Monday, June 10, 2013

No one asked, but... (and a giveaway)

I feel like over-sharing.

Am I a nerd?

I love Star Trek, Doctor Who, LOTR, The Big Bang Theory and Jeopardy, but I don't think I'm smart enough to be an actual nerd.  I do have nerd-like tendencies, though.  While watching The Walking Dead, I became annoyed when humans entered a Southern Baptist church and discovered zombies sitting quietly in pews looking towards a huge crucifix.  That was just ridiculous!  Everyone knows Southern Baptists use a plain cross, not a crucifix.  It made the entire episode completely unbelieveable.  :P

Do I have odd habits?

I say no.  My family says yes.  Early in my career I used to have lunch in my office's tiny lunch room.  The vending machine in the room stocked a variety of Pepperidge Farm cookies--for a great price.  I discovered they were cheap because they were hard as rocks.  To get around that, I dunked them in my drink.  Water!  I liked what water did to the cookies.  It softened them, but unlike milk it did not change the flavor--and it made the water taste like cookies.  I don't do it often, but every once in a while I still dunk cookies in water.  Chocolate chip cookies work the best.

I could have listed any one of many things in this section (for example, my wife says I dry off in an odd way after a shower, I get into bed funny, I eat M&M's in a weird way, etc., etc.). But this one is on my mind because over the weekend my daughter saw me dunk a cookie is water and she asked, "Do your teeth hurt???"  LOL!

Do I appreciate your comments?

YES!!!  And since I made a big deal about appreciate being an action verb (in a previous post), it's time for a reader appreciation giveaway.  Herro Hachi and Olive and Piper have offered to help me celebrate your blog friendship.  We're giving away Herro Hachi items (of your choice) AND an Olive and Piper $25 gift certificate.  To enter, please visit their websites, identify your favorite item on each site and mention them in a comment to this post.  That's one entry.  For a second (and third) entry, tweet about your favorite items (and comment that you tweeted!).  There will be more than two winners!

Well, you're all winners--the giveaway winners will be announced next week.  I've ordered from both companies and all I can say is they're the best.  Products, customer service, everything!  I'm sure you will like them as much as I do. 

Edit:  The giveaway is open to everyone!


  1. I adore the Candied Peach Studs from Olive & Piper's website!! So adorable and a great color.

    From Herro Haci's website, I'd love the Saaamage + Hero Hachi Collab Pullover.

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!! (I'm (almost) a nerd too...)

  2. It is a great giveaway, but due to the fact I am doing some serious downsizing I think I will give other readers a better chance by not entering. :-)

    And of course you do not have odd habits. (Keep in mind this is coming from a person who spins her own yarn and knits her own socks.)

  3. is this open to canadians? if so, i like

    "You had me at herro" and the infinity bracelet (and necklace) in gold.

  4. I enjoy The Big Bang Theory too, it's such a funny show! And that scene in the Walking Dead annoyed me because why would the walkers just be sitting there. They're always looking for food or migrating, they don't sit!

    Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite from O&P is the limelight bib necklace. My favorite from Herro is the Dericious Piggy tee. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  5. Hah, that's a good one - dunking cookies in water. Only you would do that Rick.

    And yay for another one of your giveaways. I still wear my Herro shirt all the time :) You can count me out as I've already won once (thanks again!)

  6. ooo sweet giveaway! I remember when Herro Hachi was just starting out, it's amazing how far they've come! Yeah...I think I'm one a pseudo-nerds as well. Definitely lacking in the IQ dept but my interests are decidedly nerdy... ahah ah well, we can only be ourselves I suppose.

    My favs have to be the Herro Around the World shirt and Betsy Jeweled Necklace (the Orange Love You Knot is really calling my name as well xD).

  7. Omg what a great chance to win!! Sorry Rick for not commenting for a while I hope I can catch up with you soon ;) I once won a herrrohachi shirt, actually I'm wearing it right now lol! Of course I'd live to take this chance and enter!

  8. I'd love to win the I'm just saying shirt or the ponies necklace as they're both so beautiful!! I also tweeted about it but somehow can't put the link here...

    Good luck to all readers!!

  9. the Herro boxer briefs are adorable! And the navy tetris necklace and the moonlight druzy necklace necklace is also so pretty! I've been looking for THE statement necklace. IT's so hard to choose!

  10. is it still open?? is it still open??? open??? no? yes? no?

    I love all Kymchi's Herro Hachi products (and I'm sure you know that already xP), but I love Kymchi more teehee.

    Because next week might be a hell of a week for me, I suppose there's no harm for me to daydream about getting new pullover and a cobalt pave buckle wrap.


    p.s I think "nerd" needs a new definition these days :p

  11. No suspension of disbelief for you, huh? Nerd. Hehe. Most times I can ignore/forgive inaccuracies in TV and movies, and sometimes, I nerd it up. And yea, dunking cookies in water is very interesting...though the M&M, bedtime, and shower drying process are interesting share. Sorry I didn't enter your giveaway soon enough! I've had life pile up on me and not had time to read blog posts in a timely manner.

  12. that is funny about the water and cookies!
