Sunday, August 5, 2012


We had a jar of bread and butter pickles in our refrigerator.  One evening last week I ate the last one in the jar, rinsed it out, and set it aside to go into our recycling bin.

Tonight I drank ice water out of a glass that has, "Best if used by Dec 2012" written on the side!?!

My wife likes drinking out of Mason jars.  It reminds her of childhood visits to family in the VA/TN mountains.

But pickle jars???

Oh well, I'm pretty sure my parent's juice glasses were cream cheese spread jars or jelly jars or something like that. It's a normal thing to do, right???


  1. I hope it no longer smelled like pickles! :) I love mason jars!!! They just look extra crafty and vintage-y! :D Kudos for the wifey for upcycling. Don't complain rick! :p And oh, happy anniversary to Ricademus! :)

    1. Thanks Roma! The date etched onto the glass made my eyes go cross-eyed while I was drinking the water. =)

  2. I know a cafe here in Düsseldorf which sells their drinks in marmelade jars, which I think is a nice idea! :) They look quite pretty :)

  3. Absolutely, I save my mason jars as well, although I don't drink out of them. But hey, that's the perfect definition of recycling

    1. Some restaurants in our area serve drinks in mason-style glasses with handles, so I guess a pickle jar isn't crazy. I just wish the use by date wasn't etched right on the glass--it will be strange using the jar after the expiration date. :)

  4. It's perfectly normal! The jug I brew my sun tea in is a recycled glass milk bottle (and yes, you can actually still buy milk in glass bottles!).

    1. That's pretty neat, I like the idea of milk in bottles.

      But tv had me thinking Canadians buy milk in bags???

  5. I find that weird! Some cafes serve drinks out of little vases and jam jars but I suspect those were bought entirely for that purpose and weren't flower/marmalade/mayonnaise holders in their past lives!

    1. Don't ask what we do with empty egg crates. lol, just kidding.

  6. There was a bar on this island called Boracay that used to serve a blue cocktail in jam jars. And there's a restaurant here that serves red velvet cake in mason jars.:)

    1. I've seen a few posts on Boracay, I would love to visit and try that cocktail.

  7. I drink out of bowls sometimes hehehe

  8. Guess you guys never have to worry about buying cups! ;) I actually like the idea of drinking out of Mason jars.

    1. We'll be able to open our own Crackerbarrel restaurant. =)

  9. My parents are reluctant to throw out 'nice' containers as well. It definitely is nice to reuse, I don't really eat pickles so I don't keep containers... :)

    1. I don't eat pickles very often, but get a taste for them once in a while. My dad saved everything. Maybe you should do your parents a favor and start sneaking stuff out of their cabinets (before they don't have room for things they actually need).

  10. Haha why not? Just take the sticker off - it kinda tarnishes the vintage vibe :p

    My family always reused every container we came across, even takeout ones lol

    1. The sticker is gone, the date is etched right on the glass. Hopefully it will wear off soon.

      Takeout containers? That's great! =)

  11. hmm. I got eggs at home that expired a week ago, but... they're still good... no? I mean, they're eggs in a shell and all...

    1. Serve them to people you don't want visiting you again. =)

  12. O_O my grandpa NEVER EVER throws pretty jars! EVER! wait scratch that, even if it's ugly, he still keeps it. "you never know when you're going to need it" he says. lol! oh and did i mention he keeps those i can't believe it's not butter buckets? I'm not kidding! sooooo upcycling??? haha!

    1. Hey, what a great idea! Those little tubs can be used to store all sorts of things. =)

  13. I made a piggy bank out of a big pickle jar. Then my money had a rather strong odor...

  14. One of my favorite (and most used) cups is an old mini mayonnaise jar.
