Thursday, May 7, 2015

Not so nice...

I used to do "Darkside" posts every once in a while to re-affirm that I am not a nice person. Or at least that I'm not always nice. Things have been pretty hectic lately, so I'm repeating one of those Darkside stories for fun and to show I have not abandoned my blog. Here goes...

This must have been the first rotten thing I ever did—I don’t even remember it. But my brother swears it happened.

One afternoon (before I was even old enough to attend elementary school) I climbed up on a chair in our dining room, next to the door. I was waiting for my older brother to get home from school. When I heard him coming up the back steps, I prepared myself. As he came through the door, I whacked him over the head with a small cast iron skillet. Then I dropped the skillet and ran to our mother screaming “Help! Help! He’s trying to hit me with a skillet!”

Wow! I’m glad I got THAT regret off my chest. Oh who am I kidding—he totally deserved it!!! I should have hit him twice!!! I really hope that story is true.  lol

That brother was 3 years older (and bigger) and had a terrible temper. I'm sure I was just employing a little tactical strategy to get even with him for something (if it even happened).

PS - This story highlights the importance of varying your schedule. You don't want your comings and goings to be too predictable.  You never know when a 5 year-old with a score to settle might be waiting for you!!!  :D


  1. lol - brilliant :)

    1. I'm never embarrassed when my brother tells the story. :D

  2. The lesson was and is still - don't mess with Rick :)

    1. I can't think of a single reason why anyone would ever want to--aside from just being a jerk! :)

  3. There are two reasons I think your brother made up this story. Even at 5 years old I think you were probably too nice to do such a thing. And how does a 5 year old lift a cast iron skillet up high enough to hit someone over the head? :-)

    1. Haha! Thanks Kristie, I hope you're right. He's told the story so often I can picture it in my mind...but not quite a memory.

  4. Wow, you got him at 5 years old? I couldn't imagine my son doing that. Then again, he doesn't have an older brother or a grudge ;).

    1. lol, both are great motivators. Be the hunter or be the prey! :)

  5. Hahaha... I remember this story all right though I think that if you were any 5 years old, I would have thought you quite a rascal. But then it is you and knowing the peculiarities in your family, I think your brother totally deserved it.

    I'm not sure why with such a face at Grumpy Cat, sooooooooooo many people seem to adore him. I guess I need to know their personality to like them beyond their looks. I do like the actual Grumpy Cat though. She's really cute.

    Hahaha... you needn't have that add on to clarify anything. I love it when my friends are complimented too.

  6. Haha this story made me laugh, I hope it's true! Although I can't picture you hitting anyone over the head with a skillet. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. lol! Honestly, I can't either. Maybe that's why I smile so when my brother tells the story. :)

  7. lol I think I have done something like that in the past too hahaha

    1. Sometimes we just HAVE to when people are asking for it so insistently! :)

  8. If my memory recalls correctly, I think you shared that story before? Or it's just some weird dejavu as I'm going through your blog. And don't mind me, I'm just going to be catching up on all the interesting things I've missed out on while I've been away :)

    1. You're right, it's a repeat...and one of the classics. I tell it MUCH less often than he does! :)
