Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Food poisoning!

That's what happened to me.  Or I had a bad stomach bug (there is one going around DC).  It was definitely one of those two things.  It was the worst stomach "thing" I've had since the time I got sick in NYC and ended up evading security officers. 

That's a story for another day.  Today I'm just whining about having been sick.

Whatever it was, it knocked me off my feet for 3 days and I didn't feel normal for close to 2 weeks.  On the bright side, I couldn't eat much on July 4th.  That saved me a few calories.

But I really like our traditional cookout food:  grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, boneless chicken and, this year, cedar plank salmon; potato salad; cole slaw; cucumber salad; fresh tomatoes; baked beans (with lots of bacon and a little mustard). 

And brownies and strawberry cake.

Oh well, there's always next year.

Did I miss anything while I was away?  Is your summer off to a better start than mine???


  1. oh no, that sounds horrible. I'm glad you are better. summer is good. excellent even :)

    1. Thanks Petra! Summer is a good time...the living is supposed to be easy. So I'm going to do my best to enjoy the rest of it.

  2. Sorry to hear you were so sick, Rick. There's just about nothing worse than a stomach bug and/or food poisoning. I spent most of June sick with the worst cold (or maybe it was a true flu??) I have ever had, but am on the mend now. I would take that over a stomach bug any day though. I hope the rest of your summer is filled with so many good things it makes up for the rocky start.

    1. That sounds miserable. Between the two of us we may have had both forms of the flu....and both are bad. I don't think I would have wanted to trade. Happy to give mine away though (but not to you). lol I'm glad your summer improved during July. I want to try your ginger syrup recipe before summer ends.

  3. Sorry to hear that! I hope I don't catch it :P. Glad you're feeling better! There are plenty of eating-holidays to come around. Don't worry, hehe.

    1. Thank you, Lisa! You should work from home just to be safe. :)
      I knew I was fully recovered when I wanted one of those birthday cookies. Oh, a co-worker caught the bug (not from me, he works in a different building), got dehydrated, and ended up in the hospital.

  4. Boooooo! I'm glad you are feeling better but seriously, food poisoning/stomach virus are the worst! You can't even sleep it off.

    It's summer! You can have hot dogs, burgers, brownies and strawberry cake any time! =D

    1. Thank you kindly! About the food, I'll need the cooperation of the chef for some of the items. Some I can make myself and I can buy versions of the others. But to get the authentic homemade dishes, the wife has to be in the mood. :)

  5. Next year? What about next week?? Glad you've recovered

    1. I don't think the kitchen will re-open again that soon. :)
      Certain dishes that I associate with a particular day/event/celebration seem more special on that day. Good any day, but not exactly the same. Is that weird???

  6. Yikes! Glad to hear you're feeling better. Food poisoning is the WORST!

    1. But I do wish I could make myself queasy on demand to help avoid temptation at times. :)

  7. what? summer isn't over yet although it sort of feels like it around my neck of the woods. i'm digging the cooler summer temps though because i want to be outside instead of indoors in AC.

    glad you're on the mend!

    1. Thanks K! We had a "polar vortex" last week, had temps in the low 80s with no humidity. It was a nice break. We're back to summer full-force this week.

  8. I hope you've recovered well, Rick. Did the bug fly from the States to Singapore? Coz I also vomitted and been suffering from queasy stomach the past few days. Oh my... I think we both know how it feels like. I hope you are back on your positive feet soon!

    1. Thank you my friend, I hope you are better too! I'm all better, mostly. :)

  9. Aw food poisoning is the worst! I'm glad you are feeling better. I remember I got food poisoning when my friend and I visited LA. We both got it. And we both vomited for an entire night. It was gross. But it only lasted one day. Ugh, I shudder just thinking about it, haha!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. lol, yes, it is pretty gross! I'm glad it cleared up before you had to travel home. Someday I need to share the story about the time my daughter ate too much corn and red jello. :D

  10. I got really bad food poisoning when I got back from Cuba. Ironically I think I got it from the resort rather than all the other shady places I ate at. it lasted for days like yours. On the bright side, I got thin enough to fit into my old pants hahahaha

    1. ooo, I'm sorry! I didn't think to mention it, but my belt was a little looser afterwards too. :)

      The shady places sounded pretty good! One of the best places I ate at in Panama was out in the middle of nowhere and was so cheap. The locals I was working with thought I wouldn't like it, that it wouldn't be fancy enough--since I'm from the US. Who doesn't like good food???
