Friday, September 2, 2011

I'm not Greta!!!

I'm sure you've all heard this old joke:

Person A: Surely you jest.
Person B: Don't call me Shirley!

Thanks to one of my most frequent typos, my comments may have had you reacting similar to Person B above. But in this case it would be, "Why did Rick call me Greta???"

I didn't. I don't even know anyone named Greta. Sure, I've heard of Greta Garbo, but I can't name a single thing she did. Anyway, in my comments, "greta" = "great".

So, my wonderful blog friends, accept the fact that, yes, you are greta!

Hope you have a, a wonderful weekend.


  1. have a greta weekend too ric!

  2. haha. I make tons of typos! lol. Have a wonderful weekend as well!

  3. One of these days, you will hit it spot on and the blogger will ask "How'd you know my name?" ;)

  4. Great post! Made my day, as I'm sitting at my boring job again XDD

    Have a "greta" weekend! Lol.

  5. In that case, I'd love to be GRETA then!!! I've finally gotten back on track with blogging and hopping --- miss you Ric!

  6. Haha, to this post, but also a big LOL to your comment on my food blog. hahha.
    I let out this startlingly awkward, loud laugh when I read it! Made me glad that Aylwin wasn't home and out on a bike ride when I was reading it. haha Surely [not calling you Shirley though ;) ] I would've gotten one of these looks... O_o

    But good news, I'm able to eat pineapple artificial flavoring :) hehe. Just no fresh pineapple for me :( *boo* but I'll take what I can get :D


  7. Ha! My personal nemesis is just. I juts can't seem to get it right.

  8. Greta sounds like an awful name, like Ruth... an old aunt that plays Bingo all day... hahaha!!

  9. I so admire you to find time writing all these stuff despite of all your hectic schedule! Keep it coming. Guess, I'm a reader now, not much of a writer :c

  10. hahahahaha!!!! no worries...i am the QUEEN of comment typos. for me, it's laziness...lack of proof checking. what's your excuse?

    lol. surely i jest. ;)

    and yes you're greta.

  11. He is, thanks! Hmm...I just realized sour belts aren't exactly candy bars. Oh well, they are still greta. ;)

  12. The drive was like 20 minutes! I kept asking him where we were going & his only response was "we're going to Larkspur (the city the restaurant was in)" -___- But that didn't do any good because I still didn't have a clue, haha.
    Yea the beets were REALLY good. Just a sprinkle of sea salt in a bed of arugula ;) *yummmm* Request your beets like that when you're 90! lol

