Friday, May 17, 2013


My wife and I met at our high school 20 year reunion.  She was still single, but I was married to someone else.  When we bumped into each other, the magic was still there.  I wanted to spend time with her, but she said we couldn't.  It wouldn't be right--since I was married.  She also said the situation was my fault for choosing someone else (a Pom-Pom named Cathy) all those years ago.  I made my choice and was going to have to live with it.  I tried to kiss her, but she pushed away and slapped me.

Then she woke up from her bad dream.

Then she hit me (for real) as I innocently slept.

She’d had a dream and was mad at me.  That's happened several times over the years.  I got lucky the last time it happened--I was already having breakfast when she woke up, so I was out of reach.

Later she told me about her dream.  Then smiled and said, “But I've decided to forgive you!"  I think I mentioned that here on the blog at the time.

Today is our wedding anniversary.  I had flowers delivered to her office yesterday and I'm taking her to her favorite places (shopping and eating) on Saturday.  But the next time she has a bad dream, none of that will matter.  I'll be in trouble.  She'll probably smack me--again.  :)

Have a great weekend folks, go do something fun.  I'm hoping to! 


  1. Haha, that's totally happened to me too. I've had dreams about people and then totally tried to hold them accountable, especially if it's my husband.

    Happy anniversary to you and your wife! Cheers to 100 more happy years together. And have so much fun shopping and eating this weekend, sounds perfect to me. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. lol, I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I actually don't mind getting in trouble this way (it's kind of cute), but it's more fun when I earn my way into trouble. :)

      I'll take another 100, thank you! She's leaning towards bbq for tomorrow, but won't know for sure until the time comes.

  2. Happy Anniversary! I wish you and your lovely wife many many more!! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! We did have a nice time. I hope you didn't wet too wet without the umbrella.

  3. Aww Rick Happy Anniversary! And don't worry, those are just punches of love. :p

    1. Haha, you're right...just love taps! Thank you!

  4. Happy anniversary, Rick! I'm laughing about your wife being mad at you because she dreamt you did something wrong. I think this is a universal "wife thing." My friends and I have laughed over doing the very same thing to our husbands. A friend I have once managed to stay angry with her husband for the whole day over his "dream behaviour." :-)

    1. Yikes! I hope she and her husband were not together the whole day while she was mad at him. I think that dream was the only time she re-wrote history and got mad at me for that. Usually it's a current event. Thank you!

  5. HA! Happy anniversary to you and your wife Rick! I think women will always find some sort of reason to be mad at their men, probably because you do something that makes our blood boil, temporarily. Have a fun time celebrating!

    1. Thank you, rooth! Haha, you know, I can't remember the last time I got in trouble when it wasn't due to a dream or because I did something intentionally to make her laugh (and give her an excuse for a little smack). :)

  6. Happy anniversary to you and the Mrs, Rick! I was a little thrown off guard with the 1st paragraph and had to re-read. I should have continued reading the rest of the post first.

    I have to recall a time I dreamt bad stuff about my hubby and blamed him for it. I'm sure it happened but I can't remember the dream or the incident.

    1. I hoped the post would be more interesting if it had that mysterious opening. Thank you and remember to "forgive" kh if you do dream he did something wrong. :)

  7. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you Rick and to the love of your life. May you guys never grow tired of each other. I could only wish that your love grows stronger each day.

  8. Funny story! Happy Anniversary to you guys!! :D

    1. Thank you S&C! I think you would have enjoyed our celebration. :)

  9. what the. HAHA. I read the first paragraph and the first thing that came to my mind was, eh....? I thought you're married to your high school sweetheart (or something)... then I read further and I was like, fuh, that was just a dream. (p.s stop trying to make me confuse!! I swear I'm getting more and more senile these days).

    Anyways, happy anniversary to you and your wife! :) Don't worry about those punches. Do worry when you're not getting any (which I really hope will never happen). After all, those punches always make good stories on your blog hehe.

    1. Thank you!!! I'm sorry about being misleading--but I have to admit I did it on purpose. I hoped it would make the post more interesting with that lead-in. I agree with you about the little punches, plus it shows she it would be bad if they stopped.

      No senility for have a good memory. :)

  10. Oh it reminds me of an episode in friends where Pheobe got made at Ross because of a dream she had. :P

    That is so sweet that you're married to your high school sweetheart :P

    1. I worry that someday one of the stories from my life will end up part of a TV show! :)

  11. For a second, I thought the dream was real! Glad she forgave you ;). Sometimes dreams can be so real, ya know! Hope she enjoyed the flowers and your time on Saturday!

    1. Since it seemed so real to my wife, I wanted to present it that way here. I'm glad she forgave me too. I've learned through this experience that I'm glad I've never really upset her. :)

      She did enjoy our anniversary. I was going to say I'm not sure why we treat it like her birthday, but I do know. As I've mentioned before, I've lost all of our special days except for my birthday. lol

  12. haha that's happened to me before; had a bad dream and woke up super pissed. happy anniversary!

    1. Thanks Kathy! We take the good with the bad--but this is really just funny. :)

  13. Happy anniversary!!! haha I do that to Mr. Artist all the time, but really it's not our fault that we have such amazingly vivid dreams as women! ;)

    1. Thank you! I would love to join you in having those vivid dreams. I never remember mine. Which may be for the best, while coming out of anesthesia recently, I told the doctor I had a dream about work. What a waste of a dream!!! :)

  14. Lol! I'm so glad my future hubby doesn't blog, I'm sure he would blog about the silly things I do. I guess next year when I finally get to live with the future hubby after we say our I do's I will get the chance to see how I react after I wake up from a dream that involves him. Hehehehe. Happy anniversary to you and your wifey Rick and cheers to your happily ever after. =)

    1. Haha, I'm sure he will only have good things to write about you. Thanks Mel, may there be happily ever after for all of us. :)

  15. there's such a thing as 20 year reunion?! damn it I thought I dodged my highschool reunion forever as I skipped out on my 10! anyway happy anniversary I'm sure you two had a ton of fun!! and many more years to come :)

    1. Thank you! But I've got bad news, the reunions don't stop until we do. :)

  16. Ahah great twist! I was rolling my eyes reading the first paragraph and then - ehehe, that's what I get for assuming how the story was going to end!

    1. lol, that was misleading. If this was my brother's blog, that would have been the real story. But we're very different. :)
