Monday, May 6, 2013

Sit-com Life

Our cable company recently added a new channel that carries old TV shows (really old).  On it I stumbled across a sit-com conversation very similar to many that used to take place in our house (I've learned to avoid them). 

The husband and wife were on the verge of having an argument. 

Husband:  Wait, how did this even get started? 
Wife:  You attacked me. 
Husband:  All I did was compliment her cooking.  (The "her" was a neighbor.) 
Wife:  That's what I said, you attacked me. 

I nearly choked when I heard that.  I hit the record button so I could share it with my wife.  She laughed when she saw it, but also sided with the TV wife 100% ("He shouldn't have been talking about another woman's cooking!").  I KNEW she would (as I mentioned, we've had similar conversations), that's why it was so funny to me. 

I almost don't want to ask, but do you agree with her??? 


  1. Haha, don't you know that the wife is ALWAYS right!? My husband will tell you.. "a happy wife is a happy life".

    Of course your wife is right, complimenting another woman's cooking is like dissing your own wife's cooking. It's just the way it is. Personally I wouldn't mind, because I hate to cook, haha. But I could totally see her point! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Hahaha, yes, I've learned that and I'm very well trained. Early in our relationship I made a few mistakes and learned from them (quickly).

      If asked about another woman's great cooking, I answer "it was okay"--and maybe add that it gave me indigestion. lol

      When asked if a pretty girl is pretty, the answer is..."well, if you like that look. I guess she's not unattractive". If the girl happens to be a real beauty, the required response is..."she's trying too hard, I don't like that".

      I don't get in trouble accidentally, but once in a while I like to tease my wife. She laughs, slaps my arm, and we're both happy!

  2. You can only comment on another woman's cooking if the wife comments first, and then you can simply agree with no other comment to be made. That said, since Alan and I both cook, I think he'd be more sensitive and not make such an "attack". Hopefully I wouldn't either.

    1. But I can comment that I think the food is upsetting my stomach, right??? lol

  3. you can't compliment on another woman's cooking, like the way we can't compliment on another man's penis. end of story. unless the penis is malfunction ie has warts, like if the cooking really really sucked.

    and washing is not doing well anymore, whatever happened to Ovetchkin lately?!?!?! he used to be so good!


    1. What,what, what??? lol, got it, no compliments!

      Ovi is coming back.

  4. Dangerous grounds there, my friend. :P

    The hubs has shown an ability to refrain from sharing his opinion of food given to us until after I give it. I guess you could say that he's been trained


    You can always just take headless shots like I do! Hahaha! But really you can just share random things. :)

    1. in grounds for divorce? :) Hopefully not, but I don't need to worry (about that). I too am well trained and know not to get myself in trouble--I may tease my wife about feeling that way, but I would never go so far as to compliment another woman's cooking.

  5. Women are crazy. I think that about sums it up. :)

    1. Officially, no comment. (Unofficially, thank you!!!)

  6. Oh dear, I kinda don't agree with everyone here. I personally thinks it is nothing at all and a rather trivial matter. We would compliment our friends' cooking be it the husband or the wife. I don't see anything wrong at all.

    1. I agree with you! :) But I think for my wife, cooking is a big part of how she sees herself, her identity. So, if I were to be too complimentary about another woman's cooking, she would feel like I was saying the other woman is better than she is. I always make a point to say that my is in a category by herself, so there can never be any comparison. Best cook I know? Well, aside from my wife, it's probably a lady in my office. See, never a comparison. :D

  7. Tehehehehe. That is too cute! Gosh, by this time next year I will be married and can actually see myself react the same way. hahahaha. The only compliments being given should be to the wife oh and to the mom too, and sister, everyone that is family. hahahaha

    1. Not to the pretty girl next door??? I think my wife used to scout out neighborhoods to make sure we never looked at homes with pretty neighbors. lol

  8. LOL! I would agree, but "you attacked me" seems a little strong. :P

    1. YES! I like to think I'm fairly sensitive, but it can be hard to keep out of trouble when living in such a mine field. :)
