Thursday, August 8, 2013

Happy Birthday, mom!

My sister-in-law's psychic says you stop by once in a while.  I'm not sure why they're talking about us, but you know how people are...always talking about someone!  :)

A lot of things have changed since I was 25.  You've missed a lot.

Or maybe not!  I do smell cigarette smoke once in a while at home.  Perhaps the psychic is right.

I'm not going to smoke a cigarette in your honor, but maybe I'll see if the kids want to play bingo.  :)

Happy Birthday! 


  1. It must have been hard to have lost your mom when you were so young. It is about the age my husband was when his mom died. His mom smoked as well. It is one of my enduring memories of her - sitting on the couch watching TV, knitting some complicated item, a book propped up beside her, and all the while puffing away on a cigarette.

    1. I sure wasn't prepared for it. I'm sure your husband felt the same way (but then I guess we never are, no matter the circumstances or timing). It seems that we have lots of time (for things like getting recipes!), but each life follows its own script. She had a lot of fun her last ten years or so and I'm happy for that. The last thing she did was play bingo with her friends on a Friday night. That was a favorite pastime.

  2. Happy birthday to your mom as well and I hope you're celebrating with some bingo!

    1. B-6...Bingo!!!! :) Thanks Rooth! I was so wrapped up in work I almost forgot. Someone needed me to sign something late in the day and when I dated it, it hit me it was a special day.

  3. Happy Birthday to your mom, Rick.
    PS. People always talk ... even inside elevators, wash rooms, etc. Haha. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks Russ! I wonder if the psychic can tell me what the living are saying about me. lol Have a great weekend!

  4. do you really smell smoke in your house once in a while? that's freaky (and awesome if it's your mom!). happy birthday to your moms!

    Vodka and Soda

    1. I really do! I'd describe it as a stale cigarette smoke smell, which kind of makes sense. My mom was convinced her MIL haunted the house I grew up in...and I'm pretty sure I saw her when I was very young. I guess it's a family tradition. :)

      Thanks Kathy!

  5. Do you talk to your mom in the empty house when you smell cigarette smoke? Is it the current house you and your wife and kids are living in? How do you feel whenever you smell the smoke? Scared? Happy? Comforted?

    1. No conversations, but I acknowledge her. It didn't happen where we were living when she passed away, but started happening in our current house not long after we moved. I guess she wanted to see the new house. :)

      I have had startling/scary encounters, but not with my mom. I don't like the smell, but it is a comfortable thing. There's a bittersweet aspect to it. It's nice to think she's around, but it's a reminder that she passed away way too young.

  6. awww love the dedication! sometimes I think I hear turbo thumping downstairs eventhough he is gone. so yaa I know what you're talking about :)

    1. :) Those we love are never really gone! My wife says she's going to hang around to make sure I don't date after she's gone. lol!

  7. Happy birthday to her. Eerie about the cigarette smoke

    1. Thanks Lisa! I've had a few experiences that are hard to explain. The rational part of me doesn't believe, but another part of me does.
