Friday, January 18, 2013

"Zany to the Max"

"We're Animani, totally insaney..."  Do any of you remember Animaniacs???

Our dog, Bandit, reminds me of that show almost every day.  He uses a mini-howl to get my attention when he decides I should see the toy at my feet (and throw it for him).  The mini-howl has the same inflection as "Hellooo nurse!"  Sort of a "ha-ruuuu-ru".  If you've seen Animaniacs, you can probably imagine what he sounds like.  I don't know if it's a Border Collie thing or not. Maybe he watched Animaniac re-runs as a puppy and thinks he's one of them (he is the right colors).   :)

That got me thinking about other old (but not really old) cartoons:  The Tick; Doctor Katz; Invader Zim; Daria (not that I watched it :); Pinky and the Brain (Brain did a great Orson Welles impression); Space Ghost Coast to Coast.  Any of them sound familiar???  They're not classics like Bugs Bunny, but they were funny.   

Watching cartoons is normal, right?  It's not weird that I'm pleased when my daughter decides to watch Phineas and Ferb (right????). 

Have a great weekend--it's Inaugural Weekend in the US.  Our President is actually being sworn in on Sunday (January 20th, as required by our Constitution), but the big, public event is on Monday.

PS - The Tick was crime fighting superhero.  One of the other characters on the show was named  Die Fledermaus (a spoof of Batman).   One of my favorite lines from the show was by the city's mayor "Whenever I turn on the Die Fledermaus signal, he disconnects his telephone and leaves town for a few days."  He was a cowardly crime fighter (who liked to read fashion magazines).


  1. My father hated it when I watched TV. He preferred me playing outdoors, which lead to me getting a fever and then having to lay in bed to recuperate for a week. And repeat LOL

    1. Oh no! Was it allergies making you sick? I spent a LOT of time outdoors, working and playing....and I had a LOT of respiratory infections. But I still had a rough and tumble childhood. :)

  2. "Watching cartoons is normal, right?" » Definitely! But I'm way past that phase of my life. I outgrew it. Yours is a different case though, it's father-daughter bonding so keep it up.

    1. Lot's of cartoons have lines in them that the kids don't get, but that are funny to adults. It's an old tradition. I guess the writers don't want parents getting bored...and some cartoons are actually targeted to adults. Futurama is funny and I'd watch it even if I was the only one home. :)

  3. Did you change your name in Twitter?

  4. The Vampire Dog Foto!!! His eyes really do glow :)

    Hahaha, I had to laugh at "Die Fledermaus" ("The bat") glad to see some random German in one of your posts!

    Have a great weekend, I have to work, though.

    1. haha, he's very cute!
      Instead of being grey and blue like Batman, the "de flator mouse" was beige and brown (and only in it to impress girls).

      Hope you get a break soon.

  5. I sure do remember Daria on MTV along with Beavis and Butthead during that era. My brother loved watching pinky and the brain. But my favorite cartoons were Smurfs, Garfield and Friends, and Alvin and the Chipmunks.

    1. I loved the episode that had Daria and her family out in the woods.

      Where did Baby Smurf come from???

  6. I am not a big cartoon person, but my brothers were so I watched anyway. I will date myself when I mention this, but one of the few cartoons I did like was The Jetsons. It is weird to be living in a time when some of the "futuristic" things such as phones where you could see the person when talking to them have become reality.

    1. I don't know how George got through those grueling two hour work days. Two hours of button pushing. I would really like to have a Rosie. :)

  7. "Pinky and the Brain, Pinky and the Brain... one is a genius, the other's insane!" gah, loved it!

    1. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
      "I think so, Brain. But where will we find a pink tutu in your size at this time of night??? *narff*"


  8. Of course I know Animaniacs I love to sing to parts of the song (those parts I remember).

    It's time for An-i-man-i-acs
    And we're zany to the max
    So just sit back and relax
    You'll laugh till you collapse
    We're An-i-man-i-acs

    Ok I got that from Google. I do not know the rest. The only one I know after googling is Space Ghost Coast to Coast.

    The cartoons I grew up with are the various Disney Spin offs like Duck Tales, Dark Wing Duck, Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers or non Disney ones like Gummi Bears, Teddy Ruxpin, Captain Planet, the various super heroes cartoons and WB ones.

    1. Disney cartoons are always good. The Space Ghost show is where learned that if anyone ever says:

      "Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!"

      the response is:

      "I don't like you now!"

      I LOVE that line. :)

    2. OMG! That is a super hilarious shoot back! I'm so gonna learn that.

      I have not experienced being fully unconscious so I do not know how it feels like when passing out. I do experience subconscious fainting before such that I’m still aware of what’s going on, just unable to react well and I think that night was one of those experiences.
      Thank you, Rick. Ooooh… That’s so sad. I would so love to meet up with you and your family should we ever meet. I guess your wife is sort of reserved and I would respect that.

  9. I used to watch only cartoons. Nowadays I still love watching the Pixar movies, I've seen almost every one. They just make me happy! The ones I used to watch were.. of course Animaniacs, Tiny Toons, DuckTales, Rescue Rangers, TaleSpin... I could go on! OH and the Smurfs, who could forget the Smurfs! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Cartoons are fun and Pixar films are great--the only one I've skipped is Cars2. The Smurfs were huge...and I should have mentioned Tiny Toons and Ducktales, they were never missed.

  10. Oh Bandit looks like such a handsome gentleman. My sister and I used to watch all kinds of cartoons on Saturday mornings - it was the one time we'd sit in front of the tv during the week. It's sad to think that we spend most of our time plopped in front of that darn thing now

    1. Bandit is usually well behaved, unless there's a baby or a mail carrier in the vicinity.

      Thank goodness for multi-tasking.

  11. It's okay to be pleased when your daughter watches Phineas and Herb! And I remember all the cartoons you mentioned, they were awesome! =)
    Animaniacs in on my Top 5 Cartoons Ever, so I can totally hear the sound Bandit makes! He's adorable - but not more important than the father! =P

    1. Who...wha...I...I...I'm hallucinating. I know it's a hallucination because that's the only time I out-rank Bandit.

  12. I still watch cartoons, and ya today's cartoons are different than ones we grew up with ie bugs bunny, I think they're more family oriented like Sponge Bob where even adults can enjoy them

    1. Bob's Burger's is pretty funny....and Futurama. I haven't seen Sponge Bob.

  13. Omg this post has me so nostalgic!! The Tick was definitely an under-appreciated cartoon. It was hilarious.

    1. "Spoon!" I liked the midnight bomber what bombs at midnight. :)

  14. LOL on this Tick character! I loved Animaniacs! Don't know those other ones though.

    1. It was a fun coincidence that Kathy and I both posted about cartoons. I don't know what to say about Animaniacs. It was such a funny show. The Slappy Squirrel segments were my wife's favorites.
