Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Blog Love (Songs)

I recently discovered a few songs about blogging. As a thank you to the wonderful people I’ve met through my blog, I’d like a share a few of them today.

Most of them are rewrites of existing songs, motivated by the hope of cashing in on the phenomenon. And some are a little whiny—like the one from the Backstreet Boys, “As Long As you Comment”. We all enjoy getting comments, but I’d be too embarrassed to ASK for them. You have to have a little blog pride. I’m sure you know this one, so I’ll only share a few lines:

I don't care who you are,
Where you're from,
What you did,
As long as you comment.

See what I mean? It sounds a little needy. You may have missed the blog song from Barry White, who jumped on the band wagon just before he passed away in 2003. Here are the lyrics from, “Can’t Get Enough of Your Blog, Yeah.”

I've heard people say that
Too much of anything is not good for you, bloggers.
But I don't know about that.
As many times as we've posted,
And we've read posts and shared posts.
It doesn't seem to me like it's enough.
It's not enough, bloggers. It's just not enough.

etc., etc., etc. (edited--it was too long)

Rest in peace Mr. White and thank you for expressing what so many of us feel about blogging.

Ahahahaha! Okay, so there are no such songs. But the blogging community IS pretty great.

Welcome to 2012! I’m not sure what to expect this year. One Pisces horoscope said, “No longer can you deny how truly empathic and sensitive you are.” And another read, “Control your temper since it is the only thing which can cause you trouble.” I’m not thrilled about either. We’ll see what happens. =)


  1. Hi Rick! I hope you had a fantastic New Year's celebration! I do hope that you and your family will continue to have a wonderful year filled with blessings and great memories!

  2. LOL thanks for the comment. Sadly, you cannot see my eye twitching in the photos. I've been lacking internet for a while now too so even though I'm sick there's no net to kill the boredom.

    <33 Rena

  3. Hi Ric! Happy New Year. This is pretty awesome, a blog song..haha! I was more of a 98 degrees fan from that era!

  4. Happy New Year Rick! I think you would do better if you stick to fortune cookies and abandon the horoscopes. :-)

  5. Lol I laughed.
    The asking for comment lyrics reminded me of when that one girl (forgot her name) asked you to follow her because she followed you, but never really did.

    Happy New Year Rick! :D

    & RYC:
    You are just TOO sweet. Your wife must be one lucky lady :) Your compliments are just endless. Thanks<3


  6. Hmm interesting forecast, sounds like you need a 3rd opinion lol. Perhaps consult a Chinese horoscope for good measure?

  7. I had to laugh so much about the Backstreet Boys song! I basically grew up with the BSB in the 90's where every girl in my class was a Nick Carter Fan, and I was like I don'like any of them, just like their music, lol.

    Hope your 2012 will become a lovely year for you and your family! And you should go to a vietnamese fortune teller, my mum says he never misses in what he says, lol!!

  8. LOL you're so funny :D

    I hope 2012 will be a grrrreat year for you, Rick! :)

  9. LOL, asking for comments is kinda really lame. Oh I forgot we shared the same horoscope, teehee. We WILL see what happens! Happy 2012, Rick!

  10. you were a poor version of chuck bass!? i want to hear!

  11. Haha! BSB! It does sound a little needy. LOL.

    I find horoscopes funny in general. :P

  12. Oh man those BSB lyrics are better than the original! ;P Here's to a great 2012!!

  13. LOL, well i hate the ones that say follow me and I'll follow you... if you like someone you will follow them anyways... I follow people that don't follow me back and thats okay with me. and if someone follows me i will follow them anyways... okay end rant! I love backstreet boys, and I think that i'm going to keep the pigs wrapped and use them as paper weight, they're too cute to eat! thanks SO much for sending me them they are just adorable!!!

  14. 731 pairs?! *jaw drops*

    Thanks for sharing :)

  15. LOL the blog songs were hilarious :D ..and yes, definitely needy! lol.

  16. I haaaaate the "follow me and I'll follow you back" commenters. Don't they know that is not how you get followers?? It's about quality, people.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  17. way too funny!

    Hope you had a great New Year!
