Monday, June 23, 2014

What about the dad??? II

Several years ago I wrote a post on the fact that my dog, Bandit, out-ranked me in the family--and got WAY more attention.  Bandit was a great dog--handsome, sweet, loyal.  A really great dog.  He passed away last fall.  After giving the kids time to grieve, we got a new puppy this spring--another Border Collie.  We named her Maggie.

She's a terror.  She's much more stubborn and challenging than Bandit was as a puppy.  And trickier.  My wife (not me) says it's because she's a female.  When we get her to stop gnawing on the furniture or rug, she'll take one of her many toys to that spot and start chewing on it instead.  Within 30 seconds the toy becomes a decoy as she starts chewing on the furniture (or rug) again.  I'm pretty sure it works for her whenever I'm not home.

Despite her issues, she has already come to out-rank me in the family.

After one of her more challenging days, I wondered if it would be ethical to give her away as a rescue dog--I'm not doing it, she's part of the family and I know she'll grow out of this phase.  It was just a (pleasant) thought.  Anyway, rescue dogs can be difficult to get.  We applied for one, but there was too much competition.  Little Maggie would be scooped up in a second.

As that thought was rolling around in my head, I thought, "I'M the one who needs to be rescued!"  That makes me a "rescue dad".  So I tweeted out what I thought was a funny ad:  "Rescue dad free to good home.  Has all his shots.  Sweet disposition, but doesn't always play well with others."

I didn't get a single taker.  Dogs have all the luck!

PS - Maggie was born on my birthday.  I'll be lucky to even get a card from now on.  :D


  1. Maybe if you sit in cardboard box on the side of the highway, someone will pick you up and take you home. Or think that your indigent. Either way, I bet you'll get fed?

    1. lol, that is a great idea! But I better make it a big box just in case I end up having to spend the night in it. :)

  2. No takers for your Rescue Dad ad, because you're already taken! As for Maggie, well, she's meant to be for your family. I mean come on - born on your bday? No better sign than that!

    1. lol, I am completely taken for eternity! But I did need a break from Maggie, or at least a little time in a different room. She can't control herself around me, which is very sweet (and annoys the kids a little--"She likes you best"). She gets over-excited and for a while that led to her scratching my shins a LOT. I had so many cuts it looked like I'd been attacked by a tiny maniac....and I was, but it was one who loves me. :)

  3. I find my girl dog much easier to train than my boy dog. Interesting....and poor you, sharing the same birthday with the dog!!! It's so sad, it's funny :).

    1. I keep telling my wife that it is the individual dog, not the gender. She doesn't agree. The birthday thing IS funny. But I'm afraid it's the start of me turning into a cartoon character. Homer Simpson shared a birthday with his dog! :D

  4. It's great that a new puppy is here to join your family. Maggie sounds like a little terror but I'm sure she would grow up to be just as obedient as Bandit and take centre stage, kicking you to play the supporting role. It will always be a double celebration every birthday with Maggie donning a party hat and her tongue and tail wagging excitedly while Rick sadly looks on. Lol... I can imagine that scene!

    1. I'll be ordering birthday cake for one when take myself out to lunch on my b-day. *sniff, sniff*


  5. I'm getting caught up on my blog reading (we have guests, and I've been away for a few days). My words of encouragement to you would be to remind you that you no longer read about this kind of puppy behaviour on my blog. Fergus moved past this rambunctious puppy stage, and Maggie will too. :-)

    1. That does give me hope. I was going to ask you about Fergus and how long he stayed in that phase. But the breeds are so different I didn't know if it would be a good comparison--plus it might be a little insulting to Fergus. :)

  6. In my family, mind you there is only 3 of us, but the dad is ranked last as well. Haha, I think it's just the way it is! If we ever got a dog, I'm sure the doggy would outrank my husband too... the poor guy. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. We pretend to complain, but secretly we're happy to have it work out that way. It helps us to feel like we're putting the family first--even if we're getting spoiled rotten by our wives and children.

      We all spoil each other. :)

  7. i don't know why they make it so difficult to get rescue dogs. I was trying to get one for the longest time. eventually i found someone online who wanted to surrender their dog so I took their dog.

    currently trying to teach my dog not to bark at night, ugggh, it's been 4 nights since i have had a consistent night sleep!!

    1. Janga is so cute! But probably not so much at 3am. I'm sure that will stop soon.

  8. I have no dog but cats, hamsters and a new one join is a monkey. We take the monkey because her mother was shoot by irresponsible people. He's cute actually but so stubborn. We hardly looking a way to train him to be 'good' monkey! haha. But really, having pets is the best. I'm sure Maggie will win your heart too. :)


  9. haha awww. dogs are like babies to me. so cute, innocent and helpless, it is hard to compete haha. but dogs can't read so don't worry i'm sure you'll still be getting the cards!

  10. lol giant water dish, yeah the stuff we spend on dogs and kids is amazing hahaha
