Thursday, October 11, 2012


...and you are lost!!!"

I'm not sure my father or grandfather said those exact words to me.  But it was the gist of several comments from them.  I remember my grandfather telling me to remain calm around bees.  My dad, well, he shared advice on staying calm quite often.  The underlying theme was that you need to keep calm so you can deal with the situation--by yourself, without needing help from others.  The under, underlying theme was it's a man's responsibility to keep his head in any situation (while the girls and girly men panic).  My dad was just a bit old-fashioned and very German.  :P

Sexism aside, his advice about not panicking was actually helpful.  Starting when I was very young.  For example:

In the 3rd grade a class field trip fell through at the last minute.  Since we already had the bus, the teacher decided to take us to a park to play and have a picnic.  The specific park she chose had a very cool replica of an airplane.  You could sit in the open-air cockpit and pretend to fly or you could crawl through tubes in the wings.  I took  a turn in the pilot's seat and then wiggled through the right wing.  I decided to try the left wing.  I made it halfway through the tube, then got STUCK.

I was stuck in a tiny, freaking, metal tube!!!

I felt a brief surge of panic.  It lasted about as long as a gasp.  Then I could hear my dad's voice, telling me I had to figure out what to do.  I crossed my arms in front of me (to make my shoulders narrower) and used the tips of my sneakers to push forward and out of the tube.  Freedom felt very, very nice!  If I'd panicked, who knows what sort of emotional damage might have occurred before I was rescued (he wrote while twitching, shuddering, and twitching again).   :P

When you need help, remember no one is closer than you.  Help yourself when you can.  (I think I made that up--please don't tell me if you've heard it before)  Unlike my dad, I know we can't always control our reactions.  But if you can avoid panicking, it will only help you. 

PS - I wish my S-I-L (who called me screaming hysterically, as if she was driving off a cliff) could have taken a breath and remembered it was possible to turn around at the next highway exit when she realized she had missed her turn.  She had been driving for 20 years at the time. Instead she scared years off my life over nothing.  Nothing!!!

Ooops. I forgot.  She's a girl, it's okay for her to panic (according to my dad).  LOL!!!


  1. A friend used to always say "PANIC PROPERLY!!!"
    It never failed to make me laugh haha!

    1. Haha, that's a great way to help someone not panic, by making them smile or laugh.

  2. I love panic properly! That's hilarious. I tend to panic briefly and then cry and then act calmly. Maybe that's because I'm a girl :)

    1. lol, thankfully I didn't learn everything my dad tried to pass on.

  3. I agree with your dad. You are the closest to the situation so all ou can do is remain calm. Usually a cold sweat comes over my body, but I don't get worked up.....

    1. You have great control. My dad preached remaining calm, but I came up with the part about no one being closer than ourselves when we need help. :)

  4. OMG, I wouldn't want to be stuck like that! I'm a pretty calm person, and my version of panicking is more of the 'close my eyes, exclaim a single profanity and sigh about my life' variety; but sometimes I fake-panic around my male friends to see how they react. Is that bad? :P

    1. Bad? It's hysterical! You should post about it.

  5. You need to get a t-shirt with "Keep Calm and Carry On" printed across the front. I think your dad borrowed his idea from the British. :-)

    If it had been me in that airplane wing the story would have been quite different. I have claustrophobia, so would have skipped self-help and gone directly to panic mode! Actually, come to think about it, I wouldn't have gone in the wing in the first place.

    1. I bought that shirt for my brother, the one with the bad temper. I always associated that saying with temper, rather than panic--perhaps because of him.

      Not going in would have been a smart thing. I discovered recently I can raise my heart rate by thinking back to that day and remembering that moment. I also recently decided that was a bad idea. :)

  6. You and your dad are so right. I just read a book called Deep Survival which goes into what makes a survivor and that's one of the characteristics. Good for you!

    1. Shucks! Why is it that whenever I have an original thought, it turns out someone else already had it originally??? lol

  7. You are pretty quick-witted and analytical on top of staying calm. I won't panic if I were stuck in the metal tube but it would be for quite some time coz I would be staying so calm and not trying my best to free myself.

    I was so calm when I was in school doing Home Economics lesson. It was cooking lesson. I scalded my left hand badly when the boiling creamed soup from the saucepan splashed onto it. There was a burning pain but I cleaned the thick soup off and continued my tasks. Only after a while did I soak my hand under running water and then finished my dishes. During debrief, I felt intense pain on my hand. To my horror, the skin looks reddish pink and cooked! To which, I calmly sat myself beside the sink and let the running water cool my hand.

    Too cool... and now a faint scar could be seen.

    1. Wow! I have a decent tolerance for pain (I think), but I couldn't stay calm through that. Hey, you reminded me of a story! Thank you. :)

      As for scars, they can be cool too.

  8. This is good advice! We all freak out over little things that just aren't worth freaking out about, if we just took a moment to think about it. I should probably try to remind myself not to be so "girly" haha

    1. My problem was getting mad at dumb little things. Who cares if there are bits of food left in the kitchen sink night after night after night? Right? Or if trash is on the floor because people don't care the trash can is full and keep throwing stuff at it anyway. Right? Grrr...oh wait, I'm not going to get worked up over such small things. :)

  9. Gosh! Good thing that didn't happen to me because I'm sure I will overreact because I always overreact! Haha! Girly, indeed! Imagine if you panicked kept pushing and wiggling.. your body becomes sore making it harder for you to escape because some swollen parts get stuck more??? Haha! My gosh. Good thing you're not girly at all! :)

    1. Honestly, I've always been glad I'm not girly. But I'm generally glad that girls are.

      Vive la différence! :)
