Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Opinions vs Facts

To you, Rocky Road may be the best ice cream flavor on Earth.  Vanilla out-sells every other flavor.  But on the question of which one is “the best”, Rocky Road can be your #1.  That’s your opinion. 

Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius).  That’s a fact.  If for some reason you think water boils at 90 degrees Anything, that’s not an opinion.  That’s a lack of knowledge. 

We’re allowed to express our opinions (whether they're informed or uninformed).  You can say Rocky Road is the best.  You can't (correctly) say it’s the best selling.  That would be an error (or a lie).

Even in the days of the interweb, it can be difficult to know the “truth” about some things because there are so many opinions (and lies) masquerading as facts.  It’s really important to know the difference.  But it’s not always easy.  We don’t know what we don’t know.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion.  But "opinions" that are in conflict with facts are not valid.  In fact, they can be dangerous.  Based on information received from a doctor (a crazy-#%$ doctor), a US Congressman stated that in cases of "legitimate rape" a woman won't get pregnant because the female body "has a way of shutting things down" down there. 

The nutcase thought he was stating a fact!!! 

That's an extreme and inexcusable example, but it shows what can happen if we keep our world small and only listen to people we like or people in our own communities (churches, whatever) and don't question what we hear.  Keep an open mind and fact-check when possible.

Just because you hear it often, doesn't make it true.
Just because other people believe it, doesn't make it true.
Just because supporting statistics are quoted, doesn't make it true. *

So what can you believe?  Well, you can always believe me.  :)

Do your best to not become a nutcase.  Good luck to us all.

* "There are 3 types of liars:  liars, damn liars and statisticians."


  1. This is a great post, Rick. Gonna share it with my friends :)

  2. Good, clear post! But are you saying that my amazing female body CAN'T shut things down when I want it to?? That's just crazy talk. :P

    1. I wouldn't bet against you being able to do anything (except maybe that). :)

  3. I totally agree with you. So many things get repeated incorrectly and when I heard that congressman's comment I was really disgusted.

    1. It was embarrassing for our country--and gave me another reason to be glad I'm not from Missouri. Although to be fair, politicians from every state say dumb things on a regular basis.

  4. when i read this, i immediately thought of the dialoge between jim and dwight from the show The Office:

    Jim: Question. What kind of bear is best?
    Dwight: That's a ridiculous question.
    Jim: False. Black bear.
    Dwight: That's debatable. There are basically two schools of thought--
    Jim: Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
    Dwight: Bears do not... What is going on?! What are you doing?!

    1. Haha, I remember that exchange! Those two have had some really great moments.

  5. I think with the congress issue is also rape is a very touchy subject, and the fact that he doesn't have a vagina and never been raped and talking like he knows about both doesn't matter if it's an opinion or fact he is a douchebag.

    as for female body can't shut down when I want it to... sigh I wish it was that easy, then I would be an asexual for life hahahaha. no wonder I intimidate guys :P

    1. I agree (about the douchebag part). As for the intimidation part, faint heart...etc, etc. :)

  6. Well said! I find this so frustrating, especially in the area of science. Or should I say pseudo science. I know so many people who believe stuff they read on official looking sites (think vaccines, cancer "treatments," etc.) that are in reality filled with misleading and often dangerously wrong information.

    1. The pages set up to take advantage of desperate people are the worst!

  7. So, what your saying is.. when I tell my husband that I am a fantastic singer and he (reluctantly) agrees, that's not a fact!? WHAT!

    I'm with you on fact vs opinion. It really bugs me when people try to pass their opinion off as truth. The sad thing is, they really believe that to be true. Hopefully we can all learn to be open-minded. :)

    xo, Yi-chia

    1. Without having heard you sing (future post idea???), I have to assume your hubby would never fib to you. :)

  8. Enjoyed your post, Rick. Made me laugh, think and cringe (in response to Congressman Todd Akin's comments on a "legitimate rape").
    You raise an important point on thinking critically and simply questioning the origin of a supposed fact. I shudder to recall being in a newsroom meeting, and a young colleague quoted Wikipedia as a source - and their only source.

    1. It's very frustrating (and scary) when the uninformed not only refuse to listen, but actively push their "opinion".

      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. I really like this post - it reminds me of one that Iris did recently here:

    1. It's a pet peeve of mine (and a secret fear that I may be one of the worst offenders and not know it). I don't know Iris, but I'll check out the link.

  10. Ric, you took the words right out of my mouth!

  11. That idea that women's body can reject pregnancy after a rape is absolutely ridiculous, especially from a man. No offense. I thought the 3rd type of liar is the politician, not statistician.

  12. That remark was embarrassing to me as a citizen (can't believe he was a US congressman!), as a man, and just as a human. I'm afraid that any ridiculous thing I could possibly think up would pale in comparison to the crazy things some people actually believe. It's scary.

    Politician is the more popular 3rd type. My college Statistics professor told us it should be "statisticians" because they can twist numbers to support whatever point they want to make. 63% of all accountants agree. :)
