Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Surprise

I'm going to skip another annual classic--the story about the first Thanksgiving dinner I ever cooked (for my future in-laws)--the message was don't stress about the food, it's the company that counts (even in Texas).  Instead, this year I'm remembering a different Thanksgiving.  A year that I was particularly thankful--I think I was 8.

My mom wasn't feeling well that November and that usually meant I would get shipped off to my grandmother's house.  And I was.  "Shipped" is just an expression--she only lived 80 yards away.  The 2 bedroom apartment behind her little grocery store was tiny, but cozy.  I didn't mind being there, but I didn't like being sent away, if that makes sense.  I wanted to be with my family for Thanksgiving.

This is where the surprise comes in.  My parents and siblings had Thanksgiving dinner with me at my grandmother's.  I know that sounds like a normal thing--but, again, grandma's apartment was tiny (teeny, tiny).  We never had family gatherings there.  Never, except for that once.

Because it was so small, the three adults ate at the kitchen table and the kids scattered in the store.  Two of my sisters sat at the counter on stools to eat their dinner.  I hopped up on the ancient Coke box (I have a picture of a similar cooler, but it won't upload).   My two brothers shared the large, flat freezer.

It was odd, but memorable.  We were all together and I was thankful for that.

What am I thankful for today?  Like every day, I am thankful for my immediate family and good friends--especially the very special people I've met through blogging.  I appreciate the chance to know you and share a small part of your lives--and the chance to way over-share about my life.  :)

Thank you! 

PS - Let the Christmas music begin!!!


  1. LOL let the Christmas music begin. Small but a cozy and memorable time - the best to have! Have a safe and great Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you, Lisa! We had a small and cozy Thanksgiving this year too. :)

      PS - I wouldn't mind 3 weeks of Christmas music--ending on the 31st.

  2. haha! I thrive to live in a tiny place so crowds won't want to meet at my place and i will have nothing I need to clean after!

    1. No sleep sofa for extra guests??? lol, I swore I would never have one of those.

  3. no, no, no, please, no christmas music yet :)

    1. Ho, ho, ho--go buy something!!!

      That seems to be the message. I'd like the Christmas music to start on the 10th and run through the 31st, but no one is listening to me. :)

  4. I hope you enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving with your family, Rick. I love this story about the Thanksgiving dinner at your grandmother's. It perfectly sums up what Thanksgiving should be. I hope you are able to avoid the worst of Black Friday today! :-)

    1. Thank you, Kristie! We had a nice time--then and this year. I limited my shopping to on-line to avoid the crowds. I will venture into the stores later, when I don't HAVE to buy anything. That way there's no stress for me and I can enjoy the atmosphere.

  5. I am thankful for you my friend and for the funny stories you tell. Bring on the December-ing!

    1. I'm thankful for you too! I'm afraid I'm out of funny stories. I'm going to have to review my really old posts for potential repeats. :)
