Sunday, March 2, 2014

Busy Sunday...and maybe Monday

Sunday was a pretty full day.  I delivered 240 ponds of salt to my F-I-L (for his well water treatment system), replaced a headlight on my wife's car, replaced a burner on our stove, did battle with the pre-snow storm crowd at the grocery store, took my wife to meet a buyer of trinkets from her eBay site, cleaned out our fridge, and made dinner.

I think we're ready for Monday.  My wife is supposed to have surgery in the morning, but the storm about to hit DC and Baltimore may change that. 

I'm hoping it just rains. **fingers crossed**


  1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you guys - please drive safe!

    1. Thanks rooth! When my wife talks with her friends about the surgery, my driving ends up being a huge part of the story. :)

  2. It sounds like the kind of weekend you wouldn't want to repeat any time soon. I hope all goes well with your wife's surgery tomorrow, and that it's nothing too serious.

    About Treasure Island - the pirate show doesn't run any more. My mom was a little disappointed by that. She remembered when they had a ship that sunk and wanted all of us to see it. As for being a family friendly city, it's hard to imagine it could ever have fit that description.

    1. Thanks Kristie, my wife is doing well today!
      Vegas tried. The city thought it could increase tourism by appealing to families, but it wasn't cost effective.

    2. I'm glad she is doing well, Rick. I hope she has a speedy recovery!

  3. Well, you've been a busy bee.
    Hope everything goes well with Mrs Ricademus' surgery and a speedy recovery o follow!

    1. I'm exhausted--and I'm not the one who had surgery! My wife is tired, but doing well today.

  4. hope everything goes well with the mrs! the weather blows here too :(

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

    1. It's still really cold today, but at least the sun is out. Everything went well yesterday. There was one complication, but it cleared up and she didn't have to spend the night in the hospital.

  5. I hope everything goes well with your wife. xo

  6. Sounds like a super busy day. I hope you wife's surgery goes well.

  7. Glad it went well (since I'm posting this late!)

    1. Thanks Lisa! Everything is going well. But yesterday she saw a stray puppy in the yard and went out to pick it up--she's not supposed to bend down. She didn't tear the incisions, but it hurt quite a bit.
