Monday, September 28, 2015

Pope Mania

The Pope's recent visit to the US prompted lots of discussion about him and the Church, including some odd criticisms.

People on the political right were referring to him as "that communist Pope" because of his stance on immigration and helping the less fortunate.  Pretty ridiculous criticism.  Anyone surprised that the leader of the Catholic Church believes in people helping each other has led a very sheltered life.

Of course, people from the political left had equally odd criticisms--revealing the shocking news that this supposedly progressive Pope doesn't support abortion or gay marriage.  Weird!  It's like he's a dyed-in-the-wool Catholic or something! 

Pope Francis is a good man.  Hopefully he will help people realize that you can disagree with people and still respect them (unless they behave disrespectfully). 


  1. While I haven't read in-depth about Pope Francis, I feel his stand and viewpoints are pretty progressive, especially compared to the previous Pope who was, if I recall, ridiculously conservative. From what I have heard and seen, regardless of his own personal viewpoints, he is very respectful of others and that's what I think religion and spirituality is about. =)

    1. You're right! The previous Pope wanted to weed out all but the really hardcore Catholics. At least it seemed that way. The current one is much more a man of the people....more inspirational. If he keeps on this path, I might actually return to the Church myself! :)

  2. and that's why i stopped reading the news in depth. it's just too ridiculous. people always moan. about either one thing or its opposite or both at the same time. aside from that I think organized religion is one of the worst things mankind ever came up with... no matter how many good things came from it too...

    1. Most days I think organized religion started as a form of crowd control. Or at least quickly became about that.

  3. I'm loving the pictures of the Pope and pope babies - they're the cutest and he seems to enjoy the tiny pope outfits. Don't read the comment section of news articles and you should really be fine :)

  4. I like the last line - that we can disagree but still respect one another.

    1. I was going to write back that it would make life much better, but it would probably save a lot of lives too. Respect!

  5. I'm just getting caught up on blog reading after being away for a few weeks. Your last line really struck me. I think this is probably the biggest challenge we face right now. It seems to be impossible to respectfully disagree with someone. Even if we are respectful in the manner in which we disagree, most often such offence is taken over the fact that we don't think exactly like the other person (insert political party, religion, etc.) that all conversation is shut down.

    1. You're right. Too many people feel you're either with me (100%) or you're against me (and an idiot). Scary. And childish.

  6. I have no problem with immigration as long as they follow the rules here when they move here instead of forcing their country's beliefs and religion on us. Our house, our rules.

    1. I agree. I'm happy evolving and adding variety to the cultural make-up of the country, but the fundamental principles shouldn't change. The rule of law should stand.

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