Sunday, December 4, 2011

Awkward Moment

For my current boss, not me. She looked embarrassed.

I've mentioned often that I've been working like a dog for months now (even more so than usual). My organization needed me and I stepped up. It's what I do. Being responsible is an old habit. I do it for me, but it usually leads to good things. This time it will not. I'm acting in place of my old boss who resigned in September (so I'm reporting to her boss now). The plan was to make the "acting" permanent. I received a temporary promotion and the official recruitment was going to be a formality. Our HR department confirmed I qualified for the job and my name was on the list of candiates to be considered. Then it all fell apart.

The Smithsonian has multiple sources of funding. Until recently I was paid from private funds. I changed jobs in May (a promotion) and became a "federal" employee (paid from from US government funds). It turns out that since I have not been in my current job for one year, I cannot be promoted again (even though I qualify for the job). If I had stayed a private employee, there would have been no problem. But once you become a fed, the rules are different. Our HR department screwed up--I'm not even eligible for the temporary promotion. So that was cancelled (I'm still doing the work). There's also an issue with "veteran's preference", but that's too complicated to get into.

Anyway, management could wait until May and promote me into the position then. But they've decided it would make them look bad. The awkward part?

As the acting head of our finance department, I attend a teleconference with our people in Panama every other Friday at 2:00pm. My boss thought she was going to use the room at 2:30, but of course I had it booked. She looked at me through the glass wall, wanting to ask me to move the meeting. She couldn't bring herself to do it.

Why did she need the room? To interview a candidate for "my job"--but I was in her way. LOL! The universe DOES have a sense of humor.


  1. woof woof. (I thought I read the word 'dog' somewhere).... (fine fine, I shouldn't have speed read)

    *re-reading it again at the pace of a six year old.




    what? it's christmas already??

    =p nada sense?? ahhahaha.

    whatev. =p i hope that cheered you up!

    why do I have a feeling that all HR screws up big time. our HR is doing the same thing!!!! trying to complicate things...

  2. Oh no Ric...I am so sorry to hear that your promotion is being denied. I had no idea that there were so many restrictions in government, it seems like if an individual is qualified for the job, they should be able to get it. Well...after all of this maybe it's time to look outside?

  3. Stand your ground and make it as awkward as possible, Rick!!!

  4. Oh, man!!! Awkwarrrrd!! :P

    Ugh, technicalities. Sucks sometimes. Hang in there!

  5. I am so sorry to hear you are being cheated out of what should have been yours. Institutional righteousness wins out over common sense and you end up being the loser.

  6. i am sorry for what happened rick. :(

    it's good that you can still find humour in your situation haha! :D that's the spirit!

  7. Hang in there on the job situation, and I hate people who talk and do little in terms of action! I can't believe my tax dollars support such silly rules...well yes I can believe it but still...this is insane!

  8. omg that's awful, I hope it will work out soon, there are so many unreasonable regulations esp when you work for the government... but private sector isn't so hot right now either, im sure our company is going to have another round of lay offs next spring :S

  9. that's just horrible. it must be frustrating to know that the company has made mistakes. i hope that everything works out the way that it should. seriously hope things go well.

  10. So.. they're hiring someone in place of you.. as in they plan to fire you??? I think I'm confused. Sorry to hear about the no promo part. Dang.

  11. Damn that sucks! It's pretty amazing how you seem to be taking this with a sense of humour. I would've made sure my meeting in that room ran overtime haha Don't worry, karma will work itself out eventually :)

  12. people really have a way of complicating really what matters most is qualifiction :)

  13. It does indeed. Sorry to hear about what happened. The universe works in interesting ways. I have no doubt you'll regardless be rewarded in one form or another. :)
