Thursday, January 26, 2012

Starving Monkey

I'm in the doghouse. Last night I decided to have a graham cracker. When I grabbed the box from the cabinet, I noticed a familiar problem. The top flaps were both ripped nearly off and the wrapper inside was ripped open all the way down. In my house, that happens to almost every box or bag that contains food. Cereal, cheese, crackers, chips (including chocolate), whatever, you name it.

Upon seeing the condition of the packaging, I mentioned to my wife (as I laughed) that she and the kids open food packages like they're starving monkeys and I would be happy to help by opening things for them. She laughed, but then realized I included her (and was offended).

The left side of my brain is telling me to make this a running joke with her and the right side is telling me to never mention it again. Left or right, which way to go??? =)

PS - To be fair, they shred the packaging of non-food items as well. It's as if everything is a Christmas package and they can't wait to rip it open.


  1. Well you know your wife best so choose wisely. :P

    (I do but not often...hehe. Blackjack is more my game. That winning ticket is his but I have the prettier hands so I'm the one holding it. ;)

  2. Hmmm I don't think starving monkey is offensive! You are hungry you r hungry so open it up and eat it :)

  3. LOL, omg Rick, this was hilarious!!
    I'm sure it wouldn't have been if I was your wife or one of your kids, but reading this made me totally laugh.
    At first when I read the title of this post and the first sentence "I'm in the doghouse," I thought to myself that your wife couldn't have been a starving monkey.. So I began thinking that maybe YOU were the starving monkey and was so hungry you went crazy on her or something (an issue I have when I'm hungry, is I go into Hulk mode) lol

    And maybe this post was funnier because I'm a little bit OCD about opening up my stuff. I die inside (maybe I'm a little over dramatic) when I rip the little tab that is supposed to be used to hold the flaps together. Or if I open a bag of chips/cereal and the bag rips down the middle instead of opening up perfectly. Because it really bugs me when I can't reclose something properly or am not able to use a chip clip because I've ripped the bag too much, so what I end up doing in that case is transfer the contents into a freezer size ziploc bag. hahah


  4. I suspect you already know the answer to this one Rick! :-)

    We don't have starving monkeys in our house. Instead we have blind monkeys - the ones who can't seem to see that the box is empty and take it to recycling.

  5. LOL this is funny. I have the same problem, except I happen to be one of the monkeys, lol. Instead of opening the package with scissors I tend to just rip it, lol. I guess it's a lot easier, haha

  6. Your wife loves a joke... right?? :P

  7. Ahhh, no! You must always open food packages like that carefully, or else the contents go stale and end up tasting like cardboard. :P

  8. hehhhe... go for the joke... she's already used to you I'm sure;)
