothfairy back on-line
I don't like: that I was completely unprepared for this game. where did the month go? Also, while the snow is pretty, shoveling 2+ feet of heavy snow sucks!!!
I want you to know: I'm hoping I don't have to go to work tomorrow (more than usual).
I've planned: to buy a new (most likely used) car in the near future. Repair costs are mounting on the old ones.
I want to say to someone special: I'm so glad we're friends! Friendship adds sweetness and fun to life. =)
PS - I just heard on the news that I have the day off tomorrow. Ya-hoo!!!
I like: that everything outside is so pretty thanks to a huge snowstorm and that this game brought Toothfairy back on-line
I don't like: that I was completely unprepared for this game. where did the month go? Also, while the snow is pretty, shoveling 2+ feet of heavy snow sucks!!!
I want you to know: I'm hoping I don't have to go to work tomorrow (more than usual).
I've planned: to buy a new (most likely used) car in the near future. Repair costs are mounting on the old ones.
I want to say to someone special: I'm so glad we're friends! Friendship adds sweetness and fun to life. =)
PS - I just heard on the news that I have the day off tomorrow. Ya-hoo!!!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
First Kiss #3 - No Thanks
First Kiss #3 came from a pretty, freckled-faced girl I had pretended not to notice in church for years. See looked so sweet in church, I imagined she was nice. It took three dates for me to figure out I was mistaken. Let’s say her name was Millie.
I had a general rule about not kissing a girl until the third date. First dates were for getting to know the girl and helping her get to know me. Second dates were more of the same, but with a goodnight kiss on the cheek at her front door if I was interested in seeing her again. Third dates were played by ear, see what happens.
On our first date it rained buckets and she threw up twice—we had ice cream before going to a movie. Millie was reserved that night. She didn’t do anything to change what I thought of her. On the second date it rained buckets and she talked a little more, but not enough to make a decision. On the third date it rained buckets and she talked more than she had before. She was really kind of a *itch. But we were on the third date and you’re supposed to see what happens. So after the movie we went to a place where teenagers sometimes parked. As I parked the car, she started to slide over towards me. I kept thinking about the things she had said and her nasty attitude. She was CUTE as a button, but she wasn't a person I wanted to date.
When she kissed me it completely grossed me out--it was the "first kiss" that ever made me think "no thanks!" I pulled back and said I really should get her home, the movie ended late, I’ve got an early morning, her parents were probably looking for her, I've got a headache, blah, blah, blah--I really don't remember what I said. We didn’t go out again after that. I found out later she had a boyfriend who was away at college--she was cheating on him with me.
Anyway, this is not a very interesting story, but it does disprove the myth that guys will kiss any girl!!! LOL!
Oh, I need your opinions on something. My wife brings up Millie’s name on a regular basis. She makes remarks like, “Oh yeah, that’s when you were dating Millie.” I don’t think Millie and I were ever “dating”. I don’t believe 3 dates spread out over 3 months equals dating. Am I wrong????
PS - I think all that rain was a sign. =)
I had a general rule about not kissing a girl until the third date. First dates were for getting to know the girl and helping her get to know me. Second dates were more of the same, but with a goodnight kiss on the cheek at her front door if I was interested in seeing her again. Third dates were played by ear, see what happens.
On our first date it rained buckets and she threw up twice—we had ice cream before going to a movie. Millie was reserved that night. She didn’t do anything to change what I thought of her. On the second date it rained buckets and she talked a little more, but not enough to make a decision. On the third date it rained buckets and she talked more than she had before. She was really kind of a *itch. But we were on the third date and you’re supposed to see what happens. So after the movie we went to a place where teenagers sometimes parked. As I parked the car, she started to slide over towards me. I kept thinking about the things she had said and her nasty attitude. She was CUTE as a button, but she wasn't a person I wanted to date.
When she kissed me it completely grossed me out--it was the "first kiss" that ever made me think "no thanks!" I pulled back and said I really should get her home, the movie ended late, I’ve got an early morning, her parents were probably looking for her, I've got a headache, blah, blah, blah--I really don't remember what I said. We didn’t go out again after that. I found out later she had a boyfriend who was away at college--she was cheating on him with me.
Anyway, this is not a very interesting story, but it does disprove the myth that guys will kiss any girl!!! LOL!
Oh, I need your opinions on something. My wife brings up Millie’s name on a regular basis. She makes remarks like, “Oh yeah, that’s when you were dating Millie.” I don’t think Millie and I were ever “dating”. I don’t believe 3 dates spread out over 3 months equals dating. Am I wrong????
PS - I think all that rain was a sign. =)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Marriage Story #1

That last night the priest told us we would need to bring our baptismal certificates to the church the day of the wedding. My bride spoke up to say she didn’t have one. She had never been baptized. That’s when it got really interesting.
The priest turned to me and said, “Richard, congratulations. Since she’s never been baptized you can get out of the marriage anytime you want.” I started to laugh, but I saw the look on someone’s face and realized it was not the time. So I asked him what he meant. He said, “Since she’s a heathen, you can annul the marriage anytime you want.” I smiled, but only because I thought this would be something fun to tease my bride about someday. Not today, but maybe someday. Maybe.
As we walked to our car later she had a death-grip on my arm. She said, "Well, I guess this makes you happy. I saw that smile. You can get out anytime you want!" Very innocently I responded, "Shouldn't you wait until after I'm IN it before you tease me about wanting to get OUT?" She started crying. Getting married is an emotional experience and she had additional stress because her mom was really sick at the time. I gave her all the reassurance I could.
The reassurance was nice, but she wanted something more concrete. She signed up for Catholic education classes and was baptized 3 years later along with our daughter. Her crazy motivation aside, it was sweet. =)
She brings this up occasionally...and I'm afraid I can't help myself. I have to tease her. When she mentions it I either say, "You were too late, it doesn't count" or simply "Getting baptized is not retroactive!" Then she smacks my arm and we both laugh! She knows it's innocent teasing--I wouldn't do anything to upset the owner of that death-grip!!! LOL

Monday, February 1, 2010
First Kiss #2 - A Real Kiss
First Kiss #2 was my first real kiss. I was 14 and on the receiving end. I thought it was my reward for helping some kids on a strange Halloween night. Later I wondered if it was punishment for something! After re-stocking the soda and beer in my grandma’s store, I headed for the nearby sub-division to meet up with friends.
As I neared the the subdivision, I heard a commotion near one of the houses. I rounded the corner of the house and saw four boys huddled together. Then I saw a man with a shiny revolver. He pointed it at me briefly, but then aimed it back at them. I walked over next to him and faced the kids (like he and I were on the same side). I asked him what happened. He explained that someone had egged his mom’s house—and he was tired of her getting harassed! Just as I had done with a policeman during a campout, I introduced myself and told the man my grandmother ran the little store down the road (everyone knew her). I told him I had talked with his mom many times in the store, she was a nice lady (she wasn’t), and I was really sorry that happened to her (I was).
Then I turned to Andy, one of the accused:
Me: Andy, did you and your friends throw the eggs?
Andy: No!
Me: Do you know who did?
Andy: We saw guys running that way just before we got here.
Me: Okay, you two go look for the other guys and see if you can get names. You two help Mr. Wilson clean the egg off his mom’s house.
Mr. Wilson put his gun away (and apologized to me???) and they all did what I told them to do. It was weird! That’s when I realized if you act confident, sometimes people will cooperate. It all happened so quickly, I didn’t have time to get nervous. But I felt a little shaky when I went looking for my friends. That’s when I encountered the girl who was about to kiss me. I had recently been talking with her on the bus and in school. We were becoming friends. Just friends!
She was dressed like a sexy flapper and wanted to tell me something. She said her family was moving out of state at the end of the week, that she knew we were just friends, but she wanted to kiss me good-bye. Then she laid one on me! It was something. In the back of my mind I was thinking, “Just friends? Who said anything about just friends?” LOL, but I didn’t say anything about that. I just gave her a hug & walked her home.
I said something about punishment, didn’t I? How could a nice experience like that possibly be a punishment? Well, my little friend who came out under-dressed on Halloween had mono. Mononucleosis! By Thanksgiving I developed pneumonia and found out I had mono too--and an enlarged spleen. I didn’t go to school almost the entire month of December.
That “first” kiss almost killed me! LOL!
As I neared the the subdivision, I heard a commotion near one of the houses. I rounded the corner of the house and saw four boys huddled together. Then I saw a man with a shiny revolver. He pointed it at me briefly, but then aimed it back at them. I walked over next to him and faced the kids (like he and I were on the same side). I asked him what happened. He explained that someone had egged his mom’s house—and he was tired of her getting harassed! Just as I had done with a policeman during a campout, I introduced myself and told the man my grandmother ran the little store down the road (everyone knew her). I told him I had talked with his mom many times in the store, she was a nice lady (she wasn’t), and I was really sorry that happened to her (I was).
Then I turned to Andy, one of the accused:
Me: Andy, did you and your friends throw the eggs?
Andy: No!
Me: Do you know who did?
Andy: We saw guys running that way just before we got here.
Me: Okay, you two go look for the other guys and see if you can get names. You two help Mr. Wilson clean the egg off his mom’s house.
Mr. Wilson put his gun away (and apologized to me???) and they all did what I told them to do. It was weird! That’s when I realized if you act confident, sometimes people will cooperate. It all happened so quickly, I didn’t have time to get nervous. But I felt a little shaky when I went looking for my friends. That’s when I encountered the girl who was about to kiss me. I had recently been talking with her on the bus and in school. We were becoming friends. Just friends!
She was dressed like a sexy flapper and wanted to tell me something. She said her family was moving out of state at the end of the week, that she knew we were just friends, but she wanted to kiss me good-bye. Then she laid one on me! It was something. In the back of my mind I was thinking, “Just friends? Who said anything about just friends?” LOL, but I didn’t say anything about that. I just gave her a hug & walked her home.
I said something about punishment, didn’t I? How could a nice experience like that possibly be a punishment? Well, my little friend who came out under-dressed on Halloween had mono. Mononucleosis! By Thanksgiving I developed pneumonia and found out I had mono too--and an enlarged spleen. I didn’t go to school almost the entire month of December.
That “first” kiss almost killed me! LOL!
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