Saturday, June 15, 2013

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the dads, fathers-in-law, grandfathers and surrogate dads out there!

And a special happy Father's Day to my dad.  I hope he checks in on me once in a while.  He had an interesting life (I've posted a few of his stories) and had his share of obstacles to overcome.  As for those moments when I may have frustrated him...well, he taught me not to do something "just because someone told me to".  I'm sure he didn't expect me to ever apply that to him, but of course I did.  lol

He taught me plenty of other things too--some were useful, some were interesting and some were just odd.  I devoted a previous Father's Day post to some of his tidbits of information.

I'm pretty sure "how to get a dog to go for my throat" was the weirdest thing I learned from my dad (what were the odds a situation would ever come up to prompt him to share that?).  Remembering that always inspires me to ask what is the strangest bit of advice you've ever received???

Also, it has become tradition for me to buy myself a Father's Day gift that's actually for my wife.  The past two years the gifts have been pieces of furniture (a curio cabinet and an end table w/two glass doors on the top--it's really an old display table).  This year I bought jewelry--earrings from Olive and Piper.  I think I did good!  :)

PS - The Olive and Piper and Herro Hachi  giveaway closes Monday at midnight (US Pacific time zone). 


  1. Happy Father's Day to you, Rick! I hope there is a gift or two for you in addition to the earrings. And if there isn't maybe your wife would at least let you wear them for the day before she claims them. :-)

    1. Thanks Kristie! I hope the mister has a pleasant day. I erred with the earrings--I can only wear clip-ons and they are for pierced ears. :D

  2. You totally did good and Happy Father's Day to you!!

    1. Thanks Rooth! I hope your dad enjoyed the weekend.

  3. That's an awesome tradition (one I can defintely get behind eheh) and the earrings are gorgeous~

    Hope you had a great Father's Day!

    1. Haha, well I think it will be a temporary tradition--there's a reason behind it. One that I hope will fade with time.

      Thank you!

  4. Hope you had a fabulous father's day weekend! My dad has taught me plenty, but my most favorite advice he ever gave me was when I was leaving for college. I asked him what I should do if I was ever attacked. He said, "well, you are so tiny, you could never win in a struggle. So just kick them in the genitals and run as fast as you can". Thanks dad. :)

    That and, how to jab someone's throat so they die... hahaha. Oh my dad!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Thank you Yi-chia! Your dad is very smart--that's all great advice! In a perfect world dad's would escort their daughters everywhere, but that's not possible (as much as dads wish it were). *sigh* :)

  5. Hmmm...I like that Father's Day tradition of yours...haha :o) Lovely earrings you chose. I also remember that post of yours. Per my comment on it, I still don't shower right after I

    1. Haha, OMGoodness...I remember your dad told you that--so you'd have time to do the dishes! LOL

  6. Dads sure do give random advice and tidbits in life. I remember my dad showing me the proper way to wipe-down a table, like they do at the restaurant so that you don't use the dirty side of the towel on the entire surface of the table. I said, "Why would I need this? I'm never going to work in a restaurant." Sure enough, I've worked in 2 restaurants and I still keep his tip in mind when wiping down surfaces at my house. Nice earrings. I like your tradition.

    1. I think the tradition has an expiration date on it. But I'll still surprise her at random times.

      That's funny about the table. I always smile when I catch myself doing something that my dad recommended.

  7. Whenever I get a little bit too feisty or mouthy my dad would say "You think you're the only one with an attitude? Other people have an attitude too, they just might not be showing it to you. So sit your ass down." (last line is unspoken)

    I can't think of any weird advice, probably coz I'm the one who's always giving out the weird ones. :D

    1. Shucks, the best part of the advice was unspoken! :)

      You should do a post someday on the weird advice you've offered.
