Saturday, July 16, 2011

More Oversharing

Meibelle started a questions tag and I want to do it before I forget—I have a real problem remembering to do tags. (I'm sorry if I've missed a few.)

1. What do you order at Starbucks?
A small mocha frappe—and they tell me it’s Tall, not small.

2. What's one thing in your closet that you cannot live without?
My belts. Without them I’d get arrested on the subway.

3. What's one thing that most people probably wouldn't know about you?
I have over-shared to such an extent, at first I couldn’t think of anything. Then I realized it was right under my nose—and chin. I have a beard and moustache at the moment. The first time I grew the combo, it was to hide a baby face…then I realized I really don't like shaving. But it's time to be clean-shaven again.

4. Name one thing that you want to do before you die.
I hope to one day hold the world record for being the oldest active driver ever. Watch out America!!! And I'd like to visit Ireland and Germany, the lands of my ancestors.

5. What's one food that you cannot live without?
There are lots of foods I really like, but none that I eat everyday or would be upset if I couldn't have again. Unless strawberry shortcake counts, I would really miss that--but I don't have it very often.

6. What quote/phrase do you live your life by?
In brightest day, in darkest night, no evil shall escape my sight! LOL, no, it would be more like be forgiving, because we all make mistakes (but don’t be a sucker: once is a mistake; twice is a lesson learned; thrice...well, don't be a sucker).

7. What do you like and dislike about the Blogger community?
I like that Blogger has allowed me to meet some wonderful people I never would have otherwise. Seriously, if you are reading this, what are the odds we would have met in real life??? What do I dislike? Spammers for sure. Also, I worry when blogger friends disappear suddenly and completely without warning. But what can you do???

8. What's your number one most listened to song on iTunes?
The song with the most number of plays in my iTunes folder is "In My Life" by the Beatles, but in the past week or so "Grenade" (Mars) and "Beyond the Sea" (Darin) have gotten a fair number of plays.

9. What kind of style would you define yourself as having?
Unchanging, comfortable.

10. Favorite number?
Six (but 4, 8, and 16 come close)

11. Two hobbies:
Many have come and gone: gaming; tennis; chess; learning about cigars, about wines, about old coins; target shooting (not hunting); fishing; bowling; and avoiding golf (one round was enough). Recently, blogging and filling the role of family patriarch for my elder siblings have been my main hobbies.

12: Two pet peeves:
Rude, mean people and ignorance--I borrowed these from Meibelle, They are my top two as well. At the moment I feel like I could list 10. Fun at work has left me feeling particularly peevish.

13: Guilty pleasures:
Air conditioning and sleeping late--it's nice to enjoy both at once.

I'm going to copy Meibelle again--I tag all of you to complete the lucky 13 questions tag.


  1. I totally can't imagine you as having a beard and moustache coz your profile picture keeps coming into my mind.

  2. i also forget to do tags all the time but this one seems like a fun tag haha! oooohhh we have the same guilty pleasures hahaha! ^-^

  3. Hihihi small Mocha frapp! I geddit! :P

    Ditto on what Jo said about your beard and moustache. :P

    White Sky Project

  4. i am with you on no.7! but i'm willing to face spam everyday for you guys! ;)

    im sorry for disappearing for a bit. i've been really busy with a LOT of stuff. aside from hauling. hahaha!

  5. hi Rick! it's so nice knowing more stuff about you. you sound adorable with your favourite grenade song! coz it reminds me of my cute little cousin who sings that song hehe.

    i'll try my best to answer this tag on my blog. :)

  6. I love AC too, fans just don't do the job! and haha I never go to starbucks, a drink is like a price of a mcdonalds value meal!

  7. hate rude people! i feel like when your having a bad you should take it out on others... which is usually what always happen!

  8. Rick! By any chance did you watch the Green Hornet? I see you like to learn about cigars.. that's the first time I've seen that in a tag haha. Btw thanks for making the distinction target shooting and hunting :)

  9. Firstly I would like to thank you for all your wonderful comments. They really make my day and they help me progress and think about my current affairs. Thank you again.

    Secondly, I adore number 13, the guilty pleasures too x

  10. ohhh i dislike it when the cashier from starbucks tells me that it's "tall" not small. lol!!! like that makes everything better. but i enjoy sipping on caramel frap better than mocha :]

    and i agree with your pet peeve too... i don't like rude people grrr them! lol!

  11. awww "in my life" is a great song. love it! :)

    also love strawberry shortcake...but like you i don't have it often enough. maybe i should change that. shortcake for dinner? sounds good to me!

  12. i know what you mean about bloggers disappearing for a time... my imagination usually goes wild and i start thinking of what could possibly have happened to them! and yes, airconditioners... they're not very common in Canada but i thoroughly enjoyed having them available EVERYWHERE we went in the Philippines. BUT the downside was that it was easy to get sick b/c you'd be in super hot/humid weather one minute and then in super cold atmosphere the next!

  13. I really liked this tag, you should do more of these when they come your way.
