Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Slip of the Tongue

Have you ever said something that made some else cry? Something that you didn't mean? Something that just popped out and you don't know WHY you said it? That never happens to me. Good or bad, I only say (and write) things I mean. Except once. In my defense, I didn't even hear myself say it.

You've heard of work spouses? I had one once--that break-up was terrible. But this isn't about him {jk, it was a she ;P }. This is about my work mother...or maybe my work grandmother. She was much older and sort of adopted me in the office. She used to feed me, nag me to wear my gloves, motherly sorts of things. We had lunch together a few times a month. I liked her, we were friends at work.

Anyway, one Saturday I found myself in the office. If I'd stopped to think about it, I would have realized I hadn't had a day off in 5 weeks. I was tired, but focused. When the phone rang I became unfocused. As the person on the other end started to speak, I started nodding off. I was startled awake by the sound of a sniffle and crying. Next thing I knew I heard my "work mother" saying, "I love you too" followed by more crying. My brain was shouting "no, no no!" I wanted to explain I'd nodded off and didn't mean whatever it was I'd said. But I had to keep my mouth shut. She was so happy about it (not sure why), I couldn't take that away from her. I really dislike miscommunications, but I had to let that one go.

I'm almost positive that's the only time I've ever said anything that made someone cry happy tears. Maybe I should talk in my sleep more often. =)

PS - She called the office that day to see if I was working, so she could nag me to go home.
PSS - Her favorite joke was Engrish: What's the perfect name for a European woman with one leg shorter than the other? Eileen. What's the perfect name for an Asian woman with one leg shorter than the other? Irene.


  1. Ahahaha! At least you didn't mumble anything incriminating in your sleep? LOL! Hey, you probably made her day. :)

  2. you said those three words to her?? XD Are you two still in touch?

  3. Good point about the eyes. And I couldn't help but giggle about the rolling pin. *^_^*

  4. Too funny! Did she treat you any differently after your "revelation?"

  5. HAHAHA! OMG... You made the right call by not telling her the truth! There was once I was emailing one of my former students and ended the email with a "Loye you." THANK GOODNESS I noticed my faux pas before hitting Send!

  6. LOL I love the jokes! But that was quite a sad story...I wouldn't know what to do nor say afterwards. But I've done this numerous times. Sometimes it also really depends on the person's point of view on things and how serious they take things into consideration.

    <33 Rena

  7. HAHA! Eileen and Irene from your Engrish speaking work mom? Awesome! I am glad you have a good relationship with this lady, she sounds nice!

  8. This is so awesome. And hilarious!

  9. You are such a good person Rick, even when you don't intend to!! ;) I'm sure she was very happy that day!

    And I'm sometimes slow in getting jokes, it took like one minute unitl I got this one, lol!

    Have a nice weekend!! :)

  10. RICK!!!!! OMG How I've missed your blog and you! lol was that wrong to say? Anyway, I'm finally back and back to reading and writing and boy has it been a very long couple of months. I do find myself saying some things to people because I haven't thought about it much until I walk away, lol. It's something I'm learning to change because that seems to get me into trouble, haha.

    Being in a new work environment I'm trying to learn how people are with each other and establish relationships with other people. I have a good friend that I work with and a lot of people think were dating because I have lunch with him everyday. I guess I also don't want to mislead people just cause I've known him for so long.

  11. What's up w/ straight guys and their dislike of "It's A Small World"?? It's such a FINE song. LOL! XD

  12. hahaha..oh my...the slip of tongue happens to me a lot..
    tsk tsk..i should be more careful..

  13. lol I sometimes say borderline offensive things at the spur of the moment and then go uhhh yaaaa... nevermind
